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Teads Carbon Reduction Program Scope3

As the industry progresses on greenhouse gas emissions evaluation with a dedicated standard published by theGlobal Alliance for Responsible Media GARM,Teads is launching a new Carbon Reduction program at Cannes to help clients leverage their carbon data and apply tailored solutions to reduce campaign greenhouse gas emissions.

Until now, the biggest questions about evaluating the carbon emissions of digital advertising campaigns were, ” How do I get started, and which solution should I choose?” And that’s before trying to understand the data and figure out what to do next.

At Teads, we have been working with our key advertisers on carbon measurement solutions since 2021. This has allowed us to dive deep into methodologies and grasp the potential and limitations of different solutions.

With the recent publication ofGARM‘s voluntary standard on greenhouse gas measurement, we are now at a tipping point for the industry. 

The GARM announcement Includes: 

Firstly, let’s thank theWFA,Ad Net Zero, and all stakeholders involved in this massive work. At Teads, we have actively contributed to this unique industry-wide effort through sustainability workgroups atSRI x Alliance Digitale,IAB Europe, andIAB Tech Lab, along with our carbon evaluation partnerScope3 and other solutions providers.

We are ready to take this to the next level:
Teads already offerscarbon measurement by default on all campaigns using Teads Ad Manager (TAM) thanks to an integration with leading solutionScope3

Clients likeSanofi recognize the immense value these integrations bring to understanding carbon measurement within campaign planning.

Prasad Ghag, Global Head Media, Digital & Strategic Planning, Sanofi comments that “[Sanofi] is committed to becoming a more sustainable and responsible advertiser through our ‘Responsible Media’ program. Media decarbonization has been a key focus since the start of 2023. Our approach is simple but robust: measure, reduce, and offset to achieve our ambition of Ad-Net Zero by 2030.

Given Teads is one of our key partners, it was fantastic to see their commitment to addressing this topic. They’ve integrated elements not only to measure the media carbon footprint but also to optimize and reduce it through inventory, creative, and supply path optimizations. We look forward to partnering and learning together on how we can drive further impact on this important topic of media decarbonization.”

Carbon data is also available inTAM reporting for easier cross-campaign analysis and comparison with other critical outcomes, such as attention.

We are excited to launch a new carbon program for our clients to support carbon data adoption and reduction efforts. During a dedicated workshop, we will review the optimization options available, agree on the year’s carbon reduction objective, and build tangible plans to unlock these together.

The primary goal of the program is to reduce emissions per outcome by combining both efficiency and carbon reduction best practices. 

In addition to the carbon program, we are extending ourScope3 partnership to help clients seamlessly onboard their Teads delivery data intoScope3 Media Reporting, a new solution included in their Collaborative Sustainability Platform. This solution aids brands and media buyers in centralizing and acting on their carbon data at the media plan level.

Because of its end-to-end platform, Teads has, by default, a lower carbon footprint compared to most programmatic alternatives,” Brian O’Kelley ofScope3 said.  “We are delighted that they have integrated Scope3 data into the Teads Ad Manager over the last 18 months. With Teads now also integrating into Scope3 Media Reporting, advertisers will be able to see even more clearly how carbon-efficient Teads is. Teads is a great partner for Scope3.”








2025年著作権- Made withモンペリエにて



