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Alder Hey organs scandal

May 2020

  • NHS Organ Donor Card

    All adults in England to be deemed organ donors in 'opt-out' system

    ‘Max and Keira’s law’ will presume consent for deceased unless family intervenes

July 2017

  • Helen Carty

    Helen Carty obituary

    Pioneering paediatric radiologist and authority on the x-ray diagnosis of child abuse

February 2014

  • Alder Hey hospital board

    Alder Hey children's hospital fails four in five standards checks

    Liverpool trust chief Louise Shepherd defends hospital's safety after Care Quality Commission finds theatre and staff shortfalls

December 2011

  • Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust

    The Northerner
    Standards of surgery at Merseyside hospital criticised

    The Royal College of Surgeons has produced a report which was prompted by whistleblowers' concerns.

February 2010

  • Mid Staffs: NHS culture is to blame

    Letters: There is pressure to deliver more for less and, in a culture obsessed with targets, managers, fearful of reprisals should targets be missed, are likely to cut corners

May 2007

  • Making use of the dead

    Tim Luckhurst

    Tim Luckhurst: There are calls for a public inquiry at Sellafield - but the real scandal about body parts is that so few of them are used to help the living.

June 2005

  • Former Alder Hey pathologist struck off

  • Alder Hey pathologist struck off

  • Verdict postponed on Alder Hey pathologist

  • Alder Hey pathologist ordered removal of children's organs

  • Pathologist 'misled' parents about boy's postmortem

  • Doctor missing at Alder Hey hearing

  • Alder Hey pathologist 'stockpiled children's organs'

  • Hearing for child organ doctor

  • Alder Hey doctor faces misconduct charges

December 2004

  • No charges for Alder Hey doctor

  • Case dropped against organ scandal doctor

August 2004

  • Nameless victims of hospital scandal are laid to rest

    Fifty nameless babies whose bodies were secretly stored for medical research at Liverpool hospitals were buried in the city yesterday.

June 2004

  • Have a heart

    Leader:We must all be potential organ donors.

April 2004

  • Warning over human tissue

    Fear that new bill could hamper medical research.
About 67 results for Alder Hey organs scandal
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