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| מספר מערכת987007556703105171
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Other Identifiers
Library of congress:sh2007002891
Sources of Information
- Springer index of viruses, 2001:p. 193 (family, Caulimoviridae)
- MesH browser, Apr. 26, 2007(Caulimoviridae. Scope note: the family of DNA plant viruses with isometric or basilloform virions and no envelope.)
- Matthew's plant virology, 2002:p. 27 (Family Caulimoviridae contains all the plant viruses that replicate by reverse transcription; 6 genera)
Wikipedia description:
Caulimoviridae is a family of viruses infecting plants. The family contains 11 genera. Viruses belonging to the family Caulimoviridae are termed double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) reverse-transcribing viruses (or pararetroviruses) i.e. viruses that contain a reverse transcription stage in their replication cycle. This family contains all plant viruses with a dsDNA genome that have a reverse transcribing phase in their lifecycle.
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