Between your platform
and every
Networkless connectivity
Ockam works at
the application layer.
When application security is
decoupled from your network,
you can skip the pain of
Ockam is
zero trust.
So your application
can be secure too.
The Magic
That means you can stop
waiting for IT to set up a private link
Portals transportdata-in-motion over end-to-end encrypted Ockam secure channels. They work at theapplication layer and abstract away the setup, management, and security of the network layer. When application connectivity and security is decoupled from your network, you no longer need to wait for your IT team to give you permissions to build trusted connections.
Virtual Adjacency
An Ockam Portal does something that feels like magic; It virtually moves your remote application through the Portal so that it's available onlocalhost.
You won't have to change your network layer configurations, or even to understand them - at all.
Ockam is networkless.
Use Cases
To orchestrate
key management
at massive scale
Access Distributed Data
Create secure access to private databases - from any application, anywhere!
Stop exposing private data to the public internet with service ports.
Start isolating data exposure to the endpoint of your application.
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Connect Snowflake to Everything
Create private point-to-point connections to any data source — in minutes.
Stop connecting your private data systems directly to the public internet.
Start establishing trust between any application, anywhere, and your Snowflake Data Cloud.
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Secure Kafka Streams
Guarantee data authenticity and integrity from producers all-the-way to consumers.
Stop exposing the broker to your data streams.
Start encrypting data-in-motion through Kafka.
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Build with a tool that was built for serverless.
Serverless needs Networkless.
Stop using networking tools that were built decades ago for persistent connections.
Start using Ockam and build connectors that have the ephemeral properties as your serverless functions; cold start in milliseconds, dynamic scalability between zero and infinity, multi-tenant.
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Connect Products to Private systems
Create security product features for your enterprise customers.
Stop asking your customers to make network configuration changes.
Build Ockam into your existing products - in minutes.
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Introductions to key concepts and how Ockam makes your systems secure-by-design
What is Ockam?
The three things you need to know about Ockam.
The magic that means you don't need to change the network.
Virtual Adjacencies & Portals
Make remote services appear as though they're local with Portals.