Teads Studio
인터넷은 디지털 환경에 적합하지 않은 크리에이티브 소재로 인해 필터링되고 품질이 낮은 광고로 가득 차 있습니다.
해결책은?사용자의 즐거움, 주목도, 광고 회상을 위해 크리에이티브를 최적화하는 것입니다.

TV 광고를모바일에 맞게 최적화하기
당사는 브랜드 상승 지표와 캠페인 효과를 높이는 데 도움이 되는 모바일 중심의 크리에이티브 실행을 개발하여 TV용으로 제작된 자산을 재구성하는 전문가입니다.
Creative enhancements to meet KPIs
Obtain a suite of formats from your assets to be applied to any and all business objectives. We are experts at transforming assets to drive desired outcomes, whether it be VCR, CTR, dwell time, or viewability.
Success Story

A creative approachdriven by data
All of our creative enhancements are based on the data we have collected over the past decade on what makes users engage. We are constantly testing, learning, and discovering how to delight users and leave a lasting impression.
We also align our data/audience strategies for every campaign with creative, to produce more personalised & relevant messages to target groups.

Dynamic creativemade simple
Shoppable and E-commerceAPI partnerships

l’Atelier & Creative workshops
Save time on creative validations by producing ready-to-run creative in one session. Our l’Atelier & Creative workshops allow advertisers to see their assets come to life in real-time, with creative strategists guiding a custom-creative tailoring session.
Creative testing
Understand which elements of your creative resonate with your target audience on a digital device. Our creative testing allows us to isolate the best performing elements of creatives to drive optimal results.

Teads Studio shows our ability to adapt existing brand assets into digitally-native ads that deliver business outcomes in unique and imaginative ways. The Teads Awards bring advertisers and agencies together to honor the best creative adaptations across multiple industries in the categories of Video, Display and Ateliers (creative workshops).
Judged by a prestigious panel of marketeers, the Awards are a celebration of the mobile-first creativity from around the world.