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Multicenter Study
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Doppler-guided transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialization for haemorrhoids: results from a multicentre trial.

C Ratto, A Parello, E Veronese, E Cudazzo, E D'Agostino, C Pagano, E Cavazzoni, L Brugnano, F Litta
Colorectal Disease 2015 January
AIM: This multicentre study, based on the largest patient population ever published, aims to evaluate the efficacy of Doppler-guided transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD Doppler) in the treatment of symptomatic haemorrhoids and to identify the factors predicting failure for an effective mid-term outcome.

METHOD: Eight hundred and three patients affected by Grade II (137, 17.1%), III (548, 68.2%) and IV (118, 14.7%) symptomatic haemorrhoidal disease underwent THD Doppler, with a rectal mucopexy in patients with haemorrhoidal prolapse. The disease was assessed through a specifically designed symptom questionnaire and scoring system. A uni- and multivariate analyses of the potential predictive factors for failure were performed.

RESULTS: The morbidity rate was 18.0%, represented mainly by pain or tenesmus (106 patients, 13.0%). Acute bleeding requiring surgical haemostasis occurred in seven patients (0.9%). No serious or life-threatening complications occurred. After a mean follow-up period of 11.1 ± 9.2 months, the overall success rate was 90.7% (728 patients), with a recurrence of haemorrhoidal prolapse, bleeding, and both symptoms in 51 (6.3%), 19 (2.4%) and 5 (0.6%) patients, respectively. Sixteen out of 47 patients undergoing re-operation had a conventional haemorrhoidectomy. All the symptoms were significantly improved in each domain of the score (P < 0.0001). At multivariate analysis the absence of morbidity and performance of a distal Doppler-guided dearterialization were associated with a better outcome.

CONCLUSION: THD Doppler is a safe and effective therapy for haemorrhoidal disease. If this technique is to be employed, an accurate distal Doppler-guided dearterialization and a tailored mucopexy are mandatory to contain and reduce the symptoms.

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