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that which reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, etc.; intellect or understanding; to care: Do you mind if I smoke?; to tend: mind the baby; heed or obey: mind the teacher
Not to be confused with:
mined – dug into the earth to extract ore, coal, precious stones, etc.; drew useful information from: He mined all of the reports on the subject.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


1.The faculty of a human or other animal by which it thinks, perceives, feels, remembers, or desires:studying the relation between the brain and the mind.
2.A person of great mental ability:the great minds of the century.
3.Individual consciousness, memory, or recollection:I'll bear the problem in mind.
a.Opinion or sentiment:He changed his mind when he heard all the facts.
b.Desire or inclination:She had a mind to spend her vacation in the desert.
5.Focus of thought; attention:I can't keep my mind on work.
6.A healthy mental state; sanity:losing one's mind.
7.The thought processes characteristic of a person or group; psychological makeup:the criminal mind; the public mind.
8.Philosophy The phenomena of intelligence, cognition, or consciousness, regarded as a material or immaterial aspect of reality.
1.To pay attention to:Mind closely what I tell you.
2.To be careful about:Mind the icy sidewalk!
3.To heed in order to obey:The children minded their babysitter.
4.To take care or charge of; look after:We minded the children while their parents went out. See Synonyms attend2.
a.To be concerned or annoyed by; care:They don't mind that their guests are arriving late.
b.To object to; dislike:I don't mind doing the chores when I don't feel rushed.
6.Regional To bring (an object or idea) to mind; remember.
a.To become aware of; notice.
b.Upper Southern US To have in mind as a goal or purpose; intend.
1.To take notice; give heed:The back door tends to slam in the wind, mind.
2.To behave obediently:I don't want to go shopping if the children won't mind.
3.To be concerned or troubled; care:"Not minding about bad food has become a national obsession" (Times Literary Supplement).
4.To be cautious or careful:You'll slip on the ice if you don't mind.
a mind of (one's) own
A capacity or inclination to think or act independently:a reporter with a mind of her own.
a mind of its own
A tendency to be unresponsive to human will:The car had a mind of its own and seemed to start only when it felt like it.
be of one mind
To be in agreement about something.
be of two minds
To have mixed feelings or be undecided about something.
bring(orcall)to mind
1.To remember (something):tried to bring to mind their happy times together.
2.To cause (something) to be remembered or thought of; evoke:"[The county's] flight from creditors brings to mind a restaurant diner who declines to pay for a meal because he overate" (Roger Lowenstein)."a voice that calls to mind a flower wavering in the breeze" (Neil Strauss).
never mind
Used to tell someone not to be concerned or worried.

[Middle Englishminde, from Old Englishgemynd; seemen-1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Psychology) the human faculty to which are ascribed thought, feeling, etc; often regarded as an immaterial part of a person
2. (Psychology) intelligence or the intellect, esp as opposed to feelings or wishes
3.recollection or remembrance; memory:it comes to mind.
4.the faculty of original or creative thought; imagination:it's all in the mind.
5.a person considered as an intellectual being:the great minds of the past.
6.opinion or sentiment:we are of the same mind;to change one's mind;to have a mind of one's own;to know one's mind;to speak one's mind.
7.condition, state, or manner of feeling or thought:no peace of mind;his state of mind.
8.an inclination, desire, or purpose:I have a mind to go.
9.attention or thoughts:keep your mind on your work.
10.a sound mental state; sanity (esp in the phraseout of one's mind)
11.intelligence, as opposed to material things:the mind of the universe.
12. (Philosophy) (in Cartesian philosophy) one of two basic modes of existence, the other being matter
13.blow someone's mindslang
a.to cause someone to have a psychedelic experience
b.to astound or surprise someone
14. (Recreational Drugs) to cause someone to have a psychedelic experience
15.to astound or surprise someone
16.give someone a piece of one's mindto criticize or censure (someone) frankly or vehemently
17.in two mindsof two mindsundecided; wavering:he was in two minds about marriage.
18.make up one's mindto decide (something or to do something):he made up his mind to go.
19.on one's mindin one's thoughts
20.put one in mind ofto remind (one) of
21. (when tr, may take a clause as object) to take offence at:do you mind if I smoke? I don't mind.
22.to pay attention to (something); heed; notice:to mind one's own business.
23. (tr; takes a clause as object) to make certain; ensure:mind you tell her.
24. (tr) to take care of; have charge of:to mind the shop.
25. (when tr, may take a clause as object) to be cautious or careful about (something):mind how you go;mind your step.
26. (tr) to obey (someone or something); heed:mind your father!.
27.to be concerned (about); be troubled (about):never mind your hat;never mind about your hat;never mind.
28. (tr; passive; takes an infinitive) to be intending or inclined (to do something):clearly he was not minded to finish the story.
29. (tr)dialectScotandEnglish to remember:do ye mind his name?.
30. (tr)Scot to remind:that minds me of another story.
31.mind youan expression qualifying a previous statement:Dogs are nice. Mind you, I don't like all dogs.
[Old Englishgemynd mind; related to Old High Germangimunt memory]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the element, part, or process in a human or other conscious being that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.
2.Psychol. the totality of conscious and unconscious mental processes and activities.
3. intellect or understanding, esp. as distinguished from the emotions and will; intelligence.
4. a person considered with reference to intellectual power: the great minds of the day.
5. intellectual power or ability.
6. reason, sanity, or sound mental condition: to lose one's mind.
7. a way of thinking and feeling; disposition; temper: a liberal mind.
8. opinion, view, or sentiments: to change one's mind.
9. inclination, intention, or desire: to be of a mind to listen.
10. remembrance or recollection; memory: to call to mind; The party put me in mind of my college days.
11. psychic or spiritual being, as opposed to matter.
12. a conscious or intelligent agency or being:an awareness of a mind ordering the universe.
13. attention; thoughts: He can't keep his mind on his studies.
14.Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. notice; attention: When he's like that, just pay him no mind.
15.Rom. Cath. Ch. a commemoration of a person's death, esp. by a Requiem Mass.
16. (cap.)Christian Science. God; the incorporeal source of life, substance, and intelligence.
17. to pay attention to.
18. to heed or obey (a person, advice, instructions, etc.).
19. to attend to: to mind one's own business.
20. to look after; tend: to mind the baby.
21. to be careful, cautious, or wary about: Mind what you say.
22. to feel concern at; care about.
23. to feel disturbed or inconvenienced by; object to: I hope you don't mind the interruption.
24. to regard as concerning oneself or as mattering: Don't mind his bluntness.
a. to perceive or notice.
b. to remember.
c. to remind.
26. to pay attention.
27. to obey.
28. to take notice, observe, or understand (used chiefly in the imperative): Mind now, I want you home by twelve.
29. to be careful or wary.
30. to care, feel concern, or object (often used in negative or interrogative constructions): Mind if I go?
31. to regard a thing as concerning oneself or as mattering: You mustn't mind about their gossiping.
1.back of one's mind, one's memory or recollection.
2.be of one mind, to share an intent or opinion.
3.be of two minds, to be ambivalent.
4.out of one's mind,
a. insane; mad.
b. emotionally overwhelmed; frantic: out of my mind with worry.
[before 900; Middle Englishmynd(e), aph. variant ofimynd, Old Englishgemynd memory, mind, c. Old High German gimunt recollection, Gothicgamunds memory]
syn:mind,intellect,brain refer to that part of a conscious being that thinks, feels, wills, perceives, or judges.mind is a philosophical, psychological, and general term for the center of all mental activity, as contrasted with the body and the spirit:His mind grasped the complex issue.intellect refers to reasoning power, as distinguished from the faculties of feeling:a book that appeals to the intellect, rather than the emotions.brain is a physiological term for the organic structure that makes mental activity possible, but is often applied to mental ability or capacity:a fertile brain. These words may also refer to a person of great mental ability or capacity:a great mind of our age; a fine scholar and intellect; the brain in the family.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. (You can’t concentrate. You’ve got) a brain like a hummingbird —Jane Wagner
  2. Brain as heavy as a grandfather clock —Diane Wakoski
  3. A brain tooled like a twenty-jewel Swiss watch —Stephen Longstreet
  4. Emptied her mind, as if emptying a bottle —Mavis Gallant
  5. Her mind flickered like a lizard —Elizabeth Bowen
  6. Her mind was like a one-way thoroughfare, narrow and flat, maintained in repair —Mavis Gallant
  7. Her mind was like a rushing stream, tumbling downhill over rocks and boulders, eddying, bouncing, shifting direction —Ward Just
  8. Her mind was strangely empty … an empty room through which vague memories stalked like giants —Jean Rhys
  9. His brain feels like a frail but alert invalid packed inside among a lot of deep pillows —John Updike
  10. His brain was like a brightly-lit factory, full of flying wheels and precision —Edith Wharton
  11. His mind [Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.’s] resembles a stiff spring, which has to be abducted violently from it, and which every instant it is left to itself flies right back —William James, letter to brother, Harry, November 24, 1872
  12. His mind’s like the feet of a pre-civilized Chinese girl —Frank Swinnerton
  13. The human mind should be like a good hotel, open the year round —William Lyon Phelps
  14. It [his brain] felt like an immense dynamo running at top speed in an empty shed in the middle of the woods —Norman Mailer
  15. Little minds, like weak liquors, are soonest soured —H. G. Bohn’sHand book of Proverbs
  16. Mind, as clear as mountain water —Richard Wilbur

    See Also:CLARITY

  17. Mind … blank and enclosed as a bubble of glass —Jean Thompson
  18. Mind flapping like a rag on a clothesline in cold wind —Saul Bellow
  19. Mind … fluffy as a baby’s crib —Louis Auchincloss
  20. (He stood for a moment outside the room, his) mind jerking spasmodically, like a severed nerve —Storm Jameson
  21. Mind like a bent corkscrew —Roderic Jeffries
  22. A mind like a puddle. Things fall in and float around in it and she fishes them up later when they’ve gotten soggy —Jean Thompson
  23. A mind like a sieve —Anon
  24. A mind like a sink —Agatha Christie

    Christie was thus quoted by her nephew about Miss Marple’s dark view of humankind.

  25. Mind … like a sun-dial, it records only pleasantness —Anon


  26. A mind like a tattered concordance —Samuel Beckett
  27. A mind like a wedge of iron —Louise Erdrich
  28. Mind like dead ashes —Robert Silverberg
  29. Mind like moths —Anon
  30. Mind … like some fertile garden —Edith Wharton
  31. The mind, packed away like a satin wedding dress even in blue tissue, yellowing, pressing itself into permanent folds —Diane Wakoski

    The title of the poem featuring this line is also a simile:The Mind, Like an Old Fish.

  32. Minds fossilized like lava —Isak Dinesen
  33. Minds [of students] so earnest and helpless that it takes them half an hour to get from one idea to its immediately adjacent next neighbor. And when they’ve got the next idea, they lie down on it with their whole weight and can get no farther, like a cow on a door-mat, so that you can get neither in nor out with them —William James, letter to his wife, 1896
  34. Minds stirring like poplars in a storm —Marge Piercy
  35. (Eleanor’s) mind went whirling round like a wheel on the hub of this moment —Elizabeth Bowen
  36. A mind wide open to absorb all it could teach him as the flowers of the date-palm to receive the fertilizing pollen —Honoré de Balzac
  37. My brain is numb as a piece of liver —W. P. Kinsella
  38. (I seem to have read so little of late, that) my mind is like a desert, devoid of roses and leaves —Janet Flanner
  39. Our brains are like fruit stands; all the rubbish is in front and the good stuff is in the back —Carla Lane

    Dialogue from “Solo,” British television sitcom, broadcast June 23, 1987

  40. Our unconscious is like a vast subterranean factory with intricate machinery that is never ideal, where work goes on all day and night from the time we are born until the moment of our death —Milton R. Sapirstein
  41. Some minds are like trunks, packed tight with knowledge, no air and plenty of moths —Life, January 31, 1918
  42. There is no sea as restless as my mind —Derek Walcott


  43. When you have a creative mind it sometimes backs up on you like a sewer —John Farris
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Mind can be a noun or a verb.

1.used as a noun

Yourmind is your ability to think.

Psychology is the study of the humanmind.
I did a crossword puzzle to occupy mymind.
2.'make up one's mind'

If youmake up your mind, you make a decision. If youmake up your mind to do something, you decide to do it.

I couldn'tmake up my mind whether to stay or go.
Shemade up her mind to look for a new job.

Be Careful!
You use ato-infinitive after this expression. Don't say, for example 'She made up her mind looking for a new job'.

3.used as a verb

If you have no objection to doing something, you can say that youdon't mind doing it.

Idon't mind walking.

Be Careful!
You use an-ing form with this expression. Don't say, for example, 'I don't mind to walk'.

If you do not object to a situation or proposal, or if you do not prefer any particular option, you can say 'I don't mind'.

It was raining, butwe didn't mind.
'Would you rather go out or stay in?' – 'I don't mind.'

Be Careful!
Don't say 'I don't mind it' with this meaning.

If you want to politely ask someone to do something, you can useWould you mind followed by an-ing form.

Would you mind turning your music down a little?
He asked us if wewould mind waiting outside.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle:minded

I mind
you mind
he/she/it minds
we mind
you mind
they mind
I minded
you minded
he/she/it minded
we minded
you minded
they minded
Present Continuous
I am minding
you are minding
he/she/it is minding
we are minding
you are minding
they are minding
Present Perfect
I have minded
you have minded
he/she/it has minded
we have minded
you have minded
they have minded
Past Continuous
I was minding
you were minding
he/she/it was minding
we were minding
you were minding
they were minding
Past Perfect
I had minded
you had minded
he/she/it had minded
we had minded
you had minded
they had minded
I will mind
you will mind
he/she/it will mind
we will mind
you will mind
they will mind
Future Perfect
I will have minded
you will have minded
he/she/it will have minded
we will have minded
you will have minded
they will have minded
Future Continuous
I will be minding
you will be minding
he/she/it will be minding
we will be minding
you will be minding
they will be minding
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been minding
you have been minding
he/she/it has been minding
we have been minding
you have been minding
they have been minding
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been minding
you will have been minding
he/she/it will have been minding
we will have been minding
you will have been minding
they will have been minding
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been minding
you had been minding
he/she/it had been minding
we had been minding
you had been minding
they had been minding
I would mind
you would mind
he/she/it would mind
we would mind
you would mind
they would mind
Past Conditional
I would have minded
you would have minded
he/she/it would have minded
we would have minded
you would have minded
they would have minded
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


The thinking part of the physical body.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.mind - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelingsmind - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn't get his words out of my head"
cognition,knowledge,noesis - the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
noddle - an informal British expression for head or mind; "use your noddle"
tabula rasa - a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke)
ego - (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind
unconscious,unconscious mind - that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware
subconscious,subconscious mind - psychic activity just below the level of awareness
2.mind - recall or remembrancemind - recall or remembrance; "it came to mind"
recollection,reminiscence,recall - the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort); "he has total recall of the episode"
3.mind - an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"
conclusion,decision,determination - a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; "a decision unfavorable to the opposition"; "his conclusion took the evidence into account"; "satisfied with the panel's determination"
opinion,persuasion,sentiment,thought,view - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"
4.mind - an important intellectualmind - an important intellectual; "the great minds of the 17th century"
intellectual,intellect - a person who uses the mind creatively
5.mind - attention; "don't pay him any mind"
notice,observance,observation - the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police"
6.mind - your intention; what you intend to do; "he had in mind to see his old teacher"; "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces"
aim,intent,intention,purpose,design - an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"
7.mind - knowledge and intellectual abilitymind - knowledge and intellectual ability; "he reads to improve his mind"; "he has a keen intellect"
intelligence - the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
Verb1.mind - be offended or bothered bymind - be offended or bothered by; take offense with, be bothered by; "I don't mind your behavior"
object - express or raise an objection or protest or criticism or express dissent; "She never objected to the amount of work her boss charged her with"; "When asked to drive the truck, she objected that she did not have a driver's license"
bridle at,bridle up,bristle at,bristle up - show anger or indignation; "She bristled at his insolent remarks"
2.mind - be concerned with or about something or somebody
think about - have on one's mind, think about actively; "I'm thinking about my friends abroad"; "She always thinks about her children first"
worry,care - be concerned with; "I worry about my grades"
3.mind - be in charge of or deal with; "She takes care of all the necessary arrangements"
handle,manage,care,deal - be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"
tend - manage or run; "tend a store"
4.mind - pay close attention tomind - pay close attention to; give heed to; "Heed the advice of the old men"
obey - be obedient to
5.mind - be on one's guardmind - be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to; "Beware of telephone salesmen"
look out,watch out,watch - be vigilant, be on the lookout or be careful; "Watch out for pickpockets!"
6.mind - keep in mindmind - keep in mind        
think of,remember - keep in mind for attention or consideration; "Remember the Alamo"; "Remember to call your mother every day!"; "Think of the starving children in India!"
attend to,take to heart - get down to; pay attention to; take seriously; "Attend to your duties, please"
forget - forget to do something; "Don't forget to call the chairman of the board to the meeting!"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.brain,head,imagination,psyche,subconsciousI'm trying to clear my mind of all this.
2.memory,recollection,remembrance,powers of recollectionHe spent the next hour going over the trial in his mind.
3.attention,thinking,thoughts,concentrationMy mind was never on my work.
4.intelligence,reason,reasoning,understanding,sense,spirit,brain(s)(informal),wits,mentality,intellect,grey matter(informal),ratiocinationan excellent training for the young mind
5.thinker,academic,intellectual,genius,brain(informal),scholar,sage,intellect,rocket scientist(informal, chiefly U.S.),brainboxShe moved to London, meeting some of the best minds of her time.
6.intention,will,wish,desire,urge,fancy,purpose,leaning,bent,notion,tendency,inclination,dispositionThey could interpret that way if they'd a mind to.
7.sanity,reason,senses,judgment,wits,marbles(informal),rationality,mental balanceSometimes I feel I'm losing my mind.
1.take offence at,dislike,care about,object to,resent,disapprove of,be bothered by,look askance at,be affronted byI hope you don't mind me calling in like this.
2.be careful,watch,take care,be wary,be cautious,be on your guardMind you don't burn those sausages.
3.be sure,ensure,make sure,be careful,make certainMind you don't let the cat out.
4.remember to,see (that),make sure,don't forget to,take care toMind you take care of him!
5.look after,watch,protect,tend,guard,take care of,attend to,keep an eye on,haveor take charge ofCould you mind the shop while I'm out, please?
bearor keep somethingor someone in mindremember,consider,take into account,take note,do not forget,be mindful,make a mental note,be cognizantBear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in this area.
cross your mindoccur to you,come to mind,spring to mind,strike you,suggest itself,enter your mindThe possibility of failure did cross my mind.
have something in mindpropose,plan,design,aim for,think,intend'Maybe we could celebrate tonight.' 'What did you have in mind?'
inor of two mindsundecided,uncertain,unsure,wavering,hesitant,dithering(chiefly Brit.),vacillating,swithering(Scot.),shillyshallying(informal)I am in two minds about going.
make up your minddecide,choose,determine,resolve,reach a decision,come to a decisionOnce he made up his mind to do something there was no stopping him.
never mind
1.forget,don't worry about,pay no attention to,disregard,don't bother about,don't concern yourself aboutNever mind your shoes. They'll soon dry off.
2.forget it,it doesn't matter,don't worry about it,it's unimportant,don't give it a second thought'I'm really sorry.' 'Never mind, it happens to me all the time.'
never you mindit's none of your business,it's nothing to do with you'Where is it?' 'Never you mind.'
out of your mind
1.mad,insane,mental(informal),crazy(informal),nuts(informal),demented,deranged,bonkers(informal),raving mad(informal),off your head(informal),off your trolley(Brit. informal),away with the fairies(informal),off your rocker(informal),off your nut(informal),not the full shilling(Brit. informal),not in your right mindWhat are you doing? Are you out of your mind?
2.frantic,crazy(informal),distraught,berserk,beside yourselfI'm out of my mind with worry. I just want him back.
put or set someone's mind at restassure,comfort,reassure,soothe,heartenShe could set your mind at rest by giving you the facts
put someone in mind of somethingor someoneremind,recall,evoke,nudge,conjure up,summon upThis put me in mind of something he said many years ago.
Related words
"The mind is at its best about the age of forty-nine" [AristotleRhetoric]
"The mind is its own place, and in itself"
"Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven" [John MiltonParadise Lost]
"What is matter? - Never mind."
"What is mind? - No matter"Punch
"Great minds think alike, fools seldom differ"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1.The seat of the faculty of intelligence and reason:
Informal:gray matter.
2.The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applying knowledge:
Slang:smart (used in plural).
3.A person of great mental ability:
4.The thought processes characteristic of an individual or group:
Idiom:what makes someone tick.
5.Something believed or accepted as true by a person:
6.A desire for a particular thing or activity:
7.A healthy mental state:
lucidity,lucidness,reason,saneness,sanity,sense (often used in plural),soundness,wit (used in plural).
Slang:marble (used in plural).
1.To be careful:
Idioms:be on guard, be on the lookout, keep an eye peeled ,take care.
2.To renew an image or thought in the mind:
3.To perceive with a special effort of the senses or the mind:
4.Regional. To have in mind as a goal or purpose:
6.To have an objection:
7.To have the care and supervision of:
Idioms:keep an eye on,look out for,take care of, take under one's wing.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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prātsrūpētiessaprātsuzmanies! piesargies!uzmanīties
atenţieconcentrarefi atentjudecatămemorie
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1. (=brain, head) →mentef
a logical/creative mindunamenteracional/creativa
he has the mind of a five-year-oldtiene laedad mental de unniño de cincoaños
it'sall in the mindespurasugestión
at theback of my mind I had the feeling thattenía laremotasensaciónde que ...
tobring one's mind to bear on sthconcentrarse en algo
itcame to my mind thatse meocurrió que ...
I'm notclear in my mind about ittodavía no lotengoclaroor no lollego aentender
itcrossed my mind (that)se meocurrió (que)
yes, it had crossed my mindsí, eso se me habíaocurrido
does it ever cross your mind that ...?¿piensasalguna vez que ...?
my mind waselsewheretenía lacabezaen otro sitio
it neverentered my mindjamás se mepasó por lacabeza
I can'tget itout of my mindno me lo puedoquitarde lacabeza
togo over sth in one's mindrepasar algomentalmente
a triumph of mind overmatteruntriunfodelespíritu sobre lamateria
it's a question of mind over matterescuestión devoluntad
to have one's mindon sthestarpensando en algo
I had my mind on something elseestabapensando enotra cosa
to have sth on one's mindestar preocupado por algo
what's on your mind?¿qué eslo que tepreocupa?
you canput that right out of your mindconviene nopensarmásen eso
if you put your mind to itsi teconcentras en ello
knowing that he had arrived safelyset my mind at easeor restelsaber que habíallegadosano y salvo metranquilizó
if you set your mindto itsi teconcentras en ello
the thought thatsprings to mind islo que primero se leocurre a uno es ...
state of mindestadom deánimo
that willtake your mind off iteso tedistraerá
to beuneasy in one's mindquedarse condudas
he let his mindwanderdejó que lospensamientos se le fueran a otrascosas
in my mind's eye I could still see her sitting therementalmente todavía laveíaallísentada
that's a loador weight off mymind!¡eso mequita unpeso deencima!
see alsoblankA2
see alsoreadA3
see alsopresence5
2. (=memory)
to bear sth/sbin mindtener en cuenta algo/a algn
we must bear (it) in mind thatdebemostener en cuenta que ...,tenemos querecordar que ...
I'll bear you in mindtetendré encuenta
tokeep sth/sb in mindtenerpresenteor encuenta algo/a algn
heputs me in mind of his fathermerecuerda a supadre
to passout of mindcaeren elolvido
time out of mindtiempominmemorial
itwent rightor clean out of my mindse me fuepor completode lacabeza
to bringor call sthto mindrecordar algo,traer algoa lamemoria
that calls something else to mindeso metraeotra cosaa lamemoria
see alsoslipC3
see alsostickB5
3. (=intention)
you can do it if you havea mind topuedes lograrlo side verdad estásempeñado en ello
I have a good mind to do itganas de hacerlo no mefaltan
I have half a mind to do itestoytentadoor medanganas de hacerlo
nothing wasfurther from my mindnadamás lejos de miintención
to have sthin mindtenerpensado algo
she wrote it with publication in mindloescribió con laintención de publicarlo
to have sb in mindtener a algn enmente
who do you have in mind for the job?¿a quiénpiensas darle elpuestoortienes enmente para elpuesto?
to have in mind to do sthtener intención dehacer algo
4. (=opinion) →opiniónf,parecerm
tochange one's mindcambiar de opiniónorideaorparecer
to change sb's mindhacer que algncambie deopinión
to have aclosed mindtener unamentecerrada
toknow one's own mindsaberlo que uno quiere
tomake up one's minddecidirse
we can't make up our minds about selling the houseno nosdecidimos avender lacasa
I can't make up my mind about himtodavíatengo ciertasdudascon respecto a él
he has made up his mind to leave homehadecididoirsede casa, estádecidido airsede casa
tomy minda mijuicio
to be ofone mindestar de acuerdo
with one mindunánimemente
with anopen mindconespírituabiertoormentalidadabierta
to keep an open mind on a subjectmantener unamentalidadabierta conrelación a untema
to have a mind of one'sown [person] (=think for o.s.) →pensar porsí mismo (hum) [machine etc] →tenervoluntadpropia,hacer loque quiere
to be of thesame mindserde lamismaopinión,estar de acuerdo
I was of the same mind as my brotheryo estabade acuerdo con mi hermano, yo erade lamismaopinión que mi hermano
to be inor > oftwo minds (US) →dudar, estarindeciso
see alsopieceA1
see alsospeakB2
5. (=mental balance) →juiciom
his mind isgoingestáperdiendofacultadesmentales
tolose one's mindperder eljuicio
nobody in hisright mind would do itnadie que esté en susanojuicio loharía
ofsound mindenplenouso de susfacultadesmentales
ofunsound mindmentalmenteincapacitado
to beout of one's mindestarloco, haberperdido eljuicio
you must be out of your mind!¡tú debes estarloco!
we were bored out of our mindsestábamosmuertos deaburrimiento
togo out of one's mindperder eljuicio,volverse loco
to go out of one's mind with worry/jealousyvolverse loco depreocupación/celos
6. (=person) →mentef,cerebrom
one of thefinest minds of the periodunode loscerebrosprivilegiadosde laépoca
great minds think alike (hum) →lossabiossiemprepensamosigual
1. (=be careful of) →tener cuidado con
mind you don't fallten cuidado, no tevayas acaer
mind you don't get wet!ten cuidado, no tevayas amojar
mind yourhead!¡cuidado con lacabeza!
mindhow you go! (as farewell) →¡cuídate!
mind yourlanguage!¡quémanera dehablar es ésa!
mind yourmanners!¡quémodales son ésos!
mind thestep!¡cuidadocon elescalón!
mindwhat you're doing!¡cuidado conlo quehaces!
mindwhere you're going!¡mira por dóndevas!
mindyourself!¡cuidado, no tevayas ahacerdaño!
2. (=pay attention to) →hacer caso de
mind what I say!¡hazmecaso!, ¡escuchalo que tedigo!
mind your ownbusiness!¡no temetas donde no tellaman!
don't mind mepor mí no sepreocupe
don't mind me! (iro) →¡y a mí que meparta unrayo!
never mind that nowolvídatede eso ahora
never mind himno lehagascaso
mindyou, it was raining at the timeclaro queor teadvierto que en esemomentollovía
it was a big one, mind youeragrande, eso sí
3. (=oversee) →cuidar
could you mind the baby this afternoon?¿podríascuidar alniño estatarde?
could you mind my bags for a few minutes?¿mecuidasorguardas lasbolsas unmomento?
4. (=dislike, object to)
Idon't mind the colda mí no memolesta elfrío
I don't mind four, but six is too manycuatrono me importa, pero seis son muchos
I don't mind waitingno me importaesperar
if you don't mind myor me saying so, I think you're wrongperdona que tediga pero estásequivocado, permíteme que tediga que teequivocas
I don't mind telling you, I was shockedestabahorrorizado, loconfieso
Iwouldn't mind a cup of teano mevendríamal un té
5. (in requests)
do you mind telling me where you've been?¿teimporta decirme dónde hasestado?
would you mind opening the door?¿mehace elfavor deabrir lapuerta?, ¿leimporta(ría)abrir lapuerta?
6. (dialect) (=remember) →acordarse de,recordar
I mind the time whenmeacuerdo de cuando ...
1. (=be careful) →tener cuidado
mind!¡cuidado!, ¡ojo!, ¡abusado! (Mex)
2. (=make sure)mind you get there firstprocurallegar primero
mind you do it!¡hazlo sinfalta!, ¡nodejes de hacerlo!
he didn't do it, mindperoen realidad no lohizo,la verdades que no lohizo
3. (=object)do you mind?¿teimporta?
do you mind! (iro) →¡por favor!
do you mind if I open the window?¿temolesta queabraor siabro laventana?
do you mind if I come?¿teimporta que yovenga?
Idon't mindme esigual
"do you mind if I take this book?" - "I don't mind at all"-¿teimporta si mellevoor que melleve estelibro? -enabsoluto
if you don't mind, I won't comesi no teimporta, yo noiré
please, if you don't mindsi no leimporta, si estanamable
close the door, if you don't mindhazme elfavor decerrar lapuerta
"cigarette?" - "I don't mind if I do"-¿uncigarrillo? -puesmuchas graciasorbuenoor nodigo que no
never mind (=don't worry) →no tepreocupes; (=it makes no odds) →esigual,da lo mismo; (=it's not important) →no importa
I can't walk,never mind runno puedo andar,ni mucho menoscorrer
D.COMPOUNDmind gameNjuegompsicológico
mind outVI + ADVtener cuidado
mind out!¡cuidado!, ¡ojo!, ¡abusado! (Mex)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(=thinking faculty) →espritm
body and mind →lecorps et l'esprit
in body and mind →decorps et d'esprit
to stretch sb's mind →ouvrir l'esprit de qn
Studying stretched my mind and got me thinking →Lesétudes m'ontouvert l'esprit et m'ontfaitpenser.
there's no doubt in my mind that ... →il nefait aucundoute dans monesprit que ...
There was no doubt in his mind that the man was serious →Il nefaisait aucundoute dans sonesprit que l'homme étaitsérieux.
mind over matter (=positive thinking) →le pouvoir de l'esprit
a case of mind over matter →unemanifestation du pouvoir de l'esprit
it's all in the mind [illness] →toutestdans latête
to be on sb's mind
It's been on my mind all week →Je n'ai eu que çaen tête de toute lasemaine.
This game has been on my mind all week →Je n'ai eu que cematchen tête de toute lasemaine.
to have a lot on one's mind (=a lot to think about) →avoirbeaucoup dechosesen tête
to spring to mind →venir à l'esprit
Integrity and honesty are words that spring to mind when talking of the man →Intégrité ethonnêteté sont desmots quiviennent à l'esprit lorsqu'onparle dubonhomme.
one's mind on other things
My mind was on other things →J'avais latêteailleurs.
He tried the first page but his mind was on other things →Ilessaya la premièrepage mais il avait latêteailleurs.
state of mind →état d'esprit
to close one's mind to sth →se fermer à qch
to see sth in one's mind's eye →voir qch enesprit
In his mind's eye, he could see the headlines in the newspapers →Ilvoyait enesprit lestitres desjournaux.
to read sb's mind →liredans lespensées de qn
to put sb's mind at rest (=allay fears) →rassurer qn
(preceded by an adjective)espritm
an excellent training for the young mind →unexcellententraînement pour lesjeunesesprits
a team of brilliant minds →uneéquipeconstituée debrillantsesprits
to have a logical mind →avoir unespritlogique
to have a suspicious mind →avoir l'espritsoupçonneux
to keep an open mind →garder l'espritouvert
the criminal mind →l'espritcriminel
(=head) to get sb/sth out of one's mind →se sortir qn/qchde latête
He couldn't get her out of his mind →Il n'arrivait à se lasortirde latête.
to enter sb's mind [idea, thoughts] →venir à l'esprit de qn
The idea would never have entered her mind →L'idée ne lui seraitjamaisvenue à l'esprit.
to cross sb's mind (=come into sb's head) →traverser l'esprit de qn
It never crossed my mind →Cela ne m'ajamaistraversé l'esprit.
to go out of sb's mind
It went right out of my mind →Ça m'estcomplètementsortide latête., Ça m'estcomplètementsorti de l'esprit.
to have sb/sth in mind →avoir qn/qchen tête
what do you have in mind? →qu'avez-vousen tête ?
(=sanity) to lose one's mind →perdre l'esprit
to go out of one's mind (=go mad) →perdre la tête
to be out of one's mind →avoirperdu latête
Are you out of your mind? →Tu asperdu latête?
You must be out of your mind to go shopping on Christmas Eve! →Tu dois avoirperdu latête pourallerfaire lesmagasinsla veille deNoël!
nobody in their right mind would ... (=no sane person) →il faudraitêtre fou pour ...
to be out of one's mind with boredom →mourir d'ennui
to be bored out of one's mind →s'ennuyerà mourir
to my mind →à mon avis
to speak one's mind →dire ce qu'onpense,parlersans détour
to be of one mind (=be of the same opinion) →êtredu même avis
They are of one mind in many things →Ils sontdu même avis surbeaucoup dechoses.
(decisions) to change one's mind →changer d'avis
He's changed his mind →Il achangé d'avis.
to change one's mind about sth →changer d'avis sur qch
She's very young. She might change her mind about what she wants to do →Elleesttrèsjeune. Elle pourraitchanger d'avis sur ce qu'elle aenvie defaire.
to change sb's mind →fairechanger qn d'avis
to make up one's mind, to make one's mind up →se décider
I haven't made up my mind yet →Je ne me suispas encoredécidé.
He simply can't make his mind up →Il n'arrivetout simplement pas à sedécider.
She said her mind was made up →Elle adit qu'elle s'étaitdécidée.
to make up one's mind to do sth →se décider àfaire qch
to know one's own mind →savoir ce qu'on veut
to be in two minds about sth (=undecided)(British)être partagé(e)à propos de qch
Like many parents, I am in two minds about school uniforms →Commebeaucoup deparents, je suispartagéà propos desuniformesscolaires.
to be in two minds whether to ... →être partagéquant à l'opportunité de ...
Roche was in two minds whether to make the trip to Oslo →Roche étaitpartagéquant à l'opportunité dese rendre àOslo.
BUTRoche ne savait s'il devait ou non effectuer le voyage à Oslo.
(=memory) to slip sb's mind
It slipped my mind →Ça m'estsorti de l'esprit.
to keep sth in mind →garder qch à l'esprit
to bear sth in mind (=remember) →garder qch à l'esprit
to bear in mind that ... →garder à l'esprit que ...
to do sth with sth in mind →faire qch engardant qch à l'esprit
with this in mind, we ... →dans cetteoptique, nous ...
to cast one's mind back to sth →se reporter à qch
If you cast your mind back to June →Si vous vous reportez àjuindernier ...
Cast your mind back to childhood
BUTTransportez-vous en enfance.
to stick in one's mind →restergravé(e) dans l'esprit de qn
One incident had stuck in her mind →Unincident étaitrestégravé dans sonesprit.
to take sb's mind off sth →empêcher qn depenser à qch
to put sb in mind of sth (=remind of) →rappeler qch à qn
to call sth to mind →se rappeler qch
(intention) to have in mind to do sth →avoir l'intention defaire qch
(desire) to have a mind to do sth →avoir envie defaire qch
(=look after) →s'occuper de
Could you mind the baby this afternoon? →Est-ce que tu pourrais t'occuper dubébé cetaprès-midi?,Est-ce que tu pourraisgarder lebébé cetaprès-midi?
Could you mind my bags for a few minutes? →Est-ce que vous pourriezgarder mesbagages pendantquelquesminutes?
(=be careful of) →faire attention à
Mind that bike! →Attention auvélo!
Mind the step! →Attention à la marche!
mind you don't ... →faites attention àne pas ...
Mind you don't burn the sausages! →Fais attention àne pasbrûler lessaucisses!
(=object to)
I don't mind the noise →Lebruit ne medérange pas.
I don't mind walking →Cela ne medérange pas demarcher.
Do you mind being alone? →Cela vousdérange d'êtreseul?
(=care) I don't mind what ... →ça m'est égal ce que ..., peu m'importe ce que ...
I don't mind what we have for dinner →Ça m'est égal ce qu'on mange audîner., Peu m'importe ce qu'on mange audîner.
I don't mind where we go →Peu m'importe l'endroit où nousallons.
(asking permission) do you mind if ...? →cela vousdérange si ...?
Do you mind if I open the window? →Cela vousdérange si j'ouvre lafenêtre?
would you mind if ... →cela vousdérangerait si ...
would you mind doing ...
Would you mind waiting outside for a moment? →Cela vousdérangerait d'attendredehorsun moment ?
(=would like)
I wouldn't mind a coffee →Jeprendrais bien uncafé.
Anne wouldn't mind going to Italy to live →Anneirait bienvivre enItalie.
mind you, ... (=but) →remarquez, ...
They pay full rates. Mind you, they can afford it →Ilspaient pleintarif.Remarquez, ils peuvent se lepermettre.
I got substantial damages. It took two years, mind you →J'aiobtenu desdommagesintérêtssubstantiels. Cela m'apris deuxansremarquez.
never mind! (=it doesn't matter) →ça ne fait rien!
I don't mind →Ça ne medérange pas.
It involved a little extra work, but nobody seemed to mind →Celaimpliquaitun peude travailsupplémentaire, mais ça nesemblaitdéranger personne.mind-altering[ˈmaɪndɔːltərɪŋ]adj [drug, substance, effect] →psychotropemind-bending[ˈmaɪndbɛndɪŋ]adjcotoninvmind-blowing[ˈmaɪndbləʊɪŋ]adj (=incredible) [experience, news] →hallucinant(e)mind-boggling[ˈmaɪndbɒgəlɪŋ]adjépoustouflant(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


= intellectGeistm (also Philos), →Verstandm;things of the mindGeistigesnt;the conscious and unconscious minddasBewusste und dasUnbewusste;to have a good mindeinhellerKopf sein;one of the finest minds of our timeseiner dergroßenGeister unserer Zeit;it’s all in the minddas ist allesEinbildung;in one’s mind’s eyevor seinemgeistigenAuge,im Geiste;to blow somebody’s mind(inf)jdnumwerfen(inf); (drugs) →jdnhighmachen(inf) ?boggle,great,improve
? mind over matterit’s a question of mind over matteres ist eine Willenssacheor-frage;a triumph of mind over mattereinTriumph desGeistesorWillens über denKörper
= way of thinkingDenkweisef;(= type of mind)Geistm, →Kopfm;to the child’s/Victorian mindin derDenkweise desKindes/der viktorianischen Zeit;he has that kind of minder ist soveranlagt;to have a literary/logicaletc mindliterarisch/logischetcveranlagt sein;he has the mind of a five-year olderverhält sich wie einFünfjähriger;in the public mind prostitution is immoralnach demEmpfinden derÖffentlichkeit istProstitutionunmoralisch;stateor frame of mind(seelische)Verfassung, (Geistes)zustandm
= thoughtsGedankenpl;to be clear in one’s mind about somethingsich(dat)überetw imKlaren sein;to putor set one’s mind to something(= try to do sth)sichanstrengen,etw zutun;(= think about sth)sich aufetw(acc)konzentrieren;if you putor set your mind to itwenn du dichanstrengst;he had something on his mindihnbeschäftigte etwas;I’ve a lot on my mindich muss mich um (so) vieleDingekümmern;you are always on my mindichdenkeständig an dich;keep your mind on the jobbleib mit denGedankenor demKopf bei derArbeit;she couldn’t getor put the song/him out of her minddasLied/erging ihrnichtaus dem Kopf;you can put that idea out of your mind!denGedanken kannst du diraus dem Kopfschlagen!;to take somebody’s mind off thingsjdn auf andereGedankenbringen;to take somebody’s mind off somethingjdnetwvergessenlassen;my mind isn’t on my workich kann michnicht auf meineArbeitkonzentrieren;don’t let your mind dwell on the problemgrüblenicht über diesesProblem nach;he can’t keep his mind off sexerdenkt nur anSexor an nichts anderes alsSex;the idea never entered my minddaran hatte ichüberhaupt nichtgedacht;it’s been going through my mindesging mir imKopf herum;nothing was further from my mindnichtslag mirferner;his mind is set on thater hat sich(dat)dasin denKopfgesetzt;he guessed what was in my mindererriet meineGedanken;in my mind’s eyevor meineminnerenAuge?cross1
= memoryGedächtnisnt;it went right out of my minddaran habe ichüberhaupt nichtmehrgedacht;that quite put it out of my minddadurch habe ich esvergessen;to bringor call something to mindetwin Erinnerung rufen, anetw(acc)erinnern?sight,slip
= inclinationLustf;(= intention)Sinnm, →Absichtf;I’ve half a mind/a good mind to …ich hätteLust/großeorguteLust, zu …;to be of a mind to do somethinggeneigt sein,etw zutun(geh) ?read1
= opinionMeinungf, →Ansichtf;to change one’s mindseineMeinungändern (→about über+acc), →es sich(dat)andersüberlegen;to be in two minds about somethingsich(dat)überetw(acc)nicht imKlaren sein;to be of oneor of the same mindeinesSinnes(geh)orgleicherMeinung sein;I’m of the same mind as youichdenke wie du, ich bin deinerMeinung;with one mindwie einMann;to my mind he’s wrongmeiner Ansicht nachor nach meinerMeinungirrt er sich;to have a mind of one’s own (person,= think for oneself) →eineeigeneMeinung haben;(= not conform)seineneigenenKopf haben; (hum, machine etc) →seineMucken haben(inf) ?close2,know,make up,open,piece,speak
= sanityVerstandm, →Sinnepl;his mind was wandering (out of boredom etc) →seineGedankenwandertenumher;to lose one’s mindverrücktwerden, denVerstandverlieren;nobody in his right mindkeinnormalerMensch;while the balance of his mind was disturbed (Jur) →wegenVerlusts desseelischenGleichgewichts
set structures
? in mindto bearor keep something in mindetwnichtvergessen;facts also, applicationetwim Auge behalten;to bearor keep somebody in mindanjdndenken;applicant alsojdnim Auge behalten;with this in mind…mit diesemGedanken imHinterkopf;to have somebody/something in mindanjdn/etwdenken;to have in mind to do somethingvorhabenor imSinn haben,etw zutun;to have it in mind to do somethingbeabsichtigenor sich(dat)vorgenommen haben,etw zutun;it puts me in mind of somebody/somethingesweckt in mirErinnerungen anjdn/etw
? out of one’s mindto go out of one’s mindverrücktwerden, denVerstandverlieren;to be out of one’s mindverrückt sein;to go out of one’s mind with worry/griefvorSorge/Trauer denVerstandverlieren;to drive somebody out of his mindjdn um denVerstandbringen,jdnwahnsinnigmachen;I’m bored out of my mindichlangweile michzu Tode
= look afteraufpassen auf(+acc);sb’s chair, seatfreihalten;I’m minding the shop(fig)ichsehe nach demRechten
= be careful ofaufpassen auf(+acc);(= pay attention to)achten auf(+acc);(= act in accordance with)beachten;mind what you’re doing!pass (doch)auf!;mind what you’re doing with that carpass mit demAuto auf;mind what I say!lass dir dasgesagt sein;(= do as I tell you)hör auf das, was ich dirsage;mind how you gopassen Sie auf, wo Siehintreten;mind your language!drück dichanständig aus!;mind the step! (Brit) →VorsichtStufe!;mind your head! (Brit) →Kopfeinziehen(inf), →Vorsicht,niedrigeTür/Deckeetc;mind your feet! (Brit) (when sitting) →zieh dieFüße ein!; (when moving) →pass auf, wo duhintrittst!;mind your own businesskümmern Sie sich um IhreeigenenAngelegenheiten
= care aboutsichkümmern um;(= object to)etwas haben gegen;she minds/doesn’t mind itesmacht ihr etwas/nichts aus;(= is/is not bothered, annoyed by)esstört sie/stört sienicht;(= is not/is indifferent to)es ist ihrnichtegal/ist ihregal;I don’t mind the colddieKältemacht mir nichts aus;I don’t mind what he doeses ist miregal, was ermacht;I don’t mind four but six is too manyich habe nichts gegen vier, aber sechs sind zu viel;do you mind coming with me?würde es dir etwasausmachenmitzukommen?;would you mind opening the door?wären Sie sofreundlich, dieTüraufzumachen?;do you mind my smoking?macht es Ihnen etwas ausorstört es Sieor haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ichrauche?;I don’t mind telling you, I was shockedich warschockiert, das kannst du mirglauben;I hope you don’t mind my asking you/sitting hereichhoffe, Sie haben nichts dagegen, wenn ich Siefrage/dass ichhiersitze;don’t mind melass dich (durch mich)nichtstören;(iro)nimm auf mich keineRücksicht;I wouldn’t mind a cup of teaich hätte nichts gegen eineTasseTee
? never mind+ sb/sthnever mind the expense(es ist)egal, was eskostet;never mind that nowdas istjetztnichtwichtig,lass das dochjetzt;never mind your back, I’m worried about …deinRücken ist mir dochegal, ichmache mirSorgen um …;never mind himkümmere dichnicht um ihn
= care, worrysichkümmern, sich(dat)etwas darausmachen;(= object)etwas dagegen haben;he doesn’t seem to mind about anythingihnscheint nichts zukümmern;I wish he minded a littleichwünschte, eswürde ihm etwasausmachenor ihnein bisschenkümmern;nobody seemed to mindesschien keinem etwasauszumachen,niemandschien etwas dagegen zu haben;I’d prefer to stand, if you don’t mindichwürdelieberstehen, wenn es Ihnen recht ist;do you mind?macht es Ihnen etwas aus?;do you mind!(iro)nahör mal!, ichmöchte doch sehrbitten!;do you mind if I openor would you mind if I opened the window?macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich dasFensteröffne?;I don’t mind if I doich hätte nichts dagegen
? never mindmacht nichts, ist dochegal; (in exasperation) →ist ja auchegal, schongut;never mind, you’ll find anothermach dir nichtsdraus, dufindestbestimmt einen anderen;oh, never mind, I’ll do it myselfach,lass (es)or schongut, ichmache es selbst;never mind about that now!lass das dochjetzt!, das ist dochjetztnichtwichtig;never mind about what you said to him, what did he say to you?es ist dochegalorunwichtig, was du zu ihmgesagt hast, was hat er zu dirgesagt?;never mind about that mistakemach dir nichts aus demFehler;never mind about your shoes (in exasperation) →deineSchuhe sind mir dochegal;I’m not going to finish school, never mind go to universityichwerde dieSchulenichtbeenden und schongar nichtzurUniversitätgehen
? never you mind!kümmere du dich malnicht darum;(= none of your business)dasgeht dichüberhaupt nichts an!
= be sureaufpassen;mind and see if …sieh zu, ob …;mind you get that donesieh zu, dass du dasfertigbekommst;I’m not saying I’ll do it, mindich will damit abernichtsagen, dass ich estue;he’s not a bad lad, mind, just …er isteigentlich keinschlechterJunge, nur …;he didn’t do it, minder hat es (ja)nichtgetan
? mind youallerdings;mind you, I’d rather not goichwürdeeigentlichorallerdingsliebernichtgehen;it was raining at the time, mind youallerdings hat es dageregnet;mind you, he did try/asker hat esimmerhinversucht/hatimmerhingefragt;he’s quite good, mind youer isteigentlichganzgut
?mind outvi (Brit) →aufpassen (→for auf+acc);mind out!pass (doch)auf!


adj (inf)Wahnsinns-(inf);drug, substancesbewusstseinsverändernd
adj (inf)Wahnsinns-(inf);simplicityatemberaubend
adj (inf)irrsinnig(inf), →verrückt(inf);it’smind that …es istkaum zufassen, dass …;mind statisticsschwindelerregendeStatistiken


mind game
npsychologischesSpiel;to playminds with somebodyjdnverunsichern
(= senseless)destruction, crime, violencesinnlos;(= unchallenging)work, entertainment, routinestumpfsinnig;occupationgeistlos;(= stupid)hirnlos, ohneVerstand;mind idiothirnloserIdiot;mind thughirnloserSchlägertyp
to bemind of somethingnicht anetw(acc)denken
adv(= tediously)stumpfsinnig;(= stupidly)hirnlos
nGedankenleser(in)m(f);I’m not amindich bin doch kein Gedankenleser
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


a. (gen) →mentef; (intellect) →intelletto
a case of mind over matter →unavittoria dellospirito sullamateria
one of Britain's finest minds →uno dei piùgrandicervelli dellaGran Bretagna
I am not clear in my mind about the idea →non ho leideechiare inproposito
to be uneasy in one's mind →avere deidubbi, essereun po'preoccupato/a
what's on your mind? →cosa c'è che tipreoccupa?
I can't get it out of my mind →nonriesco a togliermelo dallamente
to putor setor give one's mind to sth →concentrarsi su qc,applicarsi a qc
that will take your mind off it →questo tiaiuterà a non pensarci (più)
to bearor keep sth in mind (take account of) →tenerpresente qc (remember) →tenere a mente qc, nondimenticare qc
it went right out of my mind →mi ècompletamentepassato dimente, me ne sonocompletamentedimenticato
to bringor call sth to mind →riportareorrichiamare qc allamente
b. (inclination, intention) →intenzionef,idea
to have sb/sth in mind →avere in mente qn/qc
to have in mind to do sth →avere intenzioneor inmente difare qc
I have a good mind to do it →avrei molta voglia di farlo
I have half a mind to do it →ho unamezzaidea di farlo
nothing was further from my mind →non mi era nemmenopassato per l'anticamera delcervello
to change one's mind →cambiare idea
c. (opinion)to make up one's minddecidersi
to be in two minds about sth →essereincerto/aorindeciso/a su qc
to be in two minds about doing sth →non sapersidecidere sefare qc o no
of one mind →della stessaidea
I am still of the same mind →sonoancora dello stessoparere
to have a mind of one's own (person, think for o.s.) →saperpensare con la propriatesta (not conform) →avere delleidee proprie
my car has a mind of its own →la miamacchina faun po'quello che vuole lei
to my mind →a mioparere,secondo me
d. (sanity) →cervello,mentef,testa
to go out ofor lose one's mind →impazzire,perdere la testa
to be out of one's mind →esserepazzo/a, essereuscito/a disenno,essere fuori di sé
a. (pay attention to, be careful of) →fare attenzione a,stareattento/a a
never mind (don't worry) →non preoccuparti (it makes no difference) →non importa,non fa niente
"please mind the step" →"attentiorattenzione algradino"
mind you don't fall →attento a noncadere
mind your language! →bada a comeparli!,controlla le tueparole!
mind you, ... (fam) →sì, però vadetto che...
mind your own business! (fam) →fatti gli affari tuoi!
never mind him →non badargli, non farglicaso
never mind the expense →secostacaro, pazienza!
don't mind me! (iro) →per carità, nonfare caso a me!
b. (attend to, look after, shop, machine, children) →occuparsi di,badare a
c. (be put out by, object to)I don't mind what he doesnon m'importa cosa fa
which? - I don't mind →quale? - èindifferente
I don't mind the cold/noise →ilfreddo/rumore non mi dànoiaorfastidio
would you mind opening the door? →ledispiaceaprire laporta?
do you mind if I open the window? - I don't mind →ledispiace seapro lafinestra? -faccia pure!
I wouldn't mind a cup of tea →prendereivolentieri unatazza di tè
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


the power by which one thinksetc; the intelligence or understanding.The child already has the mind of an adult. verstand عَقْل разсъдък mente mysl, inteligence der Verstand forstandνους,μυαλόmente,cabeza,cerebro aru اندیشیدن mieliesprit,intelligenceחשיבה मन्थिति pamet, razum értelem, elme; tudat pikiran hugur; greind, vitsmunirmente,intelligenza 정신, 마음, 지력 protas, supratingumas prāts; saprāts fikiranverstandsinn,ånd,forstand,hjerneumysł فكر كول،انديښنه كولespírito minte, inte­li­genţăум,разум myslenie; inteligencia pamet um förstånd, intellekt จิตใจ; ความคิด; สติปัญญาbeyin,akıl 思維能力,智力 розум عقل trí tuệ智力
1. to look after or supervise (eg a child).mind the baby. kyk, oppas يَرْعى، يَعْتَني наглеждам tomar conta dávat pozor naaufpassen se efter; holde øje medπροσέχω,επιβλέπωcuidar hoolt kandma نگهدارى کردن hoitaasurveiller לְהַשגִיח आपत्ति होना करना paziti na vigyáz, felügyel (gyerekre) menjaga gæta, líta eftirbadare a 世話をする 돌보다 rūpintis, prižiūrėti pieskatīt; rūpēties menjagazorgen voorpasse,ta seg av,se etterpilnować ساتلtomar conta a avea grijă deприсматривать;заботиться dávať pozor (na) paziti na kaj voditi računa o se efter, passa เอาใจใส่ดูแลbakmak 留意 доглядати خیال رکھنا chăm nom照看
2. to be upset by; to object to.You must try not to mind when he criticizes your work. omgee يهْتَم، يَنْزَعِج възразявам incomodar-se všímat si, dbátsich etwas machen aus blive gal; ikke tage sig afενοχλούμαι, με πειράζει κτ.importar,molestar hoolima, vastu olema ناراحت شدن از panna pahakseenêtre dérangé,se refuser אִכפַּת ל-, מְשַנֶה ל- ध्यान देना prigovarati izgatja vmi kesal, berkeberatan hafa á móti, láta sér standa á samapreoccuparsi,dispiacere 気にする 싫어하다 prieštarauti uztraukties; iebilst ambil kisah zich eraan storenbry seg om,ta seg nær avprzejmować się,mieć przeciwko ناخوښه كيدلincomodar-se a fi deranjat de, a se supăra (pentru)возражать; иметь что-л. против všímať si, byť dotknutý vznemirjati se brinuti se bry sig om, fästa sig vid คัดค้านaldırmak 介意 мати щось проти, заперечувати برا ماننا cảm thấy phiền lòng介意
3. to be careful of.Mind (= be careful not to trip over) the step! oppas يَحْتَرِس، يَحْذَر внимавай ter cuidado com pozor (na)sich in Acht nehmen passe påπροσέχω, έχω το νου μουtener cuidado tähele panema مراقب بودن varoaprendre garde תִּיָזהֵר מ- ध्यान रखना, (किसी कि ओर से) सतर्क या होशियार रहना biti pažljiv vigyáz hati-hati vara sig áfare attenzione a 注意する 조심하다 saugotis, būti atsargiam, atsiminti uzmanīties; pievērst uzmanību hati-hati oppassen voorpasse på,se opp foruważać په غور او پام سره ter cuidado com atenţie la... !остерегаться,беречься pozor na paziti paziti se upp för ระวังdikkat etmek 當心 берегтися, остерігатися احتیاط رکھنا cẩn thận当心
4. to pay attention to or obey.You should mind your parents' words/advice. gehoor gee, luister يَهْتَم في، يَنْتَبِه إلى، يُطيع изпълнявам ligar hledět si, dbátbeachten lytte tilπροσέχω,υπακούωhacer caso de tähele panema توجه کردن noudattaaprêter attention לָשִׂים לֵב ख्याल करना svratiti pažnju figyelembe vesz memperhatikan huga að; hlÿða obbedire a 従う 말을 듣다 paisyti, kreipti dėmesį į iegaumēt; ielāgot mendengaracht slaan oprette seg etter,adlyde,lystre zważać na پام كولligar a lua aminteприслушиваться;слушаться dbať upoštevati obratiti pažnju ge akt på, lägga märke till, tänka på เชื่อฟัง sözünü dinlemek 注意 мати на увазі توجہ دینا để ý注意
be careful!.Mind! There's a car coming! oppas إنْتَبِه! إحْذَر! Внимавай cuidado! pozor! Achtung! pas på! πρόσεχε! (επιφ.)¡cuidado! ettevaatust! مواظب باش varoattention הִיָזהֵר सावधान obrati pažnju! vigyázz! awas! gættu þín! (attento!) 気をつけろ 조심해! atsargiai! saugoki(tė)s! uzmanies! piesargies! awas pas op!pass på! Uważaj! پام كوهcuidado! Atenţie! осторожно! берегись! pozor! pazi! pazi akta!, se upp! ระวัง Dikkat et! 當心 обережно! خبردار sự xen vào当心
-minded having a (certain type of) mind, as in narrow-minded, *like-minded
sielig, geestig ميّال، ذو تَفْكير разсъждаващ като de mente ( ) -myslnýgesinnt -sindet -κεφαλος, -μυαλος (ως β΄ συνθ.) de mente -meelne فکر -mielinen qui est... d'esprit בַּעַל דֵעָה- / מַחֲשָׁבָה- एक जैसी सोच sklon, nakan beállítottságú, gondolkodású berpikiran -huga, innrættur; sinnaður (che ha una mentalità...) -心の …한 마음을 가진 turintis tam tikrà protà/bûdà/polinká ar (zināmu) domāšanas veidu berfikiran van geest -synt, –sinnet, –bevisst o ... umyśle, o ... rozumie فكر de espírito ( ) cu mintea... складом ума -myseľný ki je (...) duha -uman sinnad, -sint, -synt ซึ่งมีใจโน้มเอียง ...kafalı 有…心的(後綴) вказує на склад ума کسی خاص نظریہ کا حامل (từ ghép) thuộc đầu óc 有...心的(后缀)
mindful (withof) adjective
(formal) aware (of); paying attention (to).to be mindful of their needs;Mindful of the dangers, he proceeded with caution. oplettend مُنْتَبِه لواجِباتِه внимателен atento dbalý, dbajícírücksichtsvoll opmærksom; bevidstπροσεκτικός,συνετόςconsciente teadlik, tähelepanelik اگاه tietoinen être attentif à qqch מוּדָע ל- सावधान, सतर्क pažljiv, pozoran figyelmes sadar akan attento a, consapevole di 注意する …에 신경을 쓰는 atidus, jautrus gādīgs; uzmanīgs; piesardzīgs sedar zich bewust van; indachtigoppmerksom;omhyggelig mający (coś) na uwadze پوه внимательный, сознающий vedomý pozoren svestan uppmärksam på ซึ่งให้ความสนใจuyanık,dikkatli 意識到…的,注意….的 уважний; дбайливий کسی چیز کو توجہ دینا lưu tâm 注意的,留心的
ˈmindless adjective
stupid and senseless.mindless violence. onoplettend غَبي، قَليل العَقْل безумен estúpido neinteligentníunachtsam tankeløsανόητος,απερίσκεπτοςabsurdo,estúpido meeletu, arutu احمق mieletönstupide חֲסַר הִיגָיוֹן बेवकूफी bezuman értelmetlen, buta bodoh hugsunarlausinsensato 思慮のない 어리석은 beprasmiškas bezjēdzīgs tidak berakalstompzinnigtankeløs,tåpeligbezmyślny ،بى فكره لودهestúpido stupid, absurd глупый, бессмысленный hlúpy nespameten besmislen själlös, andefattig, meningslös ซึ่งไม่มีเหตุผล akılsız(ca) yapılan 沒頭沒腦的,盲目的 дурний, безглуздий احمق اور لا پروا vô tâm没头脑的
ˈmindlessly adverb
onoplettend بِدون إنْتِباه، بِقِلَّة عَقْل безумно estupidamente tupěunachtsam tankeløstανόητα,απερίσκεπταestúpidamente meeletult احمقانه mielettömästistupidement בְּחוֹסֶר הִיגָיוֹן मूर्खतापूर्वक bezumno értelmetlenül secara bodoh hugsunarlaustinsensatamente 無思慮に 어리석게 beprasmiškai bezjēdzīgi dengan tidak berakalstompzinnigtankeløst,tåpelig bezmyślnie ،چټى احمقانه estupidamente (în mod) stupidглупо tupo nespametno besmisleno själlöst, andefattigt, meningslöst อย่างไม่มีเหตุผล akılsızca 沒頭沒腦地,盲目地 дурно, безглуздо لاپروائی سے một cách vô tâm愚笨地
ˈmindlessness noun
onoplettendheid عَدَم إنْتِباه безумие estupidez bezmyšlenkovitost die Unachtsamkeit tankeløshedαπροσεξία,επιπολαιότηταestupidez meeletus بی توجه mielettömyysstupidité בְּחוֹסֶר הִיגָיוֹן मूर्खता, बुद्धिहीनता bezumlje értelmetlenség kebodohan hugsunarleysiinsensatezza 無思慮 어리석음 beprasmybė bezjēdzība tidak berakalnyastompzinnigheidtankeløshetbezmyślność بى فكره estupidez stupiditateглупость bezmyšlienkovitosť nespamet besmislenost själlöshet ความไม่มีเหตุผล akılsızlık 沒頭沒腦,盲目 безглуздя لاپروائی sự vô tâm粗心
ˈmindreader noun
a person who claims to know other people's thoughts. gedagteleser قارِئ للأفْكار четец на мисли adivinho čtenář, -ka myšlenek der/die Gedankenleser(in) tankelæser αυτός που διαβάζει το μυαλό των άλλων adivinador de pensamientos mõtetelugeja ذهن خوان ajatustenlukija liseur/-euse de pensées קוֹרֵא מַחֲשָבוֹת मन की बातों को जान लेने वाला čitač misli gondolatolvasó pembaca pikiran hugsanalesari (chi legge nel pensiero) 読心術者 독심술사 kitø mintis skaitantis þmogus telepāts; tas, kas lasa citu domas pembaca fikiran gedachtenlezertankeleser czytający w myślach هوښيار adivinho persoană care poate citi gândurile altcuiva читающий чужие мысли kto číta myšlienky kdor bere misli čitač misli tankeläsare ผู้อ่านใจผู้อื่นออก düşünce okuyucu,kâhin 能猜出別人心思的人 людина, що читає чужі думки دوسرے کے دل کے اندر کی بات جاننے کا دعوی کرنے والا người đọc được ý nghĩ của người khác能猜出别人心思的人
at/in the back of one's mind
being vaguely aware of something; deep inside.In the back of her mind she knew she couldn't trust him. eintlik дълбоко навътре в себе си no fundo در اعماق ذهن mielen sopukoissa בְּיַרכּתֵי הַמוֹח अंदर गहराई से duboko u mislima 마음 한 구석에 di bawah sedarnya in zijn achterhoofd د ذهن او فكر په ژورو كښى duboko u sebi ลึก ๆ ในใจ 隱約知道,在內心深處 підсвідомо ذہن میں موجود ہونا trong thâm tâm 下意识地,潜意识地
change one's mindchangebe out of one's mind
to be mad.He must be out of his mind! mal, kranksinnig يَفْقِدُ صَوابَه ядосан съм estar louco ztratit rozumnicht bei Sinnen sein fra forstanden μου έχει στρίψει estar loco arust ära olema دیوانه شدن olla järjiltäänavoir perdu la raison לְהִשתַגֵעַ विक्षिप्त होना sići s uma elvesztette józan eszét gila vera viti sínu fjæressere fuori di sé 気がふれて 미치다 būti pamišusiam, nepilno proto būt prātu zaudējušam/ne pie pilna prāta gila gek zijn være fra vettet/forstanden być szalonym ليونى كيدل estar louco a-şi perde minţile быть не в своём уме stratiť rozum priti ob pamet poludeti utom sig, rubbad บ้า deli/çıldırmış olmak 瘋了! бути несповна розуму دیوانہ بن جانا phát điên疯了
do you mind!
used to show annoyance, stop someone doing somethingetc.Do you mind! That's my foot you're standing on! gee jy om? إنْتَبِه! هل تَسْمَح؟: تُسْتَعْمَل للتَّعبير عن الإنْزعاج ако обичаш престани! faz favor! Dejte pozor! Paß auf! Undskyld! - men ... σας παρακαλώ! (για να δηλώσει ενόχληση) ¡haz el favor! ettevaatust! متوجه نیستی voisitko dis/dites donc! אִכפַּת לְך...! नाराजगी जताना Imaš li što protiv! lenne olyan szíves awas! væri þér sama! (ehi!) やめてくれ (분노를 나타내어) 그만두지 않겠소 atsargiai! žiūrėkit! attopies! awas kijk uit!unnskyld!;kunne du...przepraszam پام دى ده؟ faz favor! Nu te supăra!простите!; ты что! dajte pozor! veste kaj! pardon ursäkta mig! ระวังหน่อย ! Hey!; biraz dikkat etsene! 小心一點!不要這樣! дозвольте! کیا آپ یہ کرنا بند کریں گے anh có để ý không?请注意!
have a good mind to
to feel very much inclined to (do something).I've a good mind to tell your father what a naughty girl you are! is lus om يَميل بِشِدَّه много съм склонен estar disposto a mít sto chutígroße Lust haben zu have lyst til έχω πραγματικά τη διάθεση estar por hacer algo, estar decidido a kavatsema احساس خوبی داشتن olla melkein päättänytavoir bien envie de נוֹטֶה לְ- अत्यधिक लालायित होना, अत्यधिक इच्छुक होना imati dobru namjeru (nagy) kedve volna vmihez ingin sekali langa (helst) til að (avere una gran voglia di) ~したい 몹시 ...하고 싶어 하다 knietėti, labai norėti ļoti vēlēties (izdarīt); stingri nolemt ingin sekali grote zin hebben omha lyst til å,kunne godt tenke seg å mieć wielką ochotę ښه احساس لرل estar disposto a a avea mare poftă (să) иметь большое желание сделать что-л. mať sto chutí nameravati želeti ha god lust att ... รู้สึกอยากจะทำบางสิ่ง ...-meyi aklına koymak 很想做某事 збиратися کچھ کرنے کا ارادہ کرنا rất muốn làm điều gì很想作某事
have (half) a mind to
to feel (slightly) inclined to (do something).I've half a mind to take my holidays in winter this year. is lus om يَشْعُرُ بِمَيْلٍ إلى склонен съм estar pensando em mít skoro chuť beinahe Lust haben zu have lyst til έτσι μου έρχεται να estar tentado de (millegi poole) kalduma احساس خوبی داشتن olla osittain päättänyt avoir presque envie de לא מְעוּנייָן בּמיוּחָד कुछ-कुछ इरादा होना gotovo htjeti hajlandó volna vmire ingin vera skapi næst að avere una mezza intenzione di ~したいような気がする ...하고 싶어 하다 būti linkusiam nebūt nekam pret... teringin geneigd zijn om kunne godt tenke seg mieć chęć ښه احساس لرل، خوشحاله كيدل estar a pensar em a fi înclinat să быть не прочь, быть склонным сделать что-л. mať skoro chuť nagibati se k čemu razmišljati nästan ha lust att ... เกือบตัดสินใจทำบางสิ่ง aklından geçmek, biraz istekli/niyetli olmak 想做某事,有點想做某事 мати бажання کسی منصوبے کو خاطر میں لانا hơi muốn làm gì有点想作某事
in one's mind's eye
in one's imagination.If you try hard, you can see the room in your mind's eye. in jou gedagtes, in jou geestesoë في خَيال във въображението ми na imaginação v duchuvor jemands innerem Auge for sit indre øje με τα μάτια της φαντασίας μου en la imaginación vaimusilmas در تصورات دیگری mielikuvituksessaen imagination בְּעֵינֵי רוּחוֹ कल्पना u mislima lelki szemei előtt imajinasi hugskotssjónir con l'immaginazione 想像で 상상으로 vaizduotėje, mintyse iztēle bayangan voor het geestesoogi fantasien oczami duszy/wyobraźni د خوبونو په دنيا كښى na imaginação cu ochii minţiiмысленно v duchu v duhu u mašti för sitt inre öga, i fantasin ตามความคิด hayalinde, kafasında 在某人想像中,在某人腦海裡 у думці تصور میں trong trí tưởng tượng của tôi在某人想象中
in one's right mind
sane.No-one in his right mind would behave like that. van helder verstand عاقِل، في كامِلِ عَقْلِه в разсъдък no seu juízo perfeito při smyslech bei vollem Verstand ved sine fulde fem; med sin forstands fulde brug με σώας τας φρένας estar en su sano juicio täie aruga عاقل järjissään olevasain d'esprit בִּשפִיוּת सही दिमाग से u ludilu ép ésszel waras sem er heill á geðsmunumsano di mente 正気で 제정신의 sveiko proto pie pilna prāta waras met zijn verstand bij elkaarforstandig,i sitt rette sinn przy zdrowych zmysłach عاقل او هوښيار no seu juízo perfeito sănătos la cap в здравом уме pri zmysloch pri zdravi pameti pri zdravoj pameti vid sina sinnen[s fulla bruk] จิตปกติ aklı başında 神志正常的 при доброму розумі صحیح الدماغ tỉnh táo神志正常的
keep one's mind on
to give all one's attention to.Keep your mind on what you're doing! let op يُعْطي كُل تَفْكيرِه съсредоточи се върху dar atenção a soustředit se na immer denken an holde godt øje medπροσέχω, συγκεντρώνομαι σε estar atento,prestar atención keskenduma توجه کردن به pysyä keskittyneenä se concentrer sur לָשִׂים לֵב לְ- ध्यान से imaj na pameti vmire összpontosítja figyelmét memperhatikan penuh einbeita sér að concentrare la propria attenzione su ~に専念する 전념하다 galvoti tik apie koncentrēties; domāt tikai par... beri perhatian het hoofd erbij houdenkonsentrere seg uważać na, nie tracić z pola widzenia پام نيولdar atenção a a se concentra la сосредоточиться на sústrediť sa na osredotočiti se obratiti pažnju koncentrera sig på, hålla tankarna på มีสมาธิกับ bütün dikkatini vermek 專注於 зосереджуватися на توجہ دینا tập trung chú ý vào专心于
know one's own mind
(usually in negative) to know what one really thinks, wants to doetc.She doesn't know her own mind yet about abortion. besluiteloos wees يَعْرِفُ ماذا يُريد بالضَّبْط не знам какво мисля estar convencido vědět, co chtítwissen was man will ikke rigtigt selv vide; gøre sig sine egne tanker ξέρω τι θέλω saber lo que uno quiere kindlal otsusel olema نظر قطعی خود را ندانستن tietää mitä tahtoo savoir ce que l'on veut לִהיוֹת בַּעַל הַשקָפָה בְּרוּרָה मन की बात जानना, इच्छा जान लेना čuti mišljenje tudja, hogy mit akar mengetahui pikirannya þekkja hug sinn, vita hvað manni finnst/langar (sapere quello che si vuole) 心をきめる 뚜렷한 자기 의견을 가지고 있다 turėti tvirtą nuomonę, nusistatymą zināt, ko pats vēlas; skaidri zināt (par sevi) tindakan yang perlu diambil weten wat men wilvite hva en vilwiedzieć, czego się chce نشى كولاى چى پريكړه څوك، بى تصميمى estar convencido a şti ce vrea твёрдо знать, чего хочешь vedieť, čo chce biti si na jasnem znati šta želiš veta vad man vill รู้ว่าึคิดหรืออยากทำอะไร bir karara varmış olmak 清楚自己的想法,知道自己想做什麼 не вагатися اپنے ارادوں اور مقاصد سے واقف ہونا biết được ý định của người khác有自己的想法
make up one's mind
to decide.They've made up their minds to stay in Africa. besluit, finaal besluit يُقَرِّر решавам decidir-se rozhodnout sesich entschließen beslutteαποφασίζωdecidirse otsustama تصمیم گرفتن päättääse décider לְהַחֲלִיט फ़ैसला कर लेना, इरादा कर लेना, निश्चय कर लेना, ठान लेना, निश्चय करना odlučiti se elhatározza magát memutuskan ákveða sigdecidersi 決心する 결심하다 nutarti, pasiryžti izlemt; nolemt membuat keputusanbesluitenta en beslutning,bestemme seg podjąć decyzję تصميم نيولdecidir-se a se hotărîрешить rozhodnúť sa odločiti se odlučiti se bestämma sig [för] ตัดสินใจ kararını vermek 下定決心 вирішити فیصلہ کرنا quyết định下决心
mind one's own business
to attend to one's own affairs, not interfering in other people's.Go away and mind your own business! hou jou uit my sake يَهْتَم في أموره فَقَط، لا يَتَدَخَّل في ما لا يَعْنيه гледай си работата! meter-se na sua vida starat se o svésich um die eigenen Angelegenheiten kümmern passe sig selv κοιτάζω τη δουλειά μου meterse en su vida oma asjadega tegelema فضولی نکردن hoitaa omat asiansa s'occuper de ses affaires אַל תִּתעָרֵב अपना काम देखो, दूसरों के काम में टांग में मत अड़ाओ gledati svoj posao a maga dolgával törődik jangan ikut campur halda sig við sitt og skipta sér ekki af málefnum annarrabadare ai fatti propri 大きなお世話だ 남의 일에 간섭하지 않다 nesikišti (į svetimus reikalus) nejaukties citu darīšanās buat hal awak sendiri zich met zijn eigen zaken bemoeienpasse sine egne saker pilnować własnego nosa, nie wtrącać się w cudze sprawy د چا په كار كښى كار لرل meter-se na sua vida a-şi vedea de treburile sale заниматься своим делом starať sa o svoje brigati se zase gledati svoja posla sköta sitt (sina egna angelägenheter) สนใจเรื่องของตนเอง kendi işine bakmak 別管閒事 займатися своєю справою اپنے کام سے کام رکھنا hãy lo việc của anh别管闲事
never mind
don't bother; it's all right.Never mind, I'll do it myself. toemaar لا يَهُم! لا تَهْتَم! няма значение deixa para lá nevadímach dir nichts draus det gør ikke noget; tag dig ikke af det; det er lige meget δεν πειράζειno importa, da igual, no te preocupes pole viga مهم نیست älä välitä ça ne fait rien לא נוֹרָא परवाह मत करो ništa za to nem számít!, ne törődj vele! tidak apa-apa skiptir engu, gerir ekkert (non importa) 気にしない 걱정 말아라 niekis, tai nieko neuztraucies! tas nekas tidak mengapa maak je geen zorgenikke bry seg,blåse i noe nie szkodzi پروا نه لرى não tem importância nu-i nimic не беспокоитесь,ничего to nič, nevadí, to je jedno, na tom nezáleží ne skrbi nema veze det gör detsamma!, strunt i det! ไม่เป็นไร rahatsız olmayın!, zararı yok, önemi yok, aldırma 無所謂,不要緊 нічого; пусте کوئی بات نہیں đừng ngại 不要紧,没关系
on one's mind
making one anxious, worriedetc.She has a lot on her mind. bekommernisse مُسَبِّب للقَلَق тревожа em que pensar na starosti auf dem Herzen haben på sit hoved που απασχολεί τη σκέψη μου, που με κάνει να ανησυχώ en que pensar südamel olema اعصاب کسی را خورد کردن olla huolestunut sur la conscience בְּמוֹח- परेशान होना brinuti vmi nyomja a lelkét sangat resah vera áhyggjufullur sulla coscienza 気にかかって 마음에 걸려 kas ant širdies guli uz sirds; padomā merisaukanzorgen som plager, som bekymrer en na głowie څوك عصبى كول muito em que pensar pe conştiinţă, pe sufletтревожить,беспокоить na starosti skrbeti na pameti [ha ngt] som trycker en, [ha ngt] på hjärtat วิตกกังวล endişelendiren, içine dert olan 有心事,有煩惱 в думках کئی مسائل سے دو چار ہونا lo lắng về điều gì 使人担心,惦念
put (someone) in mind of
to remind (someone) of.This place puts me in mind of a book I once read. herinner my/hom يُذَكِّر припомням lembrar připomínatan etwas erinnern minde om θυμίζω κτ. σε κπ.recordar (kellelegi) meelde tuletama یاداوری کردن muistuttaarappeler לְהַזכִּיר याद दिलाना podsjetiti se emlékeztet vmire mengingatkan minna (e-n) áricordare 思い出させる (남에게) ...을 생각나게 하다 priminti atgādināt; likt atcerēties mengingatkan doen denken aanminne om,få til å tenke påprzypominać يادونه كول lembrar a(-i) aduce aminte de напоминать (кому-л.) о pripomínať spomniti koga na kaj podsećati påminna om เตือนใจhatırlatmak 使某人想起 нагадувати کسی چیز کی یاد دلانا nhắc nhở以某事提醒某人
speak one's mind
to say frankly what one means or thinks.You must allow me to speak my mind. sê wat jy dink يُجاهِر بِرأيِهِ، يُدْلي بِرَأيِهِ بِصَراحَه говоря откровено falar francamente říci své míněnífrei seine Meinung äußern sige sin mening μιλώ ανοιχτά, λέω αυτό που σκέφτομαι hablar sin rodeos, decir lo que uno piensa suud puhtaks rääkima رک و راست نظر دادن puhua suunsa puhtaaksidire sa pensée לְדַבֵּר גְלוּיוֹת मन की बात कहना izricati mišljenje kimondja amit gondol menyatakan dengan terus terang segja það sem manni bÿr í brjóstiparlare chiaro, はっきり言う 털어놓고 말하다 atvirai pasakyti savo nuomonę/kalbėti izteikt savas domas memberi pendapat zijn mening zeggensi rett ut,ta bladet fra munnen mówić otwarcie په څرګنده توګه خپل نظر وويل falar francamente a-şi spune părerea говорить откровенно povedať otvorene svoju mienku odkrito govoriti reći otvoreno šta misliš säga rent ut vad man tycker (tänker) พูดอย่างซื่อสัตย์ açıkça söylemek 直接表明某人的意思或想法 говорити щиро اپنے دل کی بات کہنا nói thẳng ra 说出某人的想法,直言不讳
take/keep one's mind off
to turn one's attention from; to prevent one from thinking about.A good holiday will take your mind off your troubles. jou van jou sorge laat vergeet يُبْعِدُ التَّفْكير разсейвам distrair-se odvést myšlenky od ablenken von få til at glemme αποσπώ τη σκέψη μουdistraer mõtteid mujale viima دور نگه داشتن ذهن از چیزی pitää ajatukset poissa se changer les idées לְהָסִיט אֶת תְּשוּמת הַלֵב स्वयं का या दूसरे का मन किसी एक वस्तु से हटाकर दूसरी वस्तु की तरफ लगाना odvratiti misli elvonja a figyelmét menyandera hætta að hugsa um distrarre da ~から気をそらす ...에서 마음을 돌리다 padėti užmiršti novērst domas no; likt aizmirst menghilangkan perhatian daripada gevangen nemen,houden få til å glemme pozwalać komuś zapomnieć o, odwracać czyjąś uwagę od پام بلى خواته اړولdistrair-se a distrage отвлечь(ся) от odviesť myšlienky od odvrniti od skrenuti misli sa få att glömma เบี่ยงเบนความสนใจ dikkatini başka tarafa yöneltmek 轉移某人對某事的注意,讓某人不再想某事 гнати від себе думки کسی چیز سے توجہ ہٹانا không suy nghĩ về điều gì移开某人对某事的注意
to my mind
in my opinion.To my mind, you're better off working here than in most other places. ek dink, volgens my في رأيي според мен a meu ver podle mého míněnímeiner Meinung nach efter min mening κατά τη γνώμη μου a mi parecer, a mi juicio,en mi opinión minu arust به نظر من minun mielestänià mon avis עַל פִּי דַעָתִי मेरे विचार से po mom mišljenju szerintem menurut pendapat saya að mínu álitisecondo me 私の考えでは 제 생각으로는 mano galva/nuomone pēc manām domām pada pendapat saya volgens mijetter min mening moim zdaniem زما په نظر a meu ver după părerea meaпо-моему podľa mňa po mojem mnenju po mom mišljenju enligt min mening, i mitt tycke ในความคิดของฉัน bence 依我看來 на мою думку میری رائے میں đối với tôi以我所见
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عَقْلٌ,يَهْتَمُّ mysl, vadit have noget imod, sindaufpassen auf,Geistενοχλούμαι,νουςcuidar,mente,preocuparse por mieli, panna pahakseendéranger,esprit imati nešto protiv, umbadare a,mente いやだと思う, 心 개의하다, 마음erg vinden,geestha noe imot,sinnmieć przeciwko,umysłimportar-se,menteвозражать,разум bry sig om, hjärna จิตใจ, รังเกียจaldırmak,zihin tâm trí, thấy phiền介意,头脑
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. mente, entendimiento;
___ -body medicinemedicina psicosomática;
v. atender, tener en cuenta;
to bear in ___tener presente;
to be out of one's ___volverse loco-a;
to make up one's ___decidirse;
to speak one's ___dar una opinión; dar su parecer.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n mentef;to lose one’s — volverse loco, perder la razón;vt (to obey) obedecer, hacer caso;He doesn’t mind me..No me obedece..No me hace caso.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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"Your Highness," cried the Woggle-Bug, appealing to Ozma, "have I amind's eye, or haven't I?"
Few things are more firmly established in popular philosophy than the distinction betweenmind and matter.
This humanmind wrote history, and this must read it.
Things which I didn'tmind at all, at first, I began tomind now -- and more and more, too, all the time.
In plain truth, she had simply taken her place in mymind, to the exclusion of every other person and every other subject.
You boast of consciousness, but you are not sure of your ground, for though yourmind works, yet your heart is darkened and corrupt, and you cannot have a full, genuine consciousness without a pure heart.
This popular view of the Platonic ideas may be summed up in some such formula as the following: 'Truth consists not in particulars, but in universals, which have a place in themind of God, or in some far-off heaven.
No change of circumstances, however extraordinary, could affect the one great anxiety which weighed on mymind while I was away from London.
DOUGLASS to address the convention: He came forward to the platform with a hesitancy and embar- rassment, necessarily the attendants of a sensitivemind in such a novel position.
Now she would be able to devote herself to large yet definite duties; now she would be allowed to live continually in the light of amind that she could reverence.
Bearing that inmind, be pleased to remember, at the same time, that I am an officer of the law acting here under the sanction of the mistress of the house.
He is glad to see the promise of settled weather now, for getting in the hay, about which the farmers have been fearful; and there is something so healthful in the sharing of a joy that is general and not merely personal, that this thought about the hay-harvest reacts on his state ofmind and makes his resolution seem an easier matter.

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