We have now completed work onBeyond Translation (a draft white paper on this work that has been submitted to theNEH Office of Digital Humanities is availablehere) and are focused on using the Beyond Translation work as part of an update to theScaife Viewer. The resulting system will finally allow us to replace Perseus 4. We are calling the new version Perseus 6 (rather than 5) to reflect the amount of work embedded in the Scaife Viewer and now Beyond Translation (which we view collectively as Perseus 5). A grant from the NEH Collections and References program in the NEH Division of Preservation and Access forPerseus on the Web – preparing for the next thirty years provides the primary support for this phase of work, with additional support from the Tufts Data Intensive Studies Center, the School of Arts and Sciences, Tufts Technology Services and Google.
Our main collaborator in this phase of development isJames Tauber, who is now working withSignum University. We also are waiting on Tufts administrative paperwork to finalize a contract with another group to help us reorganize the Perseus home (and associated sub pages) and replace our WordPress-based blog with thePubpub Publishing Platform (which we already began using in documenting Beyond Translation. A draft outline of the work that we are doing is now availablehere.
For now, the focus of work is to fold the services visible on Beyond Translation into the Scaife Viewer. The first results from that work will probably be documentation, with changes to the Scaife Viewer following. In the meantime, we do not expect to update the Perseus 4 splashpage again.
Perseus contact and supportinformation.
Perseus is a non-profit enterprise, located in theDepartment of Classical Studies,Tufts University.
The Perseus Project has been supported by various funders throughout its history:
Perseus has been most recently funded by theAlpheios Project, theAndrewW. Mellon Foundation, theInstitute of Museum and Library Services, theNational Endowment for the Humanities, theNational Science Foundation,private donations, andTufts University.
Prior support for the project has been provided by theAnnenberg/CPB Project,Apple Computer, theBerger Family Technology Transfer Endowment,Digital Libraries Initiative Phase 2, theFund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education part of theU.S. Department of Education, theGetty Grant program, theModern Language Association, theNational Endowment for the Arts, thePackard Humanities Institute,Xerox Corporation,Boston University, andHarvard University.
Aegina, Temple of Aphaia | Silver obol from Athens |
Satyr on Attic red figure vase | The Bartlett Head |