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Aral Sea

November 2018

  • The upside
    The new green superpower? Oil giant Kazakhstan tries to wean itself off the black stuff – video

    Kazakhstan is rich with oil, gas and coal but Nursultan Nazarbayev, its president for life, has committed the country to a dramatic shift from fossil fuels to green energy. Is this huge nation able to realise his vision? 

September 2018

  • The Moynaq Ship Graveyard in Uzbekistan

    The upside
    Techno fest in ship graveyard aims to revive vanished Aral Sea

    Uzbek electronica jamboree seeks to lure waters back to parched sea bed

December 2016

  • Retreat of the Aral Sea’s shoreline from 2006 to 2009.

    Water in development
    The lakes of the world are disappearing – in pictures

    Climate change and human activity are threatening the existence of some of the world’s largest lakes. These photographs document dramatic changes to the landscape in Bolivia, the Middle East, China and west Africa

February 2015

  • Grounded fishing ships were abandoned after the Aral Sea dried up.

    New East network
    'Uzbekistan separatist movement threatens ancient culture'

    The war in eastern Ukraine has spurred calls for independence for Karakalpakstan, a depressed semi-autonomous region of Uzbekistan. But some say the campaign risks a backlash that could endanger the whole community

October 2014

  • South Aral Sea shrinking

    New East network
    Watch the Aral Sea's eastern basin disappear – interactive

    Nasa satellite images show how an area of the Central Asian inland sea – once the fourth largest in the world – became completely parched in less than 20 years
  • South Aral Sea shrinking

    sustainable fashion
    Cotton production linked to images of the dried up Aral Sea basin

    Tansy Hoskins
    The fashion industry is linked to the environmental devastation in the Central Asian inland sea, once the world’s fourth largest lake, the Aral sea ‘completely dried’ in August
  • South Aral Sea shrinking

    New East network
    Satellite images show Aral Sea basin 'completely dried'

    An area of the Central Asian inland sea – once the fourth largest in the world – was left parched in August, according to Nasa photographs

July 2014

  • The Aral Sea, by Nadav Kander

    Big picture
    Picture of the week: The Aral Sea I, Kazakhstan 2011, by Nadav Kander

    WhenNadav Kander heard about Russian science towns built specifically for developing atomic bombs and ballistic missile testing, his interest was immediately piqued

June 2014

  • MDG : A ship graveyard in the Aral Sea near Muynak, Uzbekistan

    New East network
    Post-Soviet world: what you need to know about Uzbekistan

    Uzbekistan is central Asia’s most populous state and strives to assert itself as a regional power, generating friction with its neighbours, especially Tajikistan.

March 2014

  • MDG : A fisherman cleans fish in Lake Turkana, near the Kenya-Ethiopia border

    Ethiopian dam's ecological and human fallout could echo Aral Sea disaster

    Study suggests irrigation projects linked to Gibe III dam could devastate Lake Turkana's fisheries and affect livelihoods

August 2008

  • 30 years apart … the Aral Sea in 1973 and 2004. Photograph: Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World/PA

    Aral sea rescue plan a 'partial success'

    One of the 20th century's great ecological disasters has been partly reversed, according to a report that claims the waters are rising once more in part of the Aral sea

April 2006

  • Life seeps back into the Aral Sea

    The Aral Sea, once described as the world's worst ecological disaster after Soviet-era irrigation plans reduced its size by three-quarters, is returning to life thanks to a £48m project to restore its water supplies.

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