


Openstrike: Open Source Consultancy
Improving BusinessThrough Open Source
Phone: 01722 770036

This is Openstrike

Discover how Openstrike can help to make your business more productive by usingopen source alternatives to your current proprietary software.

Openstrike offer the following services:

Our expert team has many years' experience inopen source productsand you can directly benefit from this experience. Whether yourimmediate requirements are in networking, security, user applications,servers, databases or any combination, just call Openstrike to find outhow our consultants can help you to lower your costs and increase your productivity.
Deployment & Hosting
We can oversee the entire deployment process, including providing thesoftware, training your staff as administrators and end users, andafter-sales support. Services can be hosted by us to ensure highlevels of security and reliability at competitive rates.
Contract Administration
If a full-time administrator is unnecessary for your network, we canprovide part-time administration of your system on a pro-rata basis.You know you're getting the best, and you don't have to take on orretrain any employees.
Contract Programming
So, your open source package is great: reliable, secure, efficient,user-friendly and inexpensive. But you really wish it did XYZ. Justcall Openstrike and we can provide a bespoke coding contract to makeyour open source software do precisely what you want.
Everyone wants their systems to run faster and more efficiently. Beforeyou spend a king's ransom on beefier hardware or a proprietary systemthat could lock you in for years, why not see if Openstrike can lend ahand? Whether you want to fine tune your Apache installation or youwant your in house code to run that little bit faster, we will providea free estimate and a range of alternative strategies.
Data Cleaning
Is your data set in a bad way? Is it disorganised, malformed,duplicated, out of date? A perfect data set does not have to beas elusive as nirvana. Why not askOpenstrike to help with wholesale changes to your data includingvalidation and de-duplication?

