With an athletic build, an exotic beauty, and blue skin, Aayla Secura stood out among the many faces of the Jedi ranks. A cunning warrior and Jedi Knight during the rise of the Clone Wars, Aayla fought alongside Clone Commander Bly on many exotic battlefields. Having mastered the emotional detachment necessary in the Jedi Order, she always tried to pass on what she had learned to others. Aayla was killed, along with many other Jedi Generals, when her troops turned on her in reaction to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s broadcast of Order 66.
TheTwi’lek Jedi Aayla Secura learned the ways of the Jedi as Padawan toQuinlan Vos. As a Jedi Knight, she joined the mission to rescueAnakin Skywalker andObi-Wan Kenobi from captivity onGeonosis, fighting in the arena against Geonosian drones and Separatistbattle droids.
Aayla served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars, forging a close working relationship withClone Commander Bly. She sought to teach younger Jedi what Master Vos had taught her, counselingAhsoka Tano after Anakin Skywalker’s injury on Maridun.
Aayla continued to lead troops until the final days of the war. During a mission on the remote world ofFelucia, Bly received Order 66 from Supreme ChancellorPalpatine. He and his troops opened fire on Aayla, killing her instantly.
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