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Retip - Retention Time Prediction for metabolomics

Paolo Bonini2,Tobias Kind1,Hiroshi Tsugawa3,Dinesh Barupal1,Oliver Fiehn1


Published 10 May 2020 inAnalytical Chemistry

Please cite:

Retip: Retention Time Prediction for Compound Annotation in Untargeted Metabolomics Paolo Bonini, Tobias Kind, Hiroshi Tsugawa, Dinesh Kumar Barupal, and Oliver Fiehn Analytical Chemistry 2020 92 (11), 7515-7522 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05765

Retip 2.0 was updated and released in June 2024 byoloBion.


Retip is a tool for predicting Retention Time (RT) for small molecules in a high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) Mass Spectrometry analysis, available as both anR package and aPython package. Retention time calculation can be useful in identifying unknowns and removing false positive annotations. TheR package uses six different machine learning algorithms to built a stable, accurate and fast RT prediction model:

Retip also includes useful biochemical databases like: HMDB, KNApSAcK, ChEBI, DrugBank, SMPDB, YMDB, T3DB, FooDB, NANPDB, STOFF, BMDB, LipidMAPS, Urine, Saliva, Feces, ECMDB, CSF, Serum, PubChem.1, PlantCyc, UNPD, BLEXP, NPA and COCONUT.

Get started

To useRetip, you need to prepare a compound retention time library in the format below. The input file needs compoundName,InChIKey,SMILES code and experimentalretention time information for each compound. The input must be an MS Excel file.Retip will use this input file to build a the model and will predict retention times for other biochemical databases or an input query list of compounds. It is suggested that the file has at least 300 compounds to build a good retention time prediction model.

Input file view:

(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acidILGMGHZPXRDCCS-UHFFFAOYSA-NC1=CC=C2C(=C1)C(C(=O)N2)CC(=O)O2.019083
1,3,7-Trimethyluric acidBYXCFUMGEBZDDI-UHFFFAOYSA-NCN1C2=C(NC1=O)N(C(=O)N(C2=O)C)C1.827733
1,3 CyclohexanedioneHJSLFCCWAKVHIW-UHFFFAOYSA-NC1CC(=O)CC(=O)C11.473133
1,4-Cyclohexanedicarboxylic acidPXGZQGDTEZPERC-UHFFFAOYSA-NC1CC(CCC1C(=O)O)C(=O)O1.560217

In case, you want to avoid building a library from scratch, you can utilize publicly available libraries from Riken, JapanPlaSMA and the West Coast Metabolomics Center UC Davis, USAMoNA. Experimentation details for these two libraries are available here (link). We have already calculated retention time for several databases for these two experimental conditions.

If you would like that your retention time library to be included in Retip, please contact the Retip team (

Retip installation

Retip 2.0 requires R 4.4.0 and it is recommended to use RStudio IDE to run it.

  1. Download and install R from theCRAN (64 bit version recommended)
  2. Download and installRStudio
  3. Download and installJava JDK

Run the following command lines to install Java in Ubuntu.

sudo apt updatesudo apt install default-jresudo apt install default-jdksudo R CMD javareconf

It is also possible thatr-cran-rjava needs to be installed.

  1. Download and installRtools (Windows)
  2. Download and installpython3 (required to use Keras model)

Run the following command line to installpython with R.

reticulate::install_python(version = 3.10)
  1. Run the following command block to install all required packages, as well as the Retip packages and Retip library.
install.packages('rJava', repos='')install.packages('devtools', version='2.4.5', repos='')install.packages('caret', version='6.0-94', repos='')install.packages('ggplot2', version='3.5.1', repos='')install.packages('rcdk', version='3.8.1', repos='')install.packages('rcdklibs', version='2.9', repos='')install.packages('doParallel', version='1.0.17', repos='')install.packages('stringi', version='1.8.4', repos='')install.packages('lattice', version='0.22-5', repos='')install.packages('randomForest', version='4.7-1.1', repos='')install.packages('xgboost', version='', repos='')install.packages('brnn', version='0.9.3', repos='')install.packages('lightgbm', version='4.3.0', repos='')install.packages('h2o', version='')install.packages('gtable', version='0.3.5', repos='')install.packages('grid', version='4.4.0', repos='')install.packages('gridExtra', version='2.3', repos='')install.packages('reticulate', version='1.37', repos='')devtools::install_github('olobion/Retiplib')devtools::install_github('olobion/Retip')

It is not possible to install Retip in conda enviroment becauserJava requires NVIDIA drivers.

To make the package work fully in R, you need to installLightGBM, which can be very difficult. If you encounter problems, follow these instructions:LightGBM. If you do not need to use it, do not worry - you can continue usingXGBoost,RandomForest,BRNN andH2O.

Retip workflow functions

To run the Retip workflow for an input compound library, following functions need to be called in a sequence.

  1. prep.wizard
  2. getCD
  5. split training and testing
  6. fit.model
  7. get.score
  8. p.model
  9. p.model.features
  10. RT.spell

Packages import

Setkeras_installed = TRUE if you have installed keras.

setwd(setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path)))library(Retip)keras_installed <- FALSEif (!keras_installed) {  keras::install_keras()}

Set up Retip

First of all you have execute functionprepare.wizard that is needed to activate the parallel computing to speed up models functions.

Then you have to import your custom excel file or use FiehnLab Hilic or Riken Plasma included library.

#>Starts parallel computingprep.wizard()# import excel file for training and testing datarp2 <- readxl::read_excel("Plasma_positive.xlsx", sheet = "lib_2",                          col_types = c("text", "text", "text", "numeric"))#> or use HILIC database included in Retip#> HILIC <- HILIC

Compute Chemical Descriptors with CDK

Now it is time to compute chemical descriptors with CDK a JAVA based open source project aimed at cheminformatics. Several core people around the Steinbeck group developed the code. According to Ohloh the development took 136 Person, several years and translated into several million dollars in development cost. For you will be simple as typegetCD. Depending on your library length and your PC it will take few minutes to several hours. There is a counter to visualize the progress. It’s possible that the return table have less compounds respect the one you have start with. This is because some of yours smile code is not well formatted or for some compounds CDK is not able to calculate chemical descriptors. It is a pity but in real life happens that you have to leave behind even your favorite compound. If happens with most of compounds check SMILES, or better use Pubchem interchange service to get good working SMILES for your library.

Remember: clean your SMILES from salts and metal containing compounds before starting Retip to avoid cavities. You can use for this purpose ChemAxon standardizer, for example.

descs <- getCD(rp2)

Clean dataset

Some machine learning model did not like NA value, or low variance columns. So they are eliminated to improve model performance. This is done in Retip

#> Clean dataset from NA and low variance valuedb_rt <-

Plot ChemSpace

You have now created your library with chemical descriptors. It is time to visualize your data and answer a two crucial question:

The answer is not easy and pass trough another question: is the chemical space of my library large enough? So we have created to plot your indulged data into chemical reality. You can chose a target between several database (HMDB, KNAPSACK, CHEBI, DRUGBANK, SMPDB, YMDB, T3DB, FOODB, NANPDB, STOFF, BMDB, LIPIDMAPS, URINE, SALIVA, FECES, ECMDB, CSF, SERUM, PUBCHEM.1, PLANTCYC, UNPD, BLEXP, NPA and COCONUT). In red you will see your library, in gray the chosen database.


Center and scale Optional - Warning

Centering and scaling can be useful for Keras model, but can decrease performance of others models. Actually is a very delicate step that you have to pay a lot of attention. Setcesc=TRUE if you want to perform this step. In that case,cesc input will be included when you predict your target database. It is necessary to avoid obtaining a completely wrong prediction.

Pay attention!

#> Optional center and scale data#> this option improves Keras modelcesc <- FALSEif (cesc) {  # Build a model to use for center and scale a dataframe  preproc <- cesc(db_rt)  # use the above created model for center and scale dataframe  db_rt <- predict(preproc, db_rt)}#> IMPORTANT : if you use this option remember to set cesc variable into#> rt.spell and functions

Training and Testing set-up

A very important step is to split in training and testing your data frame.

Guide lines to build effective model explicitly specify:“QSAR/QSPR model have to be properly validated using data which was not in the training set”.

This is not new, is known from the Ancient Rome“divide et impera” (divide and conquer).

We can use caret functioncreateDataPartition as follow:

#> Split in training and testing using caret::createDataPartitionset.seed(101)in_training <- caret::createDataPartition(db_rt$XLogP, p = .8, list = FALSE)training <- db_rt[in_training, ]testing <- db_rt[-in_training, ]

Building QSAR models:

Now is time to put your hands on Retip ALMA mater:Advanced Learning Machine Algorithms.

Our suggestion is to compute all of them. Each function have an integrated tuning function to find out best parameters on your own library. Do not worry too much about over fitting because we have done 10 times fold cross validation. Each model have his advantage or disadvantage, it is simply depends on your data the one that fit better. Your models will be saved after building them so you can directly load them the next time that you open your project. SetbuildModels=FALSE to load your previously built models.

Have fun!

build_models <- TRUEif (build_models) {  rf  <- fit.rf(training)  saveRDS(rf, "rf_model.rds")  brnn <- fit.brnn(training)  saveRDS(brnn, "brnn_model.rds")  keras <- fit.keras(training, testing)  save_model_hdf5(keras, filepath = "keras_model.h5")  lightgbm <- fit.lightgbm(training, testing)  saveRDS(lightgbm, "lightgbm_model.rds")  xgb <- fit.xgboost(training)  saveRDS(xgb, "xgb_model.rds")    aml <- fit.automl.h2o(training)  # It saves by default the best model  h2o::h2o.saveModel(aml@leader, "automl_h2o_model")} else {  xgb <- readRDS("xgb_model.rds")  rf <- readRDS("rf_model.rds")  brnn <- readRDS("brnn_model.rds")  keras <- keras::load_model_hdf5("keras_model.h5")  lightgbm <- readRDS("lightgbm_model.rds")  h2o::h2o.init(nthreads = -1, strict_version_check=FALSE)  aml <- h2o.loadModel("automl_h2o_model/###") # replace ### with the name of your saved model}

Testing and plot models

Congratulations you have built your model!

Let’s see how much accurate it is. First of all check the scores with functionget.score. Returns:

The best model is always the first based on lower RMSE value. You can check only one model or all of them (maximum 6) at same time.

#> first you have to put the testing dataframe and then the name of the models#> you have computedstat <- get.score(testing, xgb, rf, brnn, keras, lightgbm, aml)stat

You can also visualize model performance using functionp.model using testing dataframe as input. You can also use training data or whole data to see how it change, even if the only really important is the testing one.


#> first you have to put the testing daframe and then the name of the models#> you want to visualize.#> Last value is the title of the graphics.p.model(testing, m = xgb, title = "XGBoost - RIKEN PLASMA")


Random forest

#> first you have to put the testing daframe and then the name of the models#> you want to visualize.#> Last value is the title of the graphics.p.model(testing, m = rf, title = "Random forest - RIKEN PLASMA")



#> first you have to put the testing daframe and then the name of the models#> you want to visualize.#> Last value is the title of the graphics.p.model(testing, m = brnn, title = "BRNN - RIKEN PLASMA")



#> first you have to put the testing daframe and then the name of the models#> you want to visualize.#> Last value is the title of the graphics.p.model(testing, m = lightgbm, title = "LightGBM - RIKEN PLASMA")



#> first you have to put the testing daframe and then the name of the models#> you want to visualize.#> Last value is the title of the graphics.p.model(testing, m = keras, title = "Keras - RIKEN PLASMA")


H2O autoML

#> first you have to put the testing daframe and then the name of the models#> you want to visualize.#> Last value is the title of the graphics.p.model(testing, m = aml, title = "H2O autoML - RIKEN PLASMA")


For the H2O autoML model, the statistics and the figures are obtained from the best model (aml@leader). If you want to check one of the other models, you have to select it using the model ID. The same applies when saving your H2O AutoML model. You will find an example of how to get a different model in the following command block.

#> First, get the leaderboard of your model# aml_lb <- = aml, extra_columns = "ALL"))#> Second, decide the model you want to inspect and select#> The number corresponds to the index# model_id <- aml_lb[3, "model_id"]# selected_model <- h2o::h2o.getModel(model_id)

Feature importance

You can visualize the feature importance of your model using thep.model.features function. You have to indicate your model (model) and your model type (mdl_type). The accepted inputs formdl_type are XGBoost (xgb), Random Forest (rf), BRNN (brnn), LightGBM (lightgbm) and H2O autoML (h2o). The Keras model is not supported.


p.model.features(xgb, mdl_type = "xgb")


Random forest

p.model.features(rf, mdl_type = "rf")



p.model.features(brnn, mdl_type = "brnn")



p.model.features(lightgbm, mdl_type = "lightgbm")


H2O autoML

It is not possible to plot the stacked ensemble models, but it is possible to plot the best 20 models used to construct the stacked one. For this reason, you have to indicate the number of the model (h2o_number) you want to see. You can find the correspondence between model ID and number running the following command line.

# aml_model_number <-
p.model.features(aml, mdl_type = "h2o", h2o_number = 1)


Retention Time Prediction SPELL

This is the the final step. All the effort made before have been accomplished to compute the prediction on a whole database.

You have 3 options to make a prediction:

1. Personal database

In that case, you have to import your excel with compoundName,InChIKey andSMILES code, compute CD and then make the prediction.

# import excel file for external validation setrp_ext <- readxl::read_excel("Plasma_positive.xlsx", sheet = "ext",                             col_types = c("text", "text", "text", "numeric"))#> compute Chemical descriptorsrp_ext_desc <- getCD(rp_ext)

Clean data set from NA and low variance values using the Retip as you did before with your data.

#> Clean dataset from NA and low variance valuedb_rt_ext <-

Center and scale your data if you performed this step before.

if (cesc) {  # Build a model to use for center and scale a dataframe  preproc_ext <- cesc(db_rt_ext)  # use the above created model for center and scale dataframe  db_rt_ext <- predict(preproc_ext, db_rt_ext)}


#> perform the RT spellif (cesc) {  rp_ext_pred_xgb <- Retip::RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = xgb,                                     cesc = preproc)} else {  rp_ext_pred_xgb <- Retip::RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = xgb)}

Random forest

#> perform the RT spellif (cesc) {  rp_ext_pred_rf <- Retip::RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = rf,                                    cesc = preproc)} else {  rp_ext_pred_rf <- Retip::RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = rf)}


#> perform the RT spellif (cesc) {  rp_ext_pred_brnn <- Retip::RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = brnn,                                      cesc = preproc)} else {  rp_ext_pred_brnn <- Retip::RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = brnn)}


#> perform the RT spellif (cesc) {  rp_ext_pred_lightgbm <- RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = lightgbm,                                   cesc = preproc)} else {  rp_ext_pred_lightgbm <- RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = lightgbm)}


#> perform the RT spellif (cesc) {  rp_ext_pred_keras <- RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = keras,                                cesc = preproc)} else {  rp_ext_pred_keras <- RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = keras)}

H2O autoML

#> perform the RT spellif (cesc) {  rp_ext_pred_aml <- RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = aml,                                cesc = preproc)} else {  rp_ext_pred_aml <- RT.spell(training, rp_ext_desc, model = aml)}

2. Downloaded mona.msp

Here, you have to put your msp downloaded fromMona inside your project folder. First,prep.mona function is needed to extract information from msp file and build input table. Then, you have to compute CD usinggetCD, make the prediction and incorporate again inside msp file. In this way the msp file you have in your project folder is ready to be used for compound identification with MSMS and Retention time prediction.

db_mona <- prep.mona(msp = "MoNA-export-CASMI_2016.msp")mona <- getCD(db_mona)


if (cesc) {  mona_rt_xgb <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = xgb, cesc = preproc)} else {  mona_rt_xgb <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = xgb)}addRT.mona(msp = "MoNA-export-CASMI_2016.msp", mona_rt_xgb)

Random forest

if (cesc) {  mona_rt_rf <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = rf, cesc = preproc)} else {  mona_rt_rf <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = rf)}addRT.mona(msp = "MoNA-export-CASMI_2016.msp", mona_rt_rf)


if (cesc) {  mona_rt_brnn <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = brnn,                           cesc = preproc)} else {  mona_rt_brnn <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = brnn)}addRT.mona(msp = "MoNA-export-CASMI_2016.msp", mona_rt_brnn)


if (cesc) {  mona_rt_lightgbm <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = lightgbm,                               cesc = preproc)} else {  mona_rt_lightgbm <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = lightgbm)}addRT.mona(msp = "MoNA-export-CASMI_2016.msp", mona_rt_lightgbm)


if (cesc) {  mona_rt_keras <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = keras,                            cesc = preproc)} else {  mona_rt_keras <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = keras)}addRT.mona(msp = "MoNA-export-CASMI_2016.msp", mona_rt_keras)

H2O autoML

if (cesc) {  mona_rt_aml <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = aml,                            cesc = preproc)} else {  mona_rt_aml <- RT.spell(training, mona, model = aml)}addRT.mona(msp = "MoNA-export-CASMI_2016.msp", mona_rt_aml)

3. Retip included database

This option is the easiest one. We computed more than 300k compounds to save your time and more important save electricity (we love nature). You have just to chose a target database, the type of output and the polarity (pos orneg).

The available outputs are:


#> example of all Retip included compounds predicted and exported to MSFINDERif (cesc) {  all_pred_xgb <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = xgb,                           cesc = preproc)} else {  all_pred_xgb <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = xgb)}export_rtp <- RT.export(all_pred_xgb, program = "MSFINDER", pol = "pos")

Random forest

#> example of all Retip included compounds predicted and exported to MSFINDERif (cesc) {  all_pred_rf <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = rf,                          cesc = preproc)} else {  all_pred_rf <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = rf)}export_rtp <- RT.export(all_pred_rf, program = "MSFINDER", pol = "pos")


#> example of all Retip included compounds predicted and exported to MSFINDERif (cesc) {  all_pred_brnn <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = brnn,                            cesc = preproc)} else {  all_pred_brnn <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = brnn)}export_rtp <- RT.export(all_pred_brnn, program = "MSFINDER", pol = "pos")


#> example of all Retip included compounds predicted and exported to MSFINDERif (cesc) {  all_pred_lightgbm <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = lightgbm,                                cesc = preproc)} else {  all_pred_lightgbm <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = lightgbm)}export_rtp <- RT.export(all_pred_lightgbm, program = "MSFINDER", pol = "pos")


#> example of all Retip included compounds predicted and exported to MSFINDERif (cesc) {  all_pred_keras <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = keras,                             cesc = preproc)} else {  all_pred_keras <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = keras)}export_rtp <- RT.export(all_pred_keras, program = "MSFINDER", pol = "pos")

H2O autoML

#> example of all Retip included compounds predicted and exported to MSFINDERif (cesc) {  all_pred_aml <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = aml,                             cesc = preproc)} else {  all_pred_aml <- RT.spell(training, target = "ALL", model = aml)}export_rtp <- RT.export(all_pred_aml, program = "MSFINDER", pol = "pos")

Conclusions Remarks:

Remember these few tips:

Remember Leonardo Da Vinci suggestion:

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Retip born to helps you in identification in metabolomics workflow, it is not an exhibition of knowledge. The success of this app is if helps in your work, in real world metabolomics experiments.