Course and Program Resources

Here you can find resources to assist your studies. You can also refer to the A to Z guide for an alphabetical list of resources and services, or to theUNSW Glossary for definitions of terms commonly used at UNSW.

YourProgram Authority is the contact for specific enquiries about your program.

ELISE Tutorial

Introductory tutorial for using the UNSW Library resources.

Library subject guides

Information relating to your study

Course outlines

For faculty and schools

Room bookings

Need a meeting room?

Course Handbook

Guide to degree programs

Dates and timetables

Your calendar and timetables


Help using different styles of referencing.

Past exam papers

Access past exams

Campus facilities

Library, bookshops and study

Faculty resources

See your program authority

Forms and documents

Student administration forms

See also

Referencing and acknowledging the use of artificial intelligence tools

How to cite, reference or acknowledge the use of AI tools in your work.

Exam Preparation Study Tips

Links to information about the different types of exams you may encounter and tips to help you do well in exams.

Study Hacks Workshops

A series of workshops by the Library and Academic Skills team to develop key skills you need to succeed at UNSW.

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