


More domains

What will you build on .みんな?

.みんな is a place for community, where Japanese businesses and users can create, build and connect with like-minded people.

dot minna hero illustration

How to talk about .みんな?

.みんな means "everyone" in Japanese. It first welcomed registrants in February 2014, making full hiragana domains possible for the first time. It's a place for Japanese communities to come together.

Please use suggested copy when talking about .みんな on your website or in any marketing materials.

.みんな is the world's first Japanese top-level domain and translates to "everyone" in Japanese. It's a place for community, where everyone can create, build, and connect with like-minded people. 2014年、世界で初めて日本語のトップレベルドメイン、「.みんな」が誕生します。みんなで情報をシェアしたり、コミュニティと協力できる、新しい世界です。

Visual assets

When mentioning .みんな on your website or any marketing materials, please use the officially approved logos and other assets that are available to download on this page.

Please refer to the Google Registry branding guidelines for how to use these assets.

Learn more about .みんな

