Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.
Much like thePCjs Document Archive, this collection is an assortment of software from the PCjs Archives that may or may not be of historical interest.
Some disks from this collection include:
You can probably find most or all of these disks on other software sites now, just as software from many other sites has found its way here, thanks to the continuous motion of bits on the Internet.
Any other disks you seebelow are primarily ones that don’t neatly fit into another PCjs category, usually either because the disks contain a mixture of random/personal/unique content.
[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]
Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....
Volume in drive A is MSDOS 32 Directory of A:\LINK EXE 43988 7-07-86 12:00pDEBUG EXE 15647 11-26-86 10:24pGWBASIC EXE 78864 7-07-86 12:00pPCPAL EXE 63088 8-23-86 11:33aHDISK ASM 5238 3-27-87 12:01aMASM EXE 83165 10-05-86 5:22pHDISK OBJ 643 2-09-87 11:52pHDISK EXE 857 2-09-87 11:53pEXE2BIN EXE 3050 7-07-86 12:00pPF COM 290 1-03-80 11:46pTF COM 40 1-03-80 11:57pCOMMAND COM 23612 7-07-86 12:00pHDISK SYS 345 3-27-87 12:03a 13 File(s) 35840 bytes free
NOTES: This was originally an MS-DOS 3.20 Distribution Disk (Disk 2 of 2) which I had subsequently modified forpersonal use. Presumably to make more room on the disk, I had moved off a few MS-DOS 3.20 files (BACKUP.EXE,RESTORE.EXE, SHARE.EXE, TREE.EXE, and XCOPY.EXE), updated DEBUG.EXE, added MASM.EXE (v4.00), and then includeda few files of my own (eg, PCPAL.EXE and HDISK.ASM). FYI, this particular copy of PCPAL.EXE was saved withAlt-Escconfigured as the activation key sequence.–Jeff
Volume in drive A is JEFF 1 Directory of A:\HOME 1536 5-09-91 11:10aHOME C 2048 5-09-91 11:10aHOME H 4096 5-09-91 11:10aHOMEKBD C 1536 5-09-91 11:10aHOMELOC C 5120 5-09-91 11:10aHOMEPARS C 1024 5-09-91 11:10aHOMESCRN C 7168 5-09-91 11:10aHOMEVERB C 2560 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT 1536 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT C 54272 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT EXE 40448 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT TXT 512 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT1 MEM 30720 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT2 MEM 53248 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT3 MEM 242688 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT4 MEM 180736 5-09-91 11:10aMBROT5 MEM 82944 5-09-91 11:10a 17 file(s) 712192 bytes 501760 bytes free
Volume in drive A is JEFF 2 Directory of A:\CMD PAS 640 8-09-84 6:41pDCROSS PAS 50688 8-09-84 9:10pDFORM PAS 2944 8-09-84 6:44pSTARTREK PAS 27776 8-09-84 6:46pSYSLIB PAS 18432 8-09-84 6:47p8088 ASM 7552 8-09-84 6:48pJPCON1 A86 3584 8-09-84 6:48pJPDSK1 A86 2304 8-09-84 6:49pJPINTC A86 4608 8-09-84 6:50pJPUTIL A86 12416 8-09-84 6:51pROMFIX ASM 4337 5-22-86 12:33pSAMPLE PRG 6528 8-10-84 12:22pDCROSS30 PAS 52736 8-19-84 7:56pBLACKJK PAS 3363 9-08-84 11:10pDLOK PAS 5632 11-05-84 11:41pDLOK COM 12450 10-12-84 11:37pDLOK TXT 1280 10-12-84 11:49pDBASE TXT 1024 10-13-84 12:02aBYTE LTR 5504 10-14-84 10:29pDUU ASM 51712 2-04-85 9:59aDUU DOC 13952 2-04-85 10:00a8080 ASM 768 2-05-85 9:49pKEQ DOC 14720 11-26-84 12:05aDMAC ASM 6612 5-13-86 7:38pDSKTST ASM 2027 5-22-86 12:54pKEQ MAC 27925 9-14-86 1:35a 26 file(s) 341514 bytes 7168 bytes free
Volume in drive A is JEFF 3 Directory of A:\RESUME 7435 5-07-86 2:53pROMBIOS DAT 65536 6-03-86 6:42pCALL ASM 1001 7-22-86 2:10pVTP ASM 7884 9-04-86 12:40pVT52 ASM 39252 8-26-86 3:50pVTP COM 473 9-03-86 9:16aVT52 SYS 3146 9-05-86 11:36aVT52 122 8-26-86 2:47pANSI ASM 14756 7-11-85 9:04aMULT INC 3586 7-01-85 9:34aVECTOR INC 2966 7-01-85 9:36aANSI 127 9-05-86 9:33aATBIOS DAT 65536 10-19-85 8:07pATVECS DAT 1024 10-19-85 8:07pCQBIOS DAT 40472 10-19-85 11:29pCQHROM DAT 3840 10-19-85 8:49pSAMPLE1 ASM 896 10-18-84 9:47pSAMPLE2 ASM 896 10-18-84 9:51pFLIB ASM 5376 1-17-85 10:47pFMAIN ASM 768 1-17-85 9:11pDEBBIE ASM 2432 12-24-84 4:13pNEC ASM 3968 1-01-80 12:07aRAMDRIVE ASM 4352 2-26-85 11:46pTABEX ASM 2842 7-24-85 11:27pTABIN ASM 2607 2-19-86 5:50pHDISK SYS 345 10-20-86 11:46aHDISK ASM 5238 2-01-87 10:39pIBMBIO COM 16369 12-30-85 12:00p 28 file(s) 303245 bytes 47104 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\NT ZIP 1128366 4-04-91 5:34pDEBUG CMD 111 3-29-91 8:55aPKZIP EXE 31342 7-21-89 1:01aPKUNZIP EXE 21440 7-21-89 1:01a 4 file(s) 1181259 bytes Directory of A:\NT.ZIPKD EXE 218334 3-09-91 12:30aMIPSKD EXE 218934 3-29-91 6:32pNTOS2 CFG 6251 4-03-91 9:53pNTOSKRNL EXE 2096041 4-01-91 7:55pSMSS EXE 42496 4-01-91 7:55p 5 file(s) 2582056 bytesTotal files listed: 9 file(s) 3763315 bytes 31744 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\NTBIN ZIP 267010 4-04-91 5:50pNTBIN86 ZIP 478904 4-04-91 5:51pNTSUBSYS ZIP 9871 4-04-91 5:53pNTWIN ZIP 48398 4-04-91 5:54p 4 file(s) 804183 bytes Directory of A:\NTBIN.ZIPCMD EXE 158720 4-02-91 11:39pMAZE EXE 11776 4-01-91 11:00pPLGBLT EXE 14336 4-03-91 1:20aTESTIT EXE 95744 4-03-91 12:49aX86 EXE 382464 4-04-91 8:36p 5 file(s) 663040 bytes Directory of A:\NTBIN86.ZIPDOS500 DSK 368648 12-21-90 7:05pREVERSI HOT 657448 1-01-85 8:03aWOW DSK 368648 3-21-91 5:56p 3 file(s) 1394744 bytes Directory of A:\NTSUBSYS.ZIPCSRSS EXE 5120 4-01-91 7:55pDBGSS EXE 19968 4-01-91 7:55p 2 file(s) 25088 bytes Directory of A:\NTWIN.ZIP\FONTSCOURE08 FNT 3968 2-20-91 10:24pCOURE10 FNT 8246 2-20-91 10:24pCOURE12 FNT 10050 2-20-91 10:24pHELVE08 FNT 4043 2-20-91 10:24pHELVE10 FNT 5523 2-20-91 10:24pHELVE12 FNT 8107 2-20-91 10:24pHELVE14 FNT 9979 2-20-91 10:24pHELVE18 FNT 12859 2-20-91 10:24pHELVE24 FNT 22487 2-20-91 10:24pTMSRE08 FNT 4016 2-20-91 10:24pTMSRE10 FNT 5426 2-20-91 10:24pTMSRE12 FNT 6650 2-20-91 10:24pTMSRE14 FNT 8691 2-20-91 10:24pTMSRE18 FNT 12150 2-20-91 10:24pTMSRE24 FNT 19296 2-20-91 10:24pVGASYS FNT 5461 3-01-91 3:36a 16 file(s) 146952 bytes Directory of A:\NTWIN.ZIPWIN INI 3670 4-03-91 9:57p 1 file(s) 3670 bytesTotal files listed: 31 file(s) 3037677 bytes 408576 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\NTDLL ZIP 717080 4-04-91 5:52p 1 file(s) 717080 bytes Directory of A:\NTDLL.ZIPBASE DLL 103424 4-01-91 8:32pBASERTL DLL 6656 4-01-91 8:32pBASESRV DLL 24576 4-01-91 8:32pBMFD DLL 28160 4-02-91 4:52aCONSOLE DLL 24576 4-02-91 6:49pCONSRV DLL 105984 4-02-91 6:49pCSR DLL 15872 4-01-91 7:55pCSRRTL DLL 2560 4-01-91 7:55pCSRSRV DLL 38912 4-01-91 7:55pDBGDLL DLL 10240 4-01-91 7:56pGDI DLL 13312 4-02-91 4:52aGDISRV DLL 13824 4-02-91 4:52aGRE DLL 332288 4-03-91 6:57aJAZZ DLL 25600 4-03-91 6:00aNETAPI DLL 91136 4-01-91 7:56pNTDLL DLL 180224 4-02-91 6:25pSERVICES DLL 61440 4-02-91 4:52aUSER DLL 118272 4-03-91 11:39pUSERRTL DLL 15872 4-03-91 9:45pUSERSRV DLL 425472 4-03-91 11:27pWINNET DLL 14848 4-01-91 8:33p 21 file(s) 1653248 bytesTotal files listed: 22 file(s) 2370328 bytes 496640 bytes free
This x86 emulator was created in my “spare time” at Microsoft. It was never incorporated into any products, but it was used, briefly, to test early Windows NT WOW (Win16 on Win32) functionality on MIPS hardware (seeWOW Development Files/Notes).
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\MAKEFILE 24347 3-12-96 3:35pOBJ <DIR> 11-14-23 12:24pREADME TXT 350 11-14-23 1:25pTEST <DIR> 7-01-96 5:44pVMDISK ASM 10982 7-30-91 9:52aWINMEM32 DLL 4320 3-22-92 7:10pWLDR <DIR> 7-01-96 5:43pX86 C 9689 2-18-93 1:54aX86 H 29815 2-18-93 2:07aX86 ICO 766 7-30-91 5:10aX86 INC 8715 2-18-93 4:25aX86 PPT 17412 10-17-91 4:14aX86 RC 2080 3-08-92 12:15pX86PM ICO 1056 7-30-91 5:10aX86PM RC 47 7-30-91 5:10aXASM ASM 28487 3-08-92 10:21aXASM H 10789 10-04-91 5:17aXASM INC 6730 1-20-92 4:59aXBIOS C 5653 11-13-92 7:43aXBIOS H 4101 7-30-91 9:48aXBIOSDSK C 16766 3-12-96 4:07pXBIOSDSK H 9416 11-13-92 7:18aXBIOSKBD C 2771 2-18-93 3:25aXBIOSKBD H 820 7-30-91 9:48aXBIOSVID C 4348 10-12-91 6:58pXBIOSVID H 1775 10-01-91 11:14aXDOS6 C 2154 11-12-91 7:33aXDOS6 H 2779 11-12-91 7:25aXERR C 5079 2-18-93 2:05aXERR H 2718 2-18-93 1:56aXGUEST C 63405 11-13-92 6:22aXGUEST H 38830 6-15-92 6:50aXGUEST INC 16382 6-15-92 6:57aXGUEST1 C 8478 10-07-91 8:09aXGUEST1 H 1580 8-08-91 8:46aXGUEST2 C 38030 11-12-91 7:32aXGUEST2 H 3961 8-08-91 8:48aXGUESTBP C 7346 8-18-91 4:09pXGUESTBP H 2040 8-08-91 7:17aXGUESTDB C 25319 3-09-92 3:05aXGUESTDB H 1121 7-30-91 9:48aXGUESTEM C 30453 6-16-92 9:01aXGUESTEM H 5690 8-31-91 4:45pXGUESTWP C 4918 8-18-91 4:10pXGUESTWP H 1387 8-08-91 7:20aXHOST C 13373 8-18-91 4:15pXHOST H 7930 7-30-91 9:49aXHOST INC 3141 1-20-92 4:59aXHOSTDB C 12161 6-16-92 8:49aXHOSTDB H 1044 8-08-91 7:19aXHOSTEM C 7290 8-18-91 4:11pXHOSTEM H 789 7-30-91 9:49aXHOSTOP C 2719 8-18-91 4:11pXHOSTOP H 861 7-30-91 9:49aXLIB C 7255 3-08-92 10:32aXLIB H 1986 3-09-92 12:40aXSTATS C 6157 8-18-91 4:23pXSTATS H 1549 7-30-91 9:49aXTRANS1 C 94417 10-14-91 6:29pXTRANS1 H 20019 3-08-92 10:07aXTRANS2 C 59293 10-14-91 3:04aXTRANS2 H 2311 10-07-91 8:14aXWIN C 16549 6-16-92 9:05aXWIN H 1082 8-19-91 9:30aXWINCON C 25141 4-03-92 5:30aXWINCON H 6976 10-01-91 11:11a 66 file(s) 754948 bytes Directory of A:\OBJ. <DIR> 11-14-23 12:24p.. <DIR> 11-14-23 12:24p286 <DIR> 7-01-96 5:43p 3 file(s) 0 bytes Directory of A:\OBJ\286. <DIR> 7-01-96 5:43p.. <DIR> 7-01-96 5:43pX86 EXE 66799 2-18-93 4:19aX86 LRF 446 2-18-93 4:19aX86 MAP 38529 2-18-93 4:19aX86 SYM 8900 2-18-93 4:19a 6 file(s) 114674 bytes Directory of A:\TEST. <DIR> 7-01-96 5:44p.. <DIR> 7-01-96 5:44pADD ASM 40147 7-30-91 5:10aADD COM 8166 7-30-91 5:10aAND ASM 40147 7-30-91 5:10aAND COM 8166 7-30-91 5:10aCMP ASM 40147 7-30-91 5:10aCMP COM 8166 7-30-91 5:10aOR ASM 40147 7-30-91 5:10aOR COM 8166 7-30-91 5:10aSUB ASM 40147 7-30-91 5:10aSUB COM 8166 7-30-91 5:10aXOR ASM 40147 7-30-91 5:10aXOR COM 8166 7-30-91 5:10a 14 file(s) 289878 bytes Directory of A:\WLDR. <DIR> 7-01-96 5:43p.. <DIR> 7-01-96 5:43pMAKEFILE 1707 7-30-91 5:10aWLDR C 24032 7-30-91 5:10aWLDR H 6964 7-30-91 5:10aWLDR OBJ 9198 1-21-92 7:21aWLDRASM ASM 1206 1-21-92 7:25aWLDRGDI C 35300 7-30-91 5:10aWLDRKBD C 7876 7-30-91 5:10aWLDRKRN C 22081 7-30-91 5:10aWLDROVL C 2127 7-30-91 5:10aWLDRSND C 1765 7-30-91 5:10aWLDRUSR C 47801 7-30-91 5:10a 13 file(s) 160057 bytesTotal files listed: 102 file(s) 1319557 bytes 111104 bytes free