Teco Australia Pty Ltd ACN 002 595 388 (“Teco Australia”) is the Australian subsidiary of the multinational Taiwan-based engineering and electronics corporation, Teco Electric and Machinery Corporation.
This Privacy Policy ensures that Teco Australia manages and protects private and personal information under the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act.1988.
Background for collecting the information
Teco Australia collects your personal information for the following purposes:
to monitor the satisfaction of and strive for improvement on the services and products currently sold into Australia.
to provide opportunities of expanding the sale of services and products into Australia.
to determine what products and services are desired.
to provide requested customer after sales services.
to allow you convenient access to our services.
to make our services available to you.
How we collect your information
Teco Australia collects personal information directly from you when you deal with us over the phone, through the Internet, e-mail, letter, fax, send in warranty card or in person.
In addition, Teco Australia may collect your information from third parties like dealers, installers or service agents with your consent.
Information collected via the Internet
For each visitor browsing our website, our web sever may automatically recognise and store the Internet address of the visitor’s computer – IP address to determine which areas of our site is being visited and how long each visitor spends there. This information helps us to understand visitors’ traffic patterns through our website so that we can enhance the overall utility of our website. Your computer provides your IP address automatically each time you log on, unless you’ve activated blocking technologies available in some browsers.
We may employ a standard technology called cookies to collect information about how you use our site in order to provide you with a better experience by measuring which area of our website is of greatest interest or to remember you when you return to visit us. If you do not wish to receive any cookies you may set your browser to refuse cookies. This may mean you may not be able to browse Teco Australia’s website properly.
Type of information we collect
The type of information Teco Australia collect from you may include:
Your name, your address, your contact number(s), and email addresses.
What product (s) you have purchased and to the intended purpose.
The place where you purchased the goods or services.
Who installed the unit and that persons contact details
Information about your preference for goods.
Enquiries, requests for information
Comments you have made
How we uses and disclose the information
Teco Australia uses phone, fax and email to provide customer enquiries and technical support. We may use information that you provide us to contact you in an effort to resolve any contact issues or to notify you of technical services that may affect you.
Teco Australia uses information that you provide to allow improvements to the services and goods we provide to you to take part in our services (eg. enquiries, ordering, technical support, warranty services). Teco Australia will not share your personal information to any outside organisation for its use in marketing or solicitation without your consent. Your information may be shared with third party service providers to service such products as air conditioner warranty services. In such instances we may share your information with third party exclusively for the purpose of performing their after sales services functions. We only provide third party service providers with the minimum amount of information needed to complete the requested service or transaction.
Teco may also disclose personal information when required or authorised by law including when it considers it to be reasonably necessary to assist an enforcement agency or agency responsible for national security in the performance of its functions.
Information transferred overseas
Certain personal information may be disclosed to third party service providers overseas. Teco Australia will make reasonable effort to ensure that the personal information is disclosed under the following circumstances:
It believes that the receipient of the information is subject to a law, binding scheme or contract which effectively upholds principles for fair handling of the information that are substantially similar to the National Prinvacy Principles; or
You have consented to the transfer of Personal information; or
The transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract between you and Teco Australia; or
The transfer is necessary the performance of a contract concluded in your interest between us and a third party; or
The transfer of information is for your benefit and Teco Australia believes that if it were practical to obtain your consent you would be likely to give it; or
We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information which it has transferred will not be held, used or disclosed by the recipient of the information inconsistently with the National Privacy Principles.
Secure your personal information
Your personal information may be stored either in hardcopy documents or in electronic data. Teco Australia is committed to keeping your personal information secure. This includes physical security, computer and network security, communications security and personnel security.
Hardcopy documents
Where personal information is clearly no longer required, we will attend to either destroying or de-identifying the Personal information.
Where personal information exists as a hardcopy, we will destroy this information by shredding, pulping or disintegrating the information.
Where information is de-identified, it will be done in a manner whereby the removal of the identifier is permanent and can no longer be matched to re-establish your identity.
Access and Correction
Upon request, Teco Australia will provide you with access to the personal information we hold about you within a reasonable period. You may also gain access to your Personal information for the purpose of updating or correcting such.
To do so, please contact Teco Australia’s Privacy Officer. We will need to confirm your identy properly in the interest of protecting the privacy of all our customers. To do this, we may telephone you or require your current name and address (any former addresses that may assist in identification) and a copy of a form of identification such as a current driver’s licence or passport.
Teco Australia will not charge you for making a request to access personal information held by us. It may, however, charge you for the cost of making the personal information available to you. The cost of making information available to you will depend on the information sought. Teco Australia will provide you with an estimate of the likely cost.
Where Teco Australia denies or refuses access to personal information, it will provide you with written reasons.
If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy or about how we have handled Personal information about you, please contact Teco Australia’s Privacy Officer:
by telephone (61 2) 9765-8118; or
by facsimile (61 2) 9604-9330; or
by email toprivacy@teco.com.au This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ; or
by letter Privacy Office, PO Box 6667 Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Changes to the Privacy Policy
The privacy policy may change from time to time. The policy was last updated on 31/May/2007.