Create your own UI/UX and have full control over a highly sophisticated back-end.
OpenFinex™ high-performance trading engine handles millions of trades per second.
Choose from any of OpenDAX's ready built integrations with Tier 1 liquidity providers.
Openware guides you through the entire end to end process and provides you with a network of a trusted third party services such as KYC/AML, Custody, Fiat On/Off Ramps, Liquidity and much more already integrated in your stack so you can get up and runningFAST.
Deploy your exchange software quickly and securely with OpenDAX™ Aurora, rest assured knowing you have one of the mostsophisticated,battle tested,secure, andcutting edgetech stacks in the market!
Openware Inc. is a software engineering leader of Cryptocurrency Exchange & Blockchain infrastructure. Committed to providing innovative and reliable solutions to our clients since 2009.