For Publishers

Ad Exchange

Driving Superior Monetisation

The highest quality programmatic ad marketplace, purposefully built for supply partners

The OpenX Ad Exchange provides publishers and app developers complete control over their entire advertising platform with superior customer support and dedicated Yield Analysts.

Unparalleled Experience

OpenX pioneered the Real Time Bidding Advertiser Marketplace and currently provide 1,200+ publishers and 900+ premium mobile publishers access to the budgets from 34K+ advertisers and 400+ Buyers. The OpenX Ad Exchange generates 60B+ bids per day across 190 countries.

Powerful Monetisation

OpenX powers the largest independent ad exchange, which drives superior revenue for our supply partners entire inventory portfolios. The OpenX Ad Exchange comes equipped with built in demand from 100% of the top 100 AdAge Advertisers, accessing all screens and ad formats.

Progressive Technology

OpenX introduced heading bidding and continues to develop ad technology that drives the industry forward. We offer a full suite of cutting-edge solutions with customer support, designed to increase revenue across all screens and formats.

Superior Service

OpenX provides partners with boutique level service, including dedicated Account Management teams, access to Yield Specialists to optimise setup and maximise revenue, technical advisors to help with integrations and a support Community with over 1,500+ users and detailed product documentation.

Ad Exchange

Highest Quality Standards

The OpenX Ad Exchange is certified “Against Piracy” under TAG’s Program Inventory Quality Guidelines. OpenX is a key contributor to the recently introduced “Certified Against Malware” program and is one of a select group of companies to complete the thorough review process to meet TAG’s rigorous anti-fraud standards:

The OpenX Ad Exchange consistently ranks high on the Pixalate Global Seller Trust Index across all three categories: US, International and Mobile App.

News & Documentation

Recent news on OpenX and product documentation, including product information, how-to, setup and more.

In the Press

OpenX Launches Header Bidding Line Item

Product Documentation

Getting Started with The OpenX Ad Exchange

In the News

Header bidding: How a simple hack became standard practice

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Ad Exchange

OpenX Bidder

The Highest Yielding Header Bidding Solution

By connecting to the most powerful programmatic marketplace in the world – the OpenX Ad Exchange – publishers immediately experience increased competition from premium brands for their impressions.

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Driving Superior Monetisation

Quality. Experience. Scale. Technology.

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