


Ronilson Alves

Hello world ✋🏾,
I'm Ronilson Alves

Astro photographer, amateur astronomer and also a Software Developer with 2+ years of experience in the development of web applications using Java, Spring Boot, Go lang, TypeScript and React.


Here you will find some of my articles published on Medium / The Pratical Dev.

July 25, 2024

How to automate deployment of applications to Kubernetes cluster using GitHub Actions

No último artigo dessa série ensinei como configurar um cluster Kubernetes gratuito com os recursos de nível sempre gratuito da Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, hoje você irá aprender como automatizar a implantação de suas aplicações a partir de um repositório git no GitHub diretamente para o cluster Kubernetes usando as GitHub Actions, realizando o build e a publicação de uma imagem Docker no OCI Container Registry permitindo assim que você saia de uma vez por todas de serviços como os da Vercel.

July 16, 2024

How to deploy a free Kubernetes cluster with Oracle Cloud Always free tier

The recent changes in Vercel's billing system have prompted many developers to seek alternative platforms that offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on capabilities. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) presents itself as a viable alternative with its Always Free tier, which provides users with a robust set of services that can cater to various computing needs, this series of articles will explore the process of migrating from Vercel – or another PaaS to Oracle Cloud, offering a comprehensive guide for those considering the switch.

January 15, 2024

How Spring Data JPA works?

Spring Data JPA is a lib that's turned easier the data access in Java applications using Spring Framework. It's allow that developers write queries using a specified domain language, based upon method names or annotations. Beyond that, it's offered support to a couple of features such as pagination, ordination, cache, audit and projections. In this article I'll explain how Spring Data JPA works internally and which are their advantages and disadvantages.

June 30, 2023

Semantic Commits: What they are, why and how to use them

In software development, teamwork is crucial to ensure an efficient workflow and the delivery of high-quality projects. One of the practices that aids in this process is the use of semantic commits. In this article, we will explore the concept of semantic commits, understand why they are important, and learn how to effectively use them.

June 23, 2023

Building an Ethereum wallet watcher using concurrent programming in Go

In my last article I talked about how simple it is to build applications that make use of concurrent programming using the Go language, we saw how simple it is to implement and how efficient it can be, thanks to its construction that provides developers with powerful tools to take full advantage of the potential of concurrent programming. In this article we will take a practical step-by-step look at how to build an Ethereum wallet watcher taking advantage of this strength of GoLang.

