I am a PHP developer of over 14 years and a Laravel developer of 7 years.I’ve worked in the trade insurance, property market and recruitment sectors.
Over time I’ve found myself preferringLaravel and have gone on to make somewhat popular Laravel packages. My mostpopular one having 500 Stars on Github and over 700K downloads. I’ve also got ahandful of articles on available to the public, which have been well-received.
During the Covid pandemic I had to find new work and was lucky enough to joinAmiqus, a company focused on ID verification. I have had to take on several duties,including being the engineering lead on several projects and engineering managerfor two other employees. One such project was building an integration created by andfor the NHS to process checks against medical registers.
The majority of the work has been working with Laravel and Vue.js. While at Amiqus I’ve also pushed to integratemore tools to improve our continuous integration processes and rely less on Git tohold back features.
I joined Trade Cover Exchange as the lead developer working remotely on a brand-newstart-up. Upon joining, I was very unaware of the trade credit insurance world. Webuilt a single-page application from scratch using Laravel and Vue.js. The app was builtto be serverless and run on Google’s Cloud Platform, which required customisation tothe Laravel framework to use the cloud platform’s services fully. One suchcustomisation was to make a Queue driver for Google Cloud Tasks.
In 2018 I came on board Property Logic to bring new skills to a team with a lot oflegacy debt. Property Logic as a company, sells digital and print services to estateagents across the UK as part of the eProp group. While there, I helped the team learnhow to do continuous integration using Travis CI and helped write scripts to automateQA testing production.
Often when working on Rector rules for Laravel it has made sense to contribute as well to the rulesin the main Rector repository as well as contribute to other official repositories, like PHPUnit.
I've spent a lot of time manually upgrading Laravel Projects and finding it frustrating. I learnt of Rectorand decided to get involved in creating my own upgrade rules. From there I've made enough to end up beinginvited to become a maintainer.
At the end of 2021 I started another open source project which has been my most challenging. It'sa Database driver for CockroachDB to be compatible with the CockroachDB Serverless service.
I've experienced a number of issues during my career where Feature Flags could have resolved the problem.This was the driving force for me to create my own package. In later years Laravel Pennant was created and assuch demand for the package has declined but I am very proud of it's overall success.
In 2016 I went back to university to improve my education and try my hand at otherfields, such as cyber security and data mining, while still focusing on softwaredevelopment.
I started my course in 2008 and completed it in 2011 with a 2:1. I studied web design,computer networking, programming and a small amount of artificial intelligence.