



Ready to Launch a Crypto Exchange?

You need a stack that's Robust, Battle Tested,Ultra Fast Execution with Liquidity Built-In...

You need a solution that's Modular by Design, fullyCustomizable, Fully Polished withReady Built Integrations...

That's where we come in..

Let's go!

OpenDAX™ Aurora

OpenDAX™ Aurora solves the heavy lifting of software development and allows you to focus on what's most important... driving revenue.

Fully Customizable UI

Fully Customizable UI

Create your own UI/UX and have full control over a highly sophisticated back-end.

Ultra Fast Trading Engine

Ultra Fast Trading Engine

OpenFinex™ high-performance trading engine handles millions of trades per second.

Built-in Liquidity

Built-in Liquidity

Choose from any of OpenDAX's ready built integrations with Tier 1 liquidity providers.

Explore OpenDAX
Launching Crypto Exchanges

Launching Crypto Exchanges Made Seamless.

Openware guides you through the entire end to end process and provides you with a network of a trusted third party services such as KYC/AML, Custody, Fiat On/Off Ramps, Liquidity and much more already integrated in your stack so you can get up and runningFAST.

Partnership Network

Launching Crypto Exchanges

Your Competitive Edge

Deploy your exchange software quickly and securely with OpenDAX™ Aurora, rest assured knowing you have one of the mostsophisticated,battle tested,secure, andcutting edgetech stacks in the market!

Launching Crypto Exchanges

Pioneers of Crypto Exchange Technologies

Openware Inc. is a software engineering leader of Cryptocurrency Exchange & Blockchain infrastructure. Committed to providing innovative and reliable solutions to our clients since 2009.

