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The official website of the City of Phoenix

Public Transit Department


A street intersection in Phoenix with cars and buses on the roads.


The City of Phoenix Public Transit Department (PTD) provides Phoenix residents with a variety of convenient transit options, which range from local and commuter buses to Dial-A-Ride services for senior citizens and individuals with special needs. PTD is comprised of four divisions, which include Director's Office, Facilities and Oversight, Management Services, and Operations.

The Phoenix Public Transit Department is also the largest member of theValley Metro/Regional Public Transportation Authority​ and participates in oversight of the Valley Metro light rail system​.

Rider Information

  • How to Ride

    Visit the Valley Metro website to plan and track your ride. 

  • Public Transit ADA

    The City of Phoenix is committed to serving the ADA community by providing accessible transit options through ADA compliant vehicles and Dial-a-Ride service.

  • Public Transit Title VI

    Learn about Phoenix's public transit Title VI program, which ensures non-discrimination and equal access to transit services for all riders.

  • Dial-a-Ride

    Phoenix Dial-a-Ride is a shared-ride service that allows ADA-certified residents to schedule trips around the city.

Advancing Public Transit in Phoenix

Learn more about the different programs and initiatives that will grow public transit in the city.

  • Pedestrians and cyclists navigate a busy urban street with traffic lights, crosswalks, and rail tracks, showcasing a vibrant cityscape in motion.


    Transportation 2050 plan places additional emphasis on street needs including; street maintenance, new pis exp anding investment in Phoenix for bus service, light rail construction and street improvements.

  • Light rail at sunset

    Citizens Transportation Commission

    To ensure accountability, T2050 requires a 15-member Citizens Transportation Commission to represent various facets of the community and oversee the plan.

Valley Metro

Valley Metro is the regional public transportation agency providing coordinated transit services to residents of metro Phoenix. From regional bus, streetcar, light rail and paratransit service to alternative commuter solutions, Valley Metro’s core mission is to develop and operate a network of transit services.

