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BCP 47

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BCP 47 contains the following RFCs:
NumberFilesTitleAuthorsDateMore InfoStatus
RFC 4647,BCP 47    Matching of Language TagsA. Phillips, Ed., M. Davis, Ed.September 2006ObsoletesRFC 3066,ErrataBest Current Practice
RFC 5646,BCP 47    Tags for Identifying LanguagesA. Phillips, Ed., M. Davis, Ed.September 2009ObsoletesRFC 4646,ErrataBest Current Practice

Abstract of RFC 4647

This document describes a syntax, called a "language-range", forspecifying items in a user's list of language preferences. It alsodescribes different mechanisms for comparing and matching these tolanguage tags. Two kinds of matching mechanisms, filtering andlookup, are defined. Filtering produces a (potentially empty) set oflanguage tags, whereas lookup produces a single language tag.Possible applications include language negotiation or contentselection. This document, in combination with RFC 4646, replaces RFC3066, which replaced RFC 1766. This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for theInternet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions forimprovements.

Abstract of RFC 5646

This document describes the structure, content, construction, andsemantics of language tags for use in cases where it is desirable toindicate the language used in an information object. It alsodescribes how to register values for use in language tags and thecreation of user-defined extensions for private interchange. This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for theInternet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions forimprovements.

For the definition ofStatus,seeRFC 2026.

For the definition ofStream, seeRFC 8729.

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