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קווקיוטל (שבט אינדיאני)

Kwakiutl Indians

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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
קווקיוטל (שבט אינדיאני)
Name (Latin)
Kwakiutl Indians
Other forms of name
Kwagiutl Indians
Kwakwaka'wakw Indians
Kwakwala Indians
See Also From tracing topical name
Indians of North America British Columbia
Wakashan Indians
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:sh 85073541
Sources of Information
  • 93036602: Galois, R. Kwakwa̲ka̲'wakw Settlements, 1993:introduction (Kwakiutl=Kwakwaka'wakw, Kwakwala)
  • Palmer, C.B. I won't play primitive to your modern: the art of David Neel (Kwagiutl), 1985-2006, 2006.
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File:Crooked Beak of Heaven Mask.jpg
Unknown authorUnknown author
, CC BY 3.0
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File:Edward Curtis Image 002.jpg
Edward S. Curtis, Public domain
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File:Edward S. Curtis, Kwakwaka'wakw potlatch, British Columbia.jpg
Edward S. Curtis, Public domain
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File:Grave Marker in the Form of a Copper, late 19th century, 08.491.8895.jpg
Museum Expedition 1908, Museum Collection Fund, No restrictions
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File:Kwakwaka'wakw man and copper shield, by Edward Curtis.jpg
, Public domain
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File:Kwakwaka'wakw transformation mask.jpg
Myrabella, CC BY-SA 4.0
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Edward S. Curtis, Public domain
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File:Kwakwakaʼwakw clams.jpg
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File:Speaker Figure, 19th century, 05.588.7418.jpg
Museum Expedition 1905, Museum Collection Fund, No restrictions
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File:Wawadit'la(Mungo Martin House) a Kwakwaka'wakw big house.jpg
HighInBC Attribute to Ryan Bushby, CC BY-SA 2.5
Wikipedia description:

The Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw ([ˈkʷakʷəkʲəʔwakʷ]), also known as the Kwakiutl (; "Kwakʼwala-speaking peoples"), are an indigenous group of the Pacific Northwest Coast, in southwestern Canada. Their total population, according to a 2016 census, was 3,665 people. Most live in their traditional territories on northern Vancouver Island, as well as nearby smaller islands (such as the Discovery Islands) and inland on the adjacent British Columbia mainland. Some also live outside their traditional homelands, in urban areas such as Victoria and Vancouver. They are politically-organized into 13 band governments. The Kwakwaka'wakw language, now spoken by only 3.1% of the population, consists of four dialects of what is commonly referred to as Kwakʼwala, known as Kwak̓wala, 'Nak̓wala, G̱uc̓ala and T̓łat̓łasik̓wala.

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