


Browse the Library

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Torah, Prophets, and Writings, which together make up the Hebrew Bible, Judaism's foundational text.
First major work of rabbinic literature, compiled around 200 CE, documenting a multiplicity of legal opinions in the oral tradition.
Generations of rabbinic debate about law, ethics, and Bible, structured as commentary on the Mishnah with stories interwoven.
Interpretations and elaborations upon biblical texts, including stories, parables, and legal deductions.
Legal works providing guidance on all aspects of Jewish life. Rooted in past sources and growing to address changing realities.
Mystical works addressing topics like God’s attributes and the relationship between God’s eternality and the finite universe.
Prayers, poems, and ritual texts, like Siddur and Haggadah, recited in daily worship or at specific occasions.
Jewish Thought
Jewish philosophy and theology, ranging from medieval to contemporary, analyzing topics like free will and chosenness.
Companion volumes to the Mishnah, containing laws and discussions that were not included in the Mishnah’s redaction.
Spiritual revival movement founded in the 18th century, focusing on communion with God and divinity in the material world.
Virtue-based instruction for moral and spiritual character development, ranging from medieval to contemporary.
Answers and decisions written by rabbinic leaders in response to questions, demonstrating the application of Jewish law to actual cases.
Second Temple
Works compiled around the time period of the Second Temple, which stood for several centuries and was destroyed in 70 CE.
Dictionaries, grammar works, and encyclopedias, from medieval to contemporary.

A Living Library of Torah

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