Support biodiversity, improve farm productivity and connect with community. Join us to explore the potential of on-ground action to improve natural assets on farms.
Find out moreOn the Farm:
Projects to improve natural assets on the farm
Healthy natural assets underpin farm productivity and landscape resilience. Our research, undertaken in partnership with farmers, Landcarers and NRM agencies, explores the benefits of looking after natural assets.

Enhance farm dams
Dams are essential for many farming operations, including for livestock and irrigation. Enhancing a farm dam can lead to improvements in water quality and provide habitat for a wide variety of native wildlife.
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Establish shelterbelts
Shelterbelts provide shade and wind protection for livestock, mitigate erosion and slow wind speeds. They also support many species of animals, helping conserve wildlife and contributing to natural pest control on a farm.
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Enhance rocky outcrops
Healthy rocky outcrops can boost farm biodiversity, productivity and soil health. Managing rocky outcrops generally requires little ongoing effort or cost.
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Protect and restore paddock trees
Scattered paddock trees are vital for agricultural productivity and for the conservation of wildlife. Many of these trees are being lost due to old age, stress and fire, but there are ways to protect and restore paddock trees.
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What we do
Sustainable Farms brings science to the paddock, working closely with Landcare and with farmers to understand how improving natural assets on farms can support biodiversity and sustainable agriculture.
Farmer Stories:
Meet some of our inspiring farmers
See all stories
John and Nicole Hopkins, Allawah
John and Nicole Hopkins run a Simmental Stud on ‘Allawah’, a 1,040 ha grazing and dryland cropping property near Illabo, east of Junee, which also produces lambs, wool and dryland cereal and oilseed crops. John and Nicole Hopkins are a typical farming family of the region. They both work full time on the farm and employ casual staff.
John is on the State and National Council for the Simmental breed. He champions the concepts implemented on Allawah through these forums, and particularly when people come to see their livestock, as well as through their involvement with Landcare and their connections to neighbouring farms.
The Hopkins have battled devastating fires on two separate occasions. After the second fire, instead of re-fencing in the same places as his father had done, they changed where the fences were located. They have since planted extensive areas of native trees and shrubs on Allawah, fencing off corridors and allowing waterways to regenerate John and Nicole are active Landcare members and have hosted a number of field days with Landcare in the past, including workshops for training LLS staff, and trialling rabbit control methods. John also has participated in some short film clips on sustainability with the ANU and Landcare, and is actively involved in supporting policy proposals developed through Sustainable Farms.
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Paul and Rachel Graham, Bongongo
Bongongo provides excellent example of riparian and wetland area restoration for species specific management (Booroolong Frog and Macquarie Perch).
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Sam and Claire Johnson, Windermere
The Johnsons have implemented shelterbelts, riparian restoration, management and enhancement of native and mixed native pastures, and management of wooded pastures.
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Tony and Vicky Geddes, Yallock
Yallock provides examples of restoring and managing existing woodlands, farm dam enhancement and shelterbelts and presents a good example of woodland management conservation in an agricultural landscape.
Read more2025 Calendar
Sustainable Farms evaluation report
Farm Dams technical Guide
Try BirdCast on your farm
2025 calendar available now!
This year’s wall calendar features stunning images of the flora and fauna of the Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands of the sheep-wheat belt. It also highlights our research on how to optimise the management of native woodland on farms.
Be quick – calendars are available to order for one week only from 10-16th Dec!

Sustainable Farms 2018-2023: Achievements & Outcomes
An independent evaluation of Sustainable Farms highlights the significant achievements and contributions of the initiative over the past six years.
Sustainable Farms 2018-2023: Achievements & Outcomes
Farm Dams Technical Guide
This guide provides detailed technical information to support the planning and construction of farm dams, as well as dam enhancement, in order to optimise their performance. Available online or to order.
Access the guide
Try the BirdCast tool on your farm
Have you tried our digital tool, BirdCast?
Enter some details about your farm’s locations and woodland areas on your farm, and BirdCast will let you know what birds you’re likely to see in your patch.
Modify the variables – for example, add a shelterbelt planting – and find out how that will change birdlife on your farm.
Find out more

Farmers have great stories.
Like to share yours?
Have you managed natural assets on your farm and seen results? Perhaps you’ve planted trees or fenced a creekline. What did you notice?
Share your storyWhere we work
Sustainable Farms works in the NSW South West Slopes, Central West, Murray-Riverina and north east Victoria. Our project area overlaps extensively with the Murray, Riverina, Central Tablelands, Central West and South East Local Land Services in NSW, and with Goulburn Broken and North East Catchment Management Authorities in Victoria.
Farmer Story
Cindy and Steve Scott, Glen Elgin
Henty, NSW
Cindy & Steve Scott are planting and protecting native vegetation on their farm near Henty NSW, with benefits for both livestock and wildlife.
Farmer Story
Derek and Murk Schoen, Killeneen
Corowa, NSW
Father and son, Derek and Murk Schoen, discuss their strategic approach to planting shelterbelts and the benefits they’ve seen on their farm.
Farmer Story
Marcus Richardson, Larakoona
Table Top, NSW
During the drought, Marcus Richardson saw an opportunity to enhance his property’s dams, with the aim of protecting these vital assets into the future.
Farmer Story
Tony and Vicky Geddes, Yallock
Holbrook, NSW
Yallock provides examples of restoring and managing existing woodlands, farm dam enhancement and shelterbelts and presents a good example of woodland management conservation in an agricultural landscape.
Farmer Story
John and Nicole Hopkins, Allawah
Illabo, NSW
Allawah, a 1,040 ha grazing and dryland cropping property near Illabo, provides excellent examples of enhancing existing remnant vegetation and management of riparian areas.
Farmer Story
Sam and Claire Johnson, Windermere
Murringo, NSW
The Johnsons have implemented shelterbelts, riparian restoration, management and enhancement of native and mixed native pastures, and management of wooded pastures.
Farmer Story
Paul and Rachel Graham, Bongongo
Adjungbilly, NSW
Bongongo provides excellent example of riparian and wetland area restoration for species specific management (Booroolong Frog and Macquarie Perch).
Farm dam enhancement & monitoring – Merrijig (Mansfield) VIC
Merrijig VIC (address provided upon registration)
Join us for a field day with Up2Us Landcare to learn about the science of farm dam enhancement.
Farm dam field day – Baddaginnie (Benalla) VIC
392 Warrenbayne West Rd, Baddaginnie VIC
Join us for a field day with the Warrenbayne Boho Land Protection Group and Gecko Clan to learn about the science and benefits of enhancing farm dams.
Farm dam field day – Bungowannah (Albury) NSW
Bungowannah Hall, Chambers Rd, Bungowannah NSW 2640
Join us at a field day near Albury with West Hume Landcare and Murray Local Land Services to learn about options for managing farm dams.
Enhancing your farm dam field day – Byawatha VIC
119 Luckie Rd, Byawatha VIC
Join us at a field day near Wangaratta with the Springhurst & Byawatha Hills Landcare Group to learn about ways to enhance farm dams.
2024 Sustainable Farms Research Forum – Wagga Wagga NSW
Wagga RSL Club
Restoration science and biodiversity markets in the Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands
Drought resilience field day – Wagga Wagga NSW
Maxwell NSW (between Wagga and Mangoplah)
Join us at a field day with the Riverina Local Land Services to learn about a range of on-farm practices to build drought resilience.
Enhancing farm dams field day – Staghorn Flat VIC
Staghorn Flat, VIC (address provided after registration)
Join us at a field day with the Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups and Agriculture Victoria.
Breakfast with the Birds – Glenrowan VIC
Greens Road Bushland Reserve
Cnr Greens Rd & Laceby-Glenrowan Rd
(Opposite the NE Water storage)
Glenrowan VIC
Join the Greta Valley Landcare Group and ecologists from Sustainable Farms to learn about local woodland birds.
Enhancing farm dams field day – Lima East (Swanpool) VIC
Swanpool, VIC (address provided after registration)
Join us at a field day with the Swanpool Landcare Group and Gecko Clan Landcare.
Paddock tree protection and grassland restoration field day – Baranduda VIC
Baranduda, VIC (address provided after registration)
Join us at a field day with Kiewa Catchment Landcare.
Map Legend

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2025 calendar available now!
The 2025 Sustainable Farms calendar features the flora and fauna of the Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands!
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Sustainable Farms 2018-2023: Achievements & Outcomes
An independent evaluation of Sustainable Farms highlights the significant achievements and contributions of the initiative over the past six years.
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POLICY BRIEF: Supporting Farmer Mental Health and Environmental Sustainability in Agriculture
Research from the Sustainable Farms initiative highlights both the importance and complexity of farmers engaging in natural resource management (NRM) practices on their mental health.
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