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I saw LMFAO live in 2011 and they make the whole place rock out. At the time, I had only a vague awareness of them, they were a part of a long lineup at a big venue. When they came on stage, they captured the whole stadium - all eyes were on them. They spoke to us, and talked about how they probably shouldn't do it, but that they were in the process of releasing Party Rock Anthem and we all freaked. Ever get the feels you're sitting front row of the next most popular song in the country? They tailored much of their work towards our town, which was nice - so many touring artists can't keep track of where they are - it makes a nice touch to hear them play "I'M IN SEATTLE *ITCH!". Long story short folks, if you hear LMFAO is in town, you best be there to greet them in your finest party rock attire.
Want to see LMFAO in concert? Find information on all of LMFAO’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2025-2026.
Unfortunately there are no concert dates for LMFAO scheduled in 2025.
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