Preliminary Round:15 July 1952 Kupittaa, TurkuAtt: 14,000 Ref: Nikolai Latichev (USR) HT: 1-0HUNGARY 2 (Czibor, Kocsis)ROMANIA 1 (Suru)Hungary: Grosics - Dalnoki, Lorant - Lantos, Kovacs, Bozsik - Budai II, Kocsis, Hidegkuti, Puskas(cap), Czibor.Romania: Voinescu - Zavoda II, Farmati - Calinoiu, Kovacs, Serfozo - Paraschiva, Iordache, Ozon, Petschovschi(cap), Suru. 15 July 1952 Ratina, TampereAtt: 7,000 Ref: Wolf Waldemar Karni (Fin) HT: 2-0DENMARK 2 (Poul E.Petersen, Seebach)GREECE 1 (Emanuilidis)Denmark: Johansen - P.Petersen, Nielsen - Terkelsen, Andersen, Blicher - J.W.Hansen, P.E.Petersen(cap), J.P.Hansen, Lundberg, Seebach.Greece: Pentzaropoulos - Rosidis, Linoxilakis - Arvanitis, Ioannou, Pulis - Emanuilidis, Darivas, Papayeorgiou, Bembis, Drosos. 15 July 1952 LahtiRef: Karel van der Meer (Ned) HT: 1-1POLAND 2 (Trampisz, Krasowka)FRANCE 1 (Leblond)Poland: Stefaniszyn - Gedlak, Cebula - Banisz, Suszczyk, Mamon - Trampisz, Krasowka, Alszer, Cieslik, Wisniewski.France: Deprez - Bochard, Eloy - Colliot, Druart, Barreau - Persillon, Leblond, Oliver, Bohee, Lefevre. 15 July 1952 Pallokenttä, HelsinkiAtt: 20,000 Ref: John Best (USA) HT: 5-0YUGOSLAVIA 10 (Zebec 4, Mitic 3, Vukas 2, Ognjanov)INDIA 1 (Ahmed Khan)Yugoslavia: Beara - Stankovic, Crnkovic - Cajkovski, Horvat, Boskov - Ognjanov, Mitic, Vukas, Bobek, Zebec.India: B.Anthony - Azizuddin, Ravat - Manna, Lateef, Shunmugham - Vankatesh, Sattar, Moinuddin, Ahmed Khan, J.Anthony. 16 July 1952 Ratina, TampereAtt: 10,000 Ref: Arthur Ellis (Eng) HT: 3-0ITALY 8 (Gimona 3, Pandolfini 2, Venturi, Fontanesi, Mariani)UNITED STATES 0Italy: Bugatti - Rota, Corradi - Neri, Cade, Venturi - Mariani, Pandolfini(cap), La Rosa, Gimona, Fontanesi.USA: Burkhard - Schaller, Keough - Sheppell, Colombo, McHugh - Monsen, Souza, Surrock, Mendoza, Cook.16 July 1952 KotkaRef: John O.Nilsson (Swe) HT: 2-2EGYPT 5 (El Mekkawi, El Dezwi 3, El Far)CHILE 4 (Vial Blanco 2, Jara Constanzo 2)Egypt: Hemueda - M.O.Mohamed, Kabil - Rashed, Bastan, Ali - S.Mohamed, El Far, El Hamoly, El Dezwi, El Mekkawi.Chile: Sanchez - Conley, Rojas - Placencia, Aninat, Qezada - Blanco, Becker, Herrera, Pillado, Constanzo.16 July 1952 Lahti Ref: Vincenzo Orlandini (Ita) HT: 0-1 (aet)LUXEMBOURG 5 (Roller 2, Letsch 2, Gales)GREAT BRITAIN 3 (Robb, Lewis, Slater)Luxembourg: Lahure - Wagner(cap), Spartz - Jaminet, Reuter, Guth - Muller, Roller, Gales, Nurenberg, Letsch.GB: Bennett - Stratton, Stewart - Saunders, Fuller, Topp - Robb, Slater, Lewis, Noble, Hardisty. 16 July 1952 Kupittaa, TurkuAtt: 16,000 Ref: Giorgio Bernardi (Ita) HT: 3-1BRAZIL 5 (Humberto, Larry 2, Jansen, Vava) NETHERLANDS 1 (van Roessel)Brazil: Carlos Alberto - Valdir, Mauro, Zozimo, Adesio - Edson, Milton - Humberto, Larry, Vava, Jansen.Netherlands: Kraak - Odenthal, Alberts - Wiertz, Terlouw, Biesbrouck(cap) - van der Kuil, Bennaars, van Roessel, Mommers, Clavan.16 July 1952 KotkaAtt: 10,000 Ref: Istvan Zsolt (Hun) HT: 0-0 (aet)SOVIET UNION 2 (Bobrov, Trofimov)BULGARIA 1 (Kolev)Soviet Union: Ivanov - Krizhevski, Bashashkin - Nirkov, A.Petrov, Netto(cap) - Trofimov, Teniyaghin, Bobrov, Gogoberidze, A.llyin.Bulgaria: Sokolov - Vasilev, Manolov - Apostolov, Bojkov(cap), Petkov - Milanov, Kolev, Panayotov, Argirov, Yanev.Austria (walkover vs Saar), Dutch Antilles, Finland, Germany,Norway (walkover vs Mexico), Sweden and Turkey byes. First Round: 19 July 1952 Olympiastadion, HelsinkiAtt: 33,053 Ref: William Ling (Eng) HT: 2-3AUSTRIA 4 (Gollnhuber 2, Grohs, Sturnpf)FINLAND 3 (Stolpe 2, Rytkonen)Austria: Nikolai - Kollmann, Krammer - Walter, Wolf, Fendler - Stumpf, Hochleitner, Grohs, Feldinger, Gollnhuber.Finland: Laaksonen - Lindman, Myntti - Asikainen, Valkama, Beijar - Vaihela, Rytkonen, Rikberg, Lehtovirta, Stolpe. 20 July 1952 Kupittaa, TurkuRef: Giorgio Bernardi (Ita) HT: 2-0GERMANY 3 (Schroder 2, Klug)EGYPT 1 (EI Dezwi) Germany: Schonbeck - Eberle, Post - Sommerlatt, Jager, Gleixner - Mauritz, Stollenwerk, Schroder, Schafer, Klug.Egypt: Hemueda - M.O.Moharned, Sedky - Ali, Bastan, Rashed - El Mekkawi, El Dezwi, El Hamoly, El Far, S.Mohamed. 20 July 1952 KotkaAtt: Not Known Ref: Maryan Macancic (Yug) HT: 1-0BRAZIL 2 (Larry, Humberto)LUXEMBOURG 1 (Gales)Brazil: Carlos Alberto - Valdir, Mauro, Zozimo, Adesio - Edson, Milton - Larry, Vava, Humberto, Jansen.Luxembourg: Lahure - Wagner(cap), Spartz - Jaminet, Reuter, Guth - Muller, Roller, Gales, Nurenberg, Letsch. 20 July 1952 Ratina, TampereAtt: 17,000 Ret: Arthur Ellis (Eng) HT: 3-0YUGOSLAVIA 5 (Zebec 2, Ognjanov, Mitic, Bobek)SOVIET UNION 5 (Bobrov 3, Trofimov, Petrov)Yugoslavia: Beara - Stankovic, Crnkovic - Cajkowski, Horvat, Boskov - Ognjanov, Mitic, Vukas, Bobek, Zebec.Soviet Union: Ivanov - Krizhevski, Bashashkin - Nirkov, Petrov, Netto(cap) - Trofimov, Nikolaiev, Bobrov, Mariutin, Beskov. 21 July 1952 Pallokenttä, HelsinkiAtt: 20,000 Ref: Karel van der Meer (Ned) HT: 2-0HUNGARY 3 (P.Palotas 2, Kocsis)ITALY 0Hungary: Grosics - Buzansky, Lantos - Bozsik, Lorant, Zakarias - Csordas, Kocsis, Palotas, Puskas(cap), Hidegkuti.Italy: Bugatti - Rota, Corradi - Neri, Azzini, Venturi - Mariani, Pandolfini(cap), La Rosa, Gimona, Fontanesi. 21 July 1952 LahtiRef: Carl Jorgensen (Den) HT: 1-0TURKEY 2 (Muzaffer, Tekin)DUTCH ANTILLES 1 (Briezen)Turkey: Erdogan - Necdet, Ridvan - Mustafa, Basri, Ercument - Vasif, Tekin, Muzaffer, Yalcin, Macit.Dutch Antilles: Hato - De Lannoy, Canword - Matrona, Vlinder(cap), Giribaldi - Heyliger, Brion, Briezen, Krips, Brokke. 21 July 1952 Ratina, Tampere Att: 4,200 Ref: Johan Aksel Alho (Fin) HT: 2-0SWEDEN 4 (Brodd 2, Rydell, Bengtsson)NORWAY 1 (Sorensen)Sweden: Svensson - Samuelsson, Nilsson(cap) - Hansson, Gustavsson, Lindh - Bengtsson, Lofgren, Rydell, Brodd, Sandberg.Norway: Blohm - Holmberg, Karlsen - Olsen, Svenssen(cap), Spydevold - Hvidsten, Thoresen, Sorensen, Johannesen, Dahlen.21 July 1952 Kupittaa, TurkuAtt: 8,000 Ref: Finn Balstad (Nor) HT: 1-0DENMARK 2 (Seebach, Svend Nielsen)POLAND 0 Denmark: Johansen - P.Petersen, S.Nielsen - Terkelsen, Andersen, Blicher(c) - J.W.Hansen, P.E.Petersen, J.P.Hansen, Lundberg, Seebach.Poland: Szymkowiak - Gedlak, Banisz - Mamon, Kaszuba, Bieniek - Sobek, Krasowka, Alszer, Cieslik, Wisniewski.First Round Replay:22nd July 1952 Ratina, TampereAtt: 17,000 Ref: Arthur Ellis (Eng) HT: 2-1 ReplayYUGOSLAVIA 3 (Mitic, Bobek-p, Cajkovski) SOVIET UNION 1 (Bobrov)Yugoslavia: Beara - Stankovic, Crnkovic - Cajkovski, Horvat, Boskov - Ognjanov, Mitic, Vukas, Bobek, Zebec.Soviet Union: Ivanov - Krizhevski, Bashashkin - Nirkov, Petrov, Netto(cap) - Trofimov, Nikolaiev, Bobrov, Beskov, Chkuaseli.Quarter-finals: 23 July 1952 Pallokenttä, HelsinkiAtt: 10,000 Ref: Vincenzo Orlandini (Ita) HT: 0-1SWEDEN 3 (Sandberg, Brodd, Rydell)AUSTRIA 1 (Grohs)Sweden: Svensson - Samuelsson, Nilsson(cap) - Hansson, Gustavsson, Lindh - Bengtsson, Lofgren, Rydell, Brodd, Sandberg.Austria: Nikolai - Kollmann, Krammer - Walter, Wolf, Fendler - Stumpf, Hochleitner, Grohs, Feldinger, Gollnhuber. 24 July 1952 Kotka Att: 20,000 Ref: Wolf Waldemar Karni (Fin) HT: 2-0HUNGARY 7 (Kocsis 2, Puskas 2, Palotas, Lantos, Boszik)TURKEY 1 (Ercument)Hungary: Grosics - Buzansky, Lorant - Boszik, Lantos, Zakarias - Csordas, Kocsis, Palotas, Puskas(cap), Czibor.Turkey: Erdogan - Necdet, Basri - Ridvan, Mustafa, Ercument - Vasif, Tekin, Kamil, Yalcin, Macit. 24 July 1952 Pallokenttä, Helsinki Ref: Arthur Ellis (Eng) HT: 0-1 (aet) GERMANY 4 (Zeitler, Schroder 2, Klug)BRAZIL 2 (Zozimo, Larry)Germany: Schonbeck - Eberle, Jager - Sommerlatt, Schafer, Post - Hinterstocker, Stollenwerk, Zeitler, Schroder, Klug.Brazil: Carlos Alberto - Valdir, Mauro, Zozimo, Adesio - Edson, Milton - Larry, Humberto, Evaristo, Jansen. 25 July 1952 Pallokenttä, HelsinkiAtt: 10,000 Ref: Wolf Waldemar Karni (Fin) HT: 3-0YUGOSLAVIA 5 (Cajkovski, Bobek, Zebec, Ognjanov, Vukas)DENMARK 3 (Lundberg, Seebach, Jens Hansen)Yugoslavia: Beara - Stankovic, Crnkovic - Cajkovski, Horvat, Boskov - Ognjanov, Mitic, Vukas, Bobek, Zebec.Denmark: Johansen - P.Petersen, S.Nielsen - Terkelsen, Andersen, Blicher(c) - J.W.Hansen, P.E.Petersen, J.P.Hansen, Lundberg, Seebach. Semi-Finals: 28 July 1952 Olympiastadion, HelsinkiAtt: 22,000 Ref: William Ling (Eng) HT: 3-0HUNGARY 6 (Kocsis 2, Hidegkuti, Puskas, Palotas, Lindh-og)SWEDEN 0Hungary: Grosics - Buzansky, Lorant - Boszik, Lantos, Zakarias - Hidegkuti, Kocsis, Palotas, Puskas(cap), Czibor.Sweden: Svensson - Samuelsson, Nilsson(cap) - Hansson, Gustavsson, Lindh - Bengtsson, Lofgren, Rydell, Brodd, Sandberg. 29 July 1952 Olympiastadion, HelsinkiAtt: 20,000 Ref: Wolf Waldemar Karni (Fin) HT: 3-1YUGOSLAVIA 3 (Mitic 2, Cajkovski)GERMANY 1 (Stollenwerk) Yugoslavia: Beara - Stankovic, Crnkovic - Cajkovski, Horvat, Boskov - Ognjanov, Mitic, Vukas, Bobek, Zebec.Germany: Schonbeck - Eberle, Jager - Sommerlatt, Schafer, Gleixner - Mauritz, Stollenwerk, Zeitler, Schroder, Ehrmann. Bronze Medal Game 1 August 1952 Olympiastadion, HelsinkiAtt: 20,000 Ref: Vincenzo Orlandini (Ita) HT: 1-0SWEDEN 2 (Rydell, Lofgren)GERMANY 0 Sweden: Svensson - Samuelsson, Nilsson(cap) - Ahlund, Gustavsson, Lindh - Bengtsson, Lofgren, Rydell, Brodd, Sandberg.Germany: Schonbeck - Eberle, Jager - Sommerlatt, Schafer, Post - Hinterstocker, Stollenwerk, Zeitler, Schroder, Ehrmann. FINAL: 2 August 1952 Olympiastadion, Helsinki Att: 60,000 Ref: Arthur Ellis (Eng) HT: 0-0HUNGARY 2 (Puskas, Czibor)YUGOSLAVIA 0Hungary: Grosics - Buzansky, Lorant - Boszik, Lantos, Zakarias - Hidegkuti, Kocsis, Palotas, Puskas(cap), Czibor.Yugoslavia: Beara - Stankovic, Crnkovic - Cajkovski, Horvat, Boskov - Ognjanov, Mitic, Vukas, Bobek, Zebec.
Rk Country P W T L F A Pts GAvg 1 HUNGARY 5 5 0 0 20- 2 10 10.00 2 Yugoslavia 6 4 1 1 26-13 9 2.00 3 Sweden 4 3 0 1 9- 8 6 1.13 4 Germany 4 2 0 2 8- 8 4 1.00 5 Brazil 3 2 0 1 9- 6 4 1.50 Denmark 3 2 0 1 7- 6 4 1.17 Austria 2 1 0 1 5- 6 2 0.83 Turkey 2 1 0 1 3- 8 2 0.38 9 Soviet Union 3 1 1 1 8- 9 3 0.89 Italy 2 1 0 1 8- 3 2 2.67 Luxembourg 2 1 0 1 6- 5 2 1.20 Egypt 2 1 0 1 6- 7 2 0.86 Poland 2 1 0 1 2- 3 2 0.67 Finland 1 0 0 1 3- 4 0 0.75 Dutch Antilles 1 0 0 1 1- 2 0 0.50 Norway 1 0 0 1 1- 4 0 0.2517 Chile 1 0 0 1 4- 5 0 0.80 Great Britain 1 0 0 1 3- 5 0 0.60 Bulgaria 1 0 0 1 1- 2 0 0.50 France 1 0 0 1 1- 2 0 0.50 Greece 1 0 0 1 1- 2 0 0.50 Romania 1 0 0 1 1- 2 0 0.50 Netherlands 1 0 0 1 1- 5 0 0.20 India 1 0 0 1 1-10 0 0.10 USA 1 0 0 1 0- 8 0 0.00 - Mexico withdrew Saar withdrewNB: after the medalists, teams are only ranked by the round in which they were eliminated.
7 Mitic (Yug), Zebec (Yug) 6 Kocsis (Hun) 5 Bobrov (USR) 4 Palotas (Hun), Puskas (Hun), Schroder (Ger), Larry (Bra), El Dewzi (Egi) 3 Bobek (Yug), Cajkovski (Yug), Ognjanov (Yug), Vukas (Yug), Brodd (Swe), Rydell (Swe), Seebach (Den), Gimona (Ita)
Thanks to Heikki Pietarinen ( additions and corrections
Prepared and maintained byMacario Reyes for theRec.Sport.SoccerStatistics Foundation
Author: Macario Reyes (
Last updated: 24 Mar 2025
(C) Copyright Macario Reyes and RSSSF 1999/2025
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