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Journal Article
Systematic Review
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Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is associated with a higher long-term recurrence rate of internal hemorrhoids compared with conventional excisional hemorrhoid surgery.

Shiva Jayaraman, Patrick H D Colquhoun, Richard A Malthaner
PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to compare the long-term results of stapled hemorrhoidopexy with conventional excisional hemorrhoidectomy in patients with internal hemorrhoids.

METHODS: A systematic review of all randomized, controlled trials comparing stapled hemorrhoidopexy and conventional hemorrhoidectomy with long-term results was performed by using the Cochrane methodology. The minimum follow-up was six months. Primary outcomes were hemorrhoid recurrence, hemorrhoid symptom recurrence, complications, and pain.

RESULTS: Twelve trials were included. Follow-up varied from six months to four years. Conventional hemorrhoidectomy was more effective in preventing long-term recurrence of hemorrhoids (odds ratio (OR), 3.85; 95 percent confidence interval (CI), 1.47-10.07; P < 0.006). Conventional hemorrhoidectomy also prevents hemorrhoids in studies with follow-up of one year or more (OR, 3.6; 95 percent CI, 1.24-10.49; P < 0.02). Conventional hemorrhoidectomy is superior in preventing the symptom of prolapse (OR, 2.96; 95 percent CI, 1.33-6.58; P < 0.008). Conventional hemorrhoidectomy also is more effective at preventing prolapse in studies with follow-up of one year or more (OR, 2.68; 95 percent CI, 0.98-7.34; P < 0.05). Nonsignificant trends in favor of conventional hemorrhoidectomy were seen in the proportion of asymptomatic patients, bleeding, soiling/difficultly with hygiene/incontinence, the presence of perianal skin tags, and the need for further surgery. Nonsignificant trends in favor of stapled hemorrhoidopexy were seen in pain, pruritus ani, and symptoms of anal obstruction/stenosis.

CONCLUSIONS: Conventional hemorrhoidectomy is superior to stapled hemorrhoidopexy for prevention of postoperative recurrence of internal hemorrhoids. Fewer patients who received conventional hemorrhoidectomy complained of hemorrhoidal prolapse in long-term follow-up compared with stapled hemorrhoidopexy.

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