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Ad Hoc Transfer Module

Enable individual users to securely send files and secure messages to other people. Reduce reliance on insecure email and third-party file transfer software and websites, while maintaining complete visibility and control

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Person-to-Person Module for WS_FTP Server

WS_FTP Server Ad Hoc Transfer module enables organizations to enforce consistent policies and processes around person-to-person file transfers, including email attachment offloading, security, privacy, risk mitigation, eDiscovery, and more.

The Ad Hoc Transfer module gives IT complete visibility into person-to-person file transfers, while providing end-users with a more convenient way to send files – up to 4GB – via a web browser or Microsoft® Outlook®.

It doesn’t matter if your file transfer interactions are implicitly ad hoc – spontaneous, impromptu, and defined at the time of collaboration – or are predefined, scheduled, and recurring explicit interactions. The Ad Hoc Transfer module can improve the management and governance of all these interactions and more, delivering powerful benefits for three important user groups: file senders, file recipients, and IT professionals.

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For Users (Senders and Receivers)

  • Increase productivity: No more time spent figuring out how to send a file to someone else
  • Simple collaboration: Easily send files to anyone, both internal and external to an organization
  • No training required: Senders can use a simple web browser
  • Fully supported: Compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2013 and Microsoft Outlook 2016

Never again have to rely on insecure emails, instant messengers, thumb drives, or file transfer websites. With the WS FTP Server Ad Hoc Transfer module, authorized users can securely send files to anyone in the world. Users can also send a package of files along with an optional delivery note to an unlimited number of recipients, even those who are not WS FTP Server users.

Recipients are sent email notification the instant aWS_FTP Server user sends them a file. The email notification includes an embedded link to securely download the file or files, an optional note from the sender, and password requirements. This email message can be viewed in any email client or Webmail application, and the recipient only has to click the embedded link to access the files – no plug-ins required.

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For IT Departments

  • Email offloading: Remove the “file attachment” burden from the email server
  • Easy management: Manage all person-to-person file transfers within their MFT environment
  • Increased control: Enforce administrator defined policies and rules for sending files, including email offloading, data retention, and more
  • Complete visibility: Provide auditability of all file sharing activities
  • Zero user administration: Eliminate ongoing end user management and provisioning
  • Remote installation: Deploy Outlook plug-in remotely on end-user machines

By providing employees with an efficient way to securely send files, the Ad Hoc Transfer module gives IT the control it needs to ensure complete data protection and frees them from the administrative burden of provisioning users. Moreover, it streamlines reporting of all file transfers for compliance and auditing purposes. The Ad Hoc Transfer module also removes the file attachment burden on the organization’s email server caused by bounced emails and clogged inboxes.

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