Seuss (Four-Legged Girl) homes in on the act of engaging with art to brilliantly imagine worlds beyond a painting’s frame. The real art work is in the action of regarding, Seuss suggests:Continue reading »
The ambitious fifth collection from Seuss (Still Life with Two Dead Peacocks and a Girl) includes 120 sonnets that take the reader on a ride of wild abandonment and exuberance to counter theContinue reading »
Seuss (Frank: Sonnets) lends her mordant wit and incisive vision to this poetry-focused sixth collection. Her deadpan levity refuses piousness, even as she deals head-on with a feeling ofContinue reading »
Mattia (The Fifth Wound) dazzles with this genre-spanning collection of stories about queer and trans characters navigating desire and love. Raphael, the protagonist ofContinue reading »
The phenomenal English-language debut from Daanje weaves an affecting love story through a tangle of memories and dreams. Four years after WWI, amnesiac veteran Noon MerckemContinue reading »
In the sharp and insightful latest from Dinan (Bellies), a British trans woman from Hong Kong searches for love and fulfillment in London. Max Murphy, a 30-year-old poet andContinue reading »
In the remarkable latest from Strong (Want), a grieving family’s reunion provides a stage for conflicts over who has the right to tell another person’s story. Jude Kenner, aContinue reading »