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Öffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel

Öffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel

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  • Corporate Body
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Öffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel
Other forms of name
Kunstmuseum Basel, Oeffentliche Kunstsammlung
Museum of Fine Arts (Basel)
Basel. Oeffentliche Kunstsammlung
Universität Basel. Kunstsammlung
Öffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel
7.594193 7.594193 47.554032 47.554032 (gooearth )
Type of corporate body
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:n 79079575
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Basel - 2017 - Kunstmuseum Basel - Altbau
Wladyslaw Sojka, FAL
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File:Basel - 2017 - Kunstmuseum Basel - Altbau.jpg
Wladyslaw Sojka, FAL
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File:Basel - 2017 - Kunstmuseum Basel - Neubau.jpg
Wladyslaw Sojka, FAL
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File:Blick ins Unendliche von Ferdinand Hodler im Kunstmuseum Basel.jpg
Paradise Chronicle, Public domain
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File:Hess Haus zur Mücke 1837.jpg
Hieronymus Hess, Public domain
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File:Juan Gris, 1916, Woman with Mandolin, after Corot (La femme à la mandoline, d'après Corot), oil on canvas, 92 x 60 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel.jpg
Juan Gris, Public domain
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File:Lucas Cranach (I) - Madonna mit Kind (Kunstmuseum Basel).jpg
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File:Pablo Picasso, 1905-06, Les deux frères (The two brothers), oil on canvas, 141.4 x 97.1 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel.jpg
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File:Paul Gauguin, 1892, Ta matete (Le Marché), oil on canvas, 73.2 x 91.5 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel.jpg
Paul Gauguin, Public domain
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File:Paul Klee, 1922, Senecio, oil on gauze, 40.3 × 37.4 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel.jpg
Paul Klee, Public domain
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File:Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach by Hans Holbein the Younger (1519).jpg
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File:Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam by Hans Holbein d. J. in Kunstmuseum Basel.jpg
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File:Schlafender Knabe im Heu, 1897.jpg
Albert Anker, Public domain
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File:The Plague, 1898.jpg
Arnold Böcklin, Public domain
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File:Theo van Doesburg Composition 1923-1924.jpg
Theo van Doesburg, Public domain
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File:Vincent van Gogh - Mademoiselle Gachet au piano.jpg
Vincent van Gogh, Public domain
Wikipedia description:

The Kunstmuseum Basel houses the oldest public art collection in the world and is generally considered to be the most important museum of art in Switzerland. It is listed as a Swiss heritage site of national significance. Its lineage extends back to the Amerbach Cabinet, which included a collection of works by Hans Holbein purchased by the city of Basel and the University of Basel in 1661, which made it the first municipally owned and therefore open to the public museum in the world. Its collection is distinguished by an impressively wide historic span, from the early 15th century up to the immediate present. Its various areas of emphasis give it international standing as one of the most significant museums of its kind. These encompass paintings and drawings by artists active in the Upper Rhine region between 1400 and 1600, as well as the art of the 19th to 21st centuries.

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