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Friday, 28 March 2025, 5:26 pm |Finance And Expenditure Select Committee
Chair of the Finance and Expenditure Committee, Cameron Brewer, says members arelooking forward to meeting with the Reserve Bank's leaders.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 2:55 pm |NZ Food Safety
Peni Naivaluvou (64) was sentenced in the Papakura District Court today (28/3/25)on three charges under the Animal Products Act, following a successful prosecutionby New Zealand Food Safety investigators.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 2:44 pm |ANZIIF
InsurePride is an organisation dedicated to advancing LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the insurancesector through advocacy, research, and collaboration. This partnership reaffirmsANZIIF’s commitment to championing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the industry.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 1:45 pm |SKYCITY Auckland
Since 2019, significant buildings and landmarks around the world including The EmpireState Building, the Eiffel Tower and the Sydney Opera House have been illuminated,and on Sunday the Sky Tower will join these iconic locations.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 12:18 pm |Danny's Desks and Chairs
As Queensland’s regional economy continues to diversify, equitable access to furnitureand fitout solutions remains critical. Flexible service models that combine digitalordering with regionally aware delivery are helping close the gap.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 12:11 pm |Watercare Services
The 200-metre-long TBM has travelled under Manukau Harbour, across the city and laidmore than 10,000 rings to build New Zealand’s longest wastewater tunnel.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 11:17 am |Stats NZ
Employment indicators provide an early indication of changes in the labour market.Key facts Changes in the seasonally adjusted filled jobs for the February 2025 month(compared with the January 2025 month) were: all industries – flat (up 1,157 jobs) ...More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 10:23 am |New Zealand Hemp Industries Association Inc
In a landmark event, Members of Parliament and government officials have steppedinto the heart of the country’s industrial hemp (iHemp) sector on March 24, 2025.This first-of-its-kind factory and field visit for Government provided an immersive ...More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 9:58 am |Lotto New Zealand
The individual, who wishes to remain anonymous, is still coming to terms with their$5.3 million win at the weekend, following a ticket purchase in Port Chalmers.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 9:52 am |Community Housing Aotearoa
Partnerships are essential to our members ability to continue to deliver secure,long-term, affordable homes. Because the approach to housing is from a longer-termperspective, retaining ownership of those homes ensures more New Zealanders can be ...More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 9:48 am |BNZ
The cost of returning to school and work put pressure on households this year, with70% of those who faced these expenses reporting negative impacts, according to aBNZ survey.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 9:41 am |Hugh Grant
The nature of Bitcoin price moves is complex and is an opportunity and a risk. Itis not just a defect to be defected or a feature to be exploited, but a propertyof a relatively young and rapidly developing asset.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 9:37 am |AMI Insurance
Anyone who passes their restricted or full New Zealand practical driving test atone of 100+ VTNZ outlets across the country, will receive an AMI Roadside Rescuecongratulations pack, including some goodies and information on how to redeem their ...More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 9:12 am |Consumer NZ
Consumer NZ calls for stronger action in New Zealand following the ACCC supermarketreport, particularly on pricing and promotional practices.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 8:57 am |Hugh Grant
Take your personal style into account before you choose your wedding dress. In theend, no matter what type of wedding dress you choose, stay true to yourself, andthrow the trends out the window.More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 8:42 am |New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards
The Canterbury/North Otago Dairy Industry Awards field day will be held on 10th April2025 at 10.30am at 310 McDougalls Rd, Lismore, Ashburton 7775 S/N Fonterra 37038where Canterbury/North Otago Share Farmers of the Year, Richard Grabham and Nikita ...More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 8:30 am |Community Access Media Alliance
CAMA’s submission also aligns with global recognition of the importance of community broadcasting. The United Nations and UNESCO have long advocated for policies that protect and sustain community media, citing its role in promoting media pluralism,More >>
Friday, 28 March 2025, 8:20 am |Asia Pacific AML
Government agencies are not authorised to access customer data that a business hascollected under the AML/CFT Act. Regardless, NZ government agencies are utilisingpowers that are not authorised and collating data against New Zealanders outside ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 7:39 pm |NZILA
As a body for landscape architects our primary concern as a community of practitioners,will always be to seek to reconcile human needs with the natural environment andits systems, including restorative practices.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 6:46 pm |RNZ
Commercial property is offering higher returns than residential properties.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 6:41 pm |Hospitality NZ
Hospitality NZ Chief Executive Steve Armitage says: “This decision provides clarityfor the future of Eden Park, which is an important economic driver for hospitalityand accommodation businesses in the region."More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 6:33 pm |New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors
“Before an application goes to council, a Building Surveyor can review the plans,check the detail, make sure all supporting documentation is there, and that everythingcross-references properly and that which is detailed is not only compliant but also ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 6:26 pm |Wellington Airport
“Many of these projects will boost our safety and resilience, including renewingour southern seawall and installing new EMAS safety zones at each end of the runway.The improvements will also enhance the airport experience for travellers with upgrades ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 6:21 pm |Westpac New Zealand
Westpac NZ Managing Director Institutional and Business Banking Reuben Tucker saysCHPs have always played an important role in providing social housing, but theircapacity to build has been held back by funding and financing constraints.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 6:17 pm |Community Housing Aotearoa
“This is a step towards providing the right financial conditions for CHPs to delivermore secure, affordable, long-term homes for people in areas with the greatest persistentunmet housing need,” said Paul Gilberd, Chief Executive, Community Housing Aotearoa.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 5:43 pm |Rose and Thorne
The digital model developed by Rose & Thorne works by connecting women with professionalbra fitters via live online consultations, allowing them to receive personalisedsizing advice without the need for in-person fittings, which are often unavailable ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 4:26 pm |Happy Air Heat Pumps
Their expertise in commercial air conditioning in Auckland includes custom-designedsystems for retail spaces, office buildings, and industrial sites, along with ongoingmaintenance to ensure long-term performance.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 3:35 pm |Te Puia
Six famed New Zealand locations star in the game’s design: Waitomo Caves (Waikato), Rotorua (Bay of Plenty), Kapiti Island (Wellington), Abel Tasman (Nelson/Tasman), Tekapo (Mackenzie) and Doubtful Sound (Fiordland).More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 3:22 pm |Commerce Commission
The Statement of Issues outlines the Commission’s potential competition issueswith the acquisition following its initial investigation. The Statement of Issuesis not a final decision and does not mean that the Commission intends to decline ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 2:54 pm |Zespri
The Kowhai is Zespri’s first charter shipment for the Greater China region forthe 2025/26 season and arrived last night after departing Tauranga in mid-March.It continues the trial work Zespri and FCC are undertaking, following on from a technical ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 2:45 pm |Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand
Transporting New Zealand’s landmark look at the industry, the 2025 National RoadFreight Survey, is being run by independent survey firm Research New Zealand andcloses at noon on Monday, March 31.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 2:22 pm |Tourism Industry Aotearoa
The total of $3 million will support six initiatives ranging from the top of theNorth to the bottom of the South Island. The funding is intended to support short,sharp campaigns delivered between April to July, focusing on key visitor markets ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 2:07 pm |Juice Electrical
Smart home automation is transforming how Christchurch residents interact with theirliving spaces. From intelligent lighting systems to security controls and energymanagement, homeowners are looking for integrated solutions that offer both convenience ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 1:38 pm |SEEK
Hirers are generally going to face the most competition for workers in March andMay, with more ads on SEEK on average in these months than any other throughout theyear. Ads are generally at their lowest level for the year in December.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 1:27 pm |ASH Action For Smokefree 2025
The 48 page ruling released by the BSA demonstrates that ThreeNews made five breachesof fairness, balance and accuracy standards.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 1:06 pm |Hospitality New Zealand
Six regional tourism organisations will receive a total of $3 million through theRegional Tourism Boost contestable fund. This will be used for short, sharp campaignsto encourage tourists to travel beyond traditional hot spots and see more of New ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 12:55 pm |Broadcasting Standards Authority
The failure to include relevant and important information, and to adequately includecomment from ASH that responded to the thrust of the story, demonstrates shortfallsin editorial processes and oversight on this occasion, in breach of the accuracy ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 12:16 pm |Danny's Desks and Chairs
All products include clear specifications, warranty coverage, and up-to-date availability.Delivery costs are capped or waived based on order size, and most items are shippedflat-packed with instructions.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 11:20 am |Hugh Grant
Insurance companies make an effort to settle traumatic brain injury claims as quicklyas possible. You may receive an offer for a settlement very early on in the process,but this offer is not likely to be anywhere close to the amount of money that you ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 10:48 am |UN News
The United Nations on Wednesday welcomed recent diplomatic talks involving Russia, Ukraine and the United States in Saudi Arabia, calling an agreement on freedom of navigation and security in the Black Sea a crucial step for global food security.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 9:49 am |UN News
Childhood stunting from malnutrition is a global but preventable problem if adequateinvestment can be found, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Wednesday, amidchronic funding shortages that threaten essential feeding programmes.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 9:40 am |Commerce Commission
Telecommunications Commissioner, Tristan Gilbertson, says the new fibre regime isworking well, but needs to keep pace with market developments.More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 9:32 am |Happy Prime
Meurig Chapman, CEO of Happy Prime, New Zealand’s specialist credit risk whichconsults to the corporate banking sector, says extreme weather events—now expectedevery three years instead of 50—could be financially devastating if New Zealand ...More >>
Thursday, 27 March 2025, 9:26 am |Toyota New Zealand
Toyota New Zealand, which supplied the fuel cells for the truck, has been at theforefront of promoting hydrogen as a sustainable energy source, actively supportingthe domestic hydrogen industry and pioneering innovative applications of hydrogen ...More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 9:30 pm |Lotto New Zealand
One lucky player also won Powerball Second Division, taking their total winningsto $25,123. The winning Powerball Second Division ticket was sold on MyLotto to aplayer from Waikato.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 9:29 pm |Takeovers Panel
The Panel considers that the exemption promotes the objectives under the Code oftreating shareholders fairly and maintaining a proper relation between the costsof compliance with the Code and the benefits resulting from it.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 9:08 pm |Lotto New Zealand
Lotto First Division will be $1 million and Strike Four will be $400,000 on Saturday.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 9:07 pm |Ballance Farm Environment Awards
Diverse Ponatahi Farming Operation Takes Out The Regional Supreme Award At The GreaterWellington Ballance Farm Environment AwardsMore >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 8:27 pm |RNZ
Recent migrants, people who do not speak English, rural communities, trusts, youngpeople and Māori trusts are hit hardest.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 4:20 pm |Venture Taranaki
Employment data reveals a moderate decline, with an average of 56,037 people in workduring the year to December 2024 - down 0.9% from the previous year. However, theregional unemployment rate stood at 4.0% (annual average), remaining below the national ...More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 3:37 pm |Commerce Commission
The Commission invites interested parties to provide comments on the likely competitiveeffects of the proposed acquisition. The Commission is currently scheduled to makea decision on the application by 1 May 2025.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 3:30 pm |Blue Yonder
Across regions, consumers say they are willing to spend more for food and beverage,cleaning products and more, but high prices and perceptions of greenwashing remainkey barriers.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 2:49 pm |Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand
Transporting New Zealand Policy and Advocacy Lead Billy Clemens says the final legislationhas been a long time coming, after legislation from the previous government couldn’tbe implemented by Police due to the lack of appropriate testing devices.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 2:18 pm |Vienna Woods
The unique textures, knots, and natural imperfections of reclaimed wood create floorsthat tell a story, making them a sought-after choice for both contemporary and heritage-stylehomes.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 1:55 pm |Advertising Standards Authority
The data in the turnover report is from television, newspapers, magazines, interactivemedia, radio, out-of-home, addressed mail, unaddressed mail, and cinema.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 12:19 pm |Danny's Desks and Chairs
As businesses adapt to changing work environments, Danny’s Desks & Chairs remainscommitted to providing high-quality, ergonomic office solutions that support modernprofessionals in Brisbane and the Gold Coast.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 12:15 pm |University of Auckland
Entrepreneurial ecosystems: the networks, organisations, and funding systems thatsupport startup ventures, might seem open to all. But they’re far from gender neutral,the researchers say.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 11:19 am |Ara Ake
"Our hydrogen liquefier provides readily available liquid hydrogen onsite, allowingthe capability to access the critical fuel source to prove and test the tanks andfuel system we are developing for Stralis and their fixed-wing fuel-cell electric ...More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 10:08 am |Tainui Group Holdings
Of the more than 150 NABERSNZ rated buildings, Amohia Ake is one of only half a dozenbuildings in Aotearoa currently certified to 6 stars.More >>
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 9:41 am |Hugh Grant
The infrared light penetrates the skin and makes the body warmer to reduce muscletension. Infrared tech can reduce warmup time and you may feel a sense of mentalclarity and energy while exercising since these are the same effects the sun has ...More >>