From: Craig Brozefsky <>Subject: Re: SCWM, Pot and the GPL...Date: 1999/06/27Message-ID: <>#1/1References: <> <7kdfhu$4lb$> <7kdmag$> <> <7l3ibe$hns$> <7l449r$> <>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCIIOrganization: Red Bean Software - virtual solutions for virtual peopleMime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.106)Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discussJohn Dyson said:> not most) users. I attain no high in passive smoking, and only feel> the anxiety. The very sad thing is to avoid the anxiety, pot users> often either seek more pot, alcohol or benzo's for temporary relief.> This is a really silly vicious circle for a little short term> relief. Those who think that pot is harmless are diluding themselves> or even simply ignorant.That's because your not using the Scheme Configurable Window Manager.I found that having the proper WM while toking is extremely important.You need one that absolutely minimizes use of the rodent, and withscwm's synthetic events, awesome key binding supports and scripting, Ihave a setup which allows me to do everything without pushing aboutthe cursed rolly thing. Thank you Maciej for thinking about all of usstoners when designing SCWM.The reason you want to avoid the rodent is that when your coding whilechemically modified you will want to minimize any possible distractionor break in concentration. The slightest wavering in your attentionwill easily explode into a ten minute setback. If you can keepyourself on-track then I find that productivity is greatly increased,and with the properly trained mindset bug density on first pass isusually drastically decreased.In the past when working with improper window management I have foundthat reaching for the rodent and lifting my eyes off my FSF emacsblock cursor can trigger undesired distractions, particularly when I'mworking in non-Lisp dialects (well except for mercury and Pop-11)because any idle brain wave will be spent bitching to yourselfsilently about the lameness of the artificial language you are forcedto be thinking in presently. It should also be noted that since SCWM is extended thru scheme, youhave another advantage. Pot and lame type systems like in C/C++ donot mix. THC and Lisp dialects (or Pop-11, and sometimes mercury) arewonderful combinations provided you don't mind spending 20% of yourtime rejoicing in the beauty that is a dynamic language with uniformsyntax and a real goddamn macro system.For the particularly bent crowd, I'd reccomend maybe starting out witha Luca Cardelli paper, followed by a round of OCaml hacking, and ifyou have another bowl to smoke and an evening to waste, follow it allup dinking around in mercury. This recipe will not result in muchworking code at the end of the day, but your mind will be glowing. Ishould warn you that only people with hard-ons for abstractmathematics and mathematical logic will really survive this coursewithout a major headache.Of course, this should all be done on a Debian Linux box, because youcan install all of these languages with a simple apt-get command.With FreeBSD you would have to compile them all, and friggin compilingalien language implementations from France (OCaml) will break yourwiddle head when stoned. None of the tools I have mentioned so farare BSD licensed, and most are GPLed or Public Domain, and none ofthem have patents pending (except maybe if you got a fancy bong).When your done, remember, libertarians are people who think theysprung from their own asshole, the free market is a plot toexploit your sorry ass, and all the real elite programmers arewobblies.PS: Everything but the last paragraph is a troll.-- Craig Brozefsky <>Free Scheme/Lisp Software matter, more form! - Bruno Schulzignazz, I am truly korrupted by yore sinful tzourceware. -jb