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The Columbus Journal from Columbus, Nebraska • Page 1

Columbus, Nebraska
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sC aJiry.efSSSSSSSSf- ifl. -s c.isni' --w- i zif 3 vr -r js A KP-JP! 1- VOLUME XXVIIL--NUMBER 40. COLUMBUfe. NEBRAS1 A TAXTTTATV 14 1QOQ WHOLE NUMBER 1,444. WTilJ EliOJ-f-tX Cf -tXXl IJ XXJ.V X.

WOt ijj wi -i -'v'- rssahr Ut wratii it: sr ttupn'ritrt VW Pr t- r.v v- li Kr ll.JW-1 I CiJ LADY ISABEL. BY W. X. HE Lady Isabel wa Scottish baron's daagfater, aad Car was she fasted. Were others fair, she was fairer; were others rich, she was richer.

In shorU all perfections were said to be centered la the Lady Isabel, and yet that qmallty for which she ought to hare been most prized seemed the one which made least noise In the world; and. this was her devoted duty to her father. She was his only child the child of his old age, the Idol of his heart, and the lamp of his life. But still he was a cruel father; for. In return for her duteous affection, he had determined to-wed her to a man she had never seen, while he knew that her heart was another's.

The Lord of Ormisdale was the son of his ancient friend, and the possessor of broad lands in a distant part of Scotland. The two old men had sworn to each other that their children should be united, but ere this pact, the youth had been sent abroad to be initiated iu the art of war an art but too much practiced in his native country at that time; for be it known that our peerless beauty bloomed In the fifteenth century, when the feuda of the Scottish nobility were frequent and deadly. Much was bruited abroad "of the goodly person and brave qualities of the young earl, but of this Lady Isabel had no opportunity of judging, for never, as has been told, had she seen him. She had, however, but too often seen his cousin Roderick, and to him was her heart devoted. It was true he had neither title, land nor vassals, but he was a handsome, a noble and a gallant youth, and he had knelt at her feet, confessed his love, and swore eternal constancy; and though, when she thought of her father, she turned coldly away, it was but to treasure his image In her heart, and to weep most bitter tears at the hapless fate which doomed her to wed another, i Roderick, by- and by, went away to a foreign land, distraught by his passion for the Lady Isabel; and the time was long, and he returned not, and none spoke of blm.

or seemed to think of him, save his disconsolate love. But It was not so. for the old 'baron loved him for his worth and manly bearing; and when he saw his daughter drooping tier head like a lily, he. too, was unhappy, and repented him of his rash vow, though he would rather have sacrificed his own life, and hers, too, than have broken his oath. But now the time was at hand when the sun was to shine upon the 19th birthday of the baron's daughter, and multitudes were invited to his castle to celebrate the festival with mirth and revelry.

Many were the seasons on which he had thrown wide the castle gates and welcomed numerous guests, and ample the hospitable provision he had made for them; but never, during his life, or that of his forefathers, had there been such doings as now. While hecatombs of sheep and oxen bled on the occasion, with wain-loads of deer, wild andtame fowl, and other creatures, every country seemed to have been taxed for fruit and other delicacies, and wines of the richest seemed by the quantities provided to be intended absolutely to flow in rivers. The birthday of the Lady Isabel had been celebrated, as it came round. LADY ISABEL'S DELIGHT. ever since that on which she first drew her breath, but never had there been even Imagined such preparations as this.

The tongues of all the gossiping old dowagers in the kingdom were set a-going on the occasion; some assigned one reason for this extraordinary entertainment, and some another. Now there were several whose eager curiosity caused them so much uneasiness that they went so far as to ask an "explanation of the old baron himself. They were all, however, foiled in the attempt to penetrate the mystery, and therefore settled in their own minds that the old man had either lost his wits altogether or was In his dotage. Nor. to speak the truth, did the young lady, on whose account was all the turmoil, feel less surprised than other people at her father's unbounded especially as there arrived from the capital chest after chest, packed with the richest vestments, cut in the most approved fashion of the day.

and boxes filled with Jewelry, which, added to the family gems she already possessed, might have furnished the dowry of a princess. 5 The day at length arrived for which all this extraordinary preparation had been made; and the baron, not content with charging his daughter to apparel herself in a suit, which, by its exceeding splendor, seemed to have been particularly Intended for the occasion, and to wear her most costly jewels; also ceauBaaded her maidens to tax their wits In ornamenting and setting off, to the best advantage, the charms of thdr yeung mistress. And bow. after having arranged all things, and being promised Implicit obedience by hs daughter, the mystery of all his magnificent proceedings was partly unraveled by his telling that they were that might to expect the arrival of the Earl of Ormisdale; he. presented her with a mask.

Informed her that 1m had given that each of hisaaests should jpotaa a visor before they entered the reeen. after they left the fcasfatt ad that fca kd M.thla lor her tt aaaMy i rsmTsfsmTaSci Jr7 T. vX j- r- shaald not read In her features what was massing la her mind when she first met her betrothed. It was In Tain that the afflicted Lady Isabel pleaded most movingly for a more private meeting, for her father was deaf to her entreaties, while he affirmed that his precaution of the visor would do away with all objections; and was so peremptory In the matter that, as usual, she acquiesced: How different, however, were thr feelings of his daughter on this momentous subject, and sore averse was uht to meet the man she was sure that she could never love; and many wen the tears she shed, and many the resolves she made to retract all her promises and live and die in solitude. But then she bethought her of the despair Of her Toor old father of his tender, though mistaken love of the, few remaining years of his life em-, bittered by disappointment and death probably hurrled'on through her means.

All this was too much when-laid en the balance with only her own happiness, and she still sustained the character of a dutiful daughter, heroically determining to sacrifice all selfishness at the altar of filial duty and affection. But though this was her ultimate resolve, we need not be surprised that when decked In her splendid attire, and presiding in the gorgeous banqueting hall of her father, she looked and felt as if assisting at a funeral feast, and that she even then would have been the better of the visor to prevent many conjectures on what her saddened looks might mean. But the time for assuming the mask arrived, and the nobles of the land, with their haughty dames, and many a knight, and many a damsel fair, bedight in silk and cloth of gold, and blazing in jewels, graced the tapestried ballroom, on which a flood of brilliant light was poured from lamp and torch. And each in joyous mood, cheered by the merry minstrels, and by the sound of harp and viol, impatiently awaited the commencement of the dance, when they were informed that it was stayed for an expected and honorable guest' But presently there was a flourish of the music, and the cry of the ushers to make way for the noble Earl of Ormisdale; and the large doora at the foot of the hall were flung wide open, and the gallant young earl, masked, and attended by a train of young gentlemen, all his kinsmen, or picked and chosen friends, advanced amid murmurs of admiration to the middle of the hall. Here they were met and welcomed by the baron, who led the earl to his lovely daughter, and having presented him to her the guests were presently gratified by seeing the galant young nobleman take the hand of the Lady Isabel and lead her out to dance.

Nor were there any present whose eyes did not follow them with admiration, though the measure chosen by the high born damsel savored more that night of grace and dignity than lightness of either heart or heel. Meantime, the old baron was so full of joy and delight that it was remarked by all, as he was still seen near his daughter and her partner. But their hearts were both quaking the unhappy Lady Isabel's with thinking of her promise to her father, and that of her betrothed with a fear known only to himself; for he had heard that she had loved, and now observed her narrowly. 'And, not content with this, he asked her, as he sat beside her, many a wily question, till at last he spoke his fears in plain guise, and she, with many sighs and tears shed within her mask, confessed the truth; still saying that, for her father's sake, she would be his wife, if he accepted of her on such terms. But now her father told her in her ear that she must presently prepare to keep her word, as this must be her bridal night; for that purpose alone was this high wassail kept.

Her lover, too, no way daunted by his knowledge cf this, pressed on his suit to have itso. And now was the despairing damsel most beside herself, when her father, announcing aloud his purpose to the astonished guests, called for the priest, and caused all to unmask. But in what words shall we paint the surprise, the delight, the flood of joy that came upon the heart of the Lady Isabel when the earl's mask was removed, and she beheld In him Tier much-beloved Roderick, who, his cousin being deadwas now the Earl of Ormisdale! And now was each corner of the castle, from basement stone to turret height, filled with joyous greetings, and the health and the happiness of the noble Earl Roderick, and of his bride, tho dutiful Lady Isabel, deeply drank in many a wassail bowL The stately castle and its revels, the proud baron and his pomp, the beauteous bride and her children's children have now all passed away into oblivion, save this slight record, which has only been preserved in remembrance of the daughter's virtue, who preferred her father's happiness to hei own. IICli Haat xad Harold Sktwpole. The following extract from Sir Ga-van Duffy's diary relates to the old reproach brought against Dickens for creating "Harold Skimpole," which everybody recognized as a caricature of Leigh- Hunt "I asked Forster (said Daffy, who had been dicing with Forster and Browning), how it came that Dickens, in one of his last prefaces, could declare that he had not Leigh Hunt In his mind when painted Harold Skimpole.

It was a cruel caricature, turning foibles and weaknesses into crimes; but it was undeniably Leigh Hunt Oh, said Forster, It you had Eeen the proofs before they passed through my hands you might have better grounds for that opinion. So much was cut out that we persuaded ourselves that the salient traits were effaced; but too many of them remained. Dickens was alarmed at the impression he had made, and did his best to repair the wrong, and, doubtless, like the Queen in the play, did protest too Chlacs Obcdleace Faraats. If Chinese children do not obey their parents, and the latter whip them tc death, the law has no for tnoiarents, as obedience to parents Is the cardinal virtue. One of the dry-ftods stores In Bos tenhassf-stUtiHtUwcry-'ttller-'for -3SS.

JW IgsUMafaaM zerrr GIRL'S DARING NIGHT RIDS. Am Indian romance which almost rivals that of Pocahontas and Caatalm John Smith comes from Pine Ridge agency. Last week William Jacob-son, a young felow In charge of one of the classes at Carlisle, eloped with Jealia Bealkwd, am Intelligent quarter-bred Sioux. The couple rods from Pine Ridge to Chadroa, on their ponies during the night pursued by the girl's relatives all. the way.

They arrived in Chadroa in the gray dawn of the morning, thoroughly exhausted, and at once proceeded td se cure a license. Them in the presence of friends of the bride they win made man and wife. The couple met about two years ago at Carlisle, where the young woman was attending a private seminary, and became enamored of each other. They bsrims engaged. when the girl.

received a Utter ordering her home to Pine Ridge. The young couple kept up a correspondence, fearing that their' attachment wpuld become known to the parents of the girl, who were very much opposed to her forming an alliance with other than a thoroughbred Sioux. A letter to the girl was finally intercepted by a young Sioux admirer and laid before the mother. Thereafter not a letter was permitted. Becoming alarmed at not receiving an answer Jacobson decided to go to Nebraska and Investigate.

Upon arriving at the agency he contrived a secret interview with the girl and arranged an elopement. One dark night the girl stole forth, and. procuring a saddle horse frotn the corral, slipped a halter over his head and led him to the outskirts of the Indian village, where she was met by her lover in a lonely canyon near the historic battleground of Wounded Knee. Mounting their ponies, they started on their journey to Chadron. The echoes of the hoofbeats awakened the village and a thirty-mile chase was begun over tho roughest country east of the Rocky mountains.

The journey was exceedingly dangerous and hazardous. The road at times winds around precipices and rugged cliffs and through rough canyons, where a misstep might plunge the riders into eternity. For four hours they rode on their ponies, expecting at every moment to hear the cry of their pursuers. When the light of Chadron appeared In view the pursuing party increased their pace, hoping to overtake the fleeing couple before they entered the city. They failed in this attempt, however, and the lovers managed to elude them.

Tarry Old Slevy. Buried deep in the sands at the edge of Spring Lake, near Grand Haven. lies the hull of the old sloop Porcupine, which was one of Lieut. Oliver H. Perry's fleet In the battle of Lake Erie.

'The old boat Is nearly gone. She has lain there since 1873, when she went out of service, and was beached by a gang of men who had tried to rig her up as a lumber lugger. D. M. Ferry, later a United States senator from Michigan, owned the land where the discouraged sailors flung the hull, and he left her there to work deeper and deeper into the sand.

She is just at the end of one of his docks now; but he knew the honorable part she had played, and while he lived he refused to move her. Clerer rectece Stamp SwtaSle. Belgian swindlers have been pasting transparent paper over the postage stamps they put on letters. The paper took the postmarks, leaving the stamp beneath uncanceled. POPULAR SCIENCE.

The largest mass of pure rock salt In the world lies under the province of Gallicia, Hungary. It Is known to be 550 miles long, twenty broad and 250 feet in thickness. The length of a light wave, at the violet end of the spectrum, is about 1-62, 500th of an inch and at the red Light travels 12,000,000.000 inches in a second. Multiply the denominators of the fractions here given by 12,000,000,000, and you will get the number of light (or vibrations) per second for red and violet. The other colors lie between these extremes.

There are 110 mountains in Colorado whose peaks are over twelve thousand feet above the ocean level. Forty of these are higher than fourteen thousand feet, and more than half of that number are so remote and rugged that no one has dared to attempt to climb them. Some of them are massed with snow, others have glaciers over their approaches, and others are merely masses of jagged rocks. L'Electricien, Paris, quotes from the Optician, London, an account of an invention by a man named Wilcox, In which a minute incandescent electric lamp Is fastened to a pen near Its point, in order to illuminate the writing. "A little reflector," it says, "placed behind it prevents the light front dazzling the eyes and directs It toward the paper.

This arrangement may be applied also to a pencil or to any instrument of the same sort PEN POINTS. Age makes some people wis and others only stubborn. Confectioners should make their candy over bon-bon fires. The dance they sit oat is the most delightful to a pair of lovers. The upper tea is composed, of the winning nine and the umpire.

What the average Kentuckian meeds Is a waterproof coat for mis n-THirh Trifles light as hair sometimes tarm the whole course of a mam's appetite. No man ever realises the power of a woman's eloquence until after ha gets married. The baseball season being ended the pitcher is mew at liberty to work the growler. Perhaps It's hecamse wash day comes next to Sunday that rltsnllsnes is mext to godliness. More illiterate hod-carriers reach the top of the ladder than, mem college educations.

If a friend comas to yemr'omTtce to borrow money and mads yon In yarn wtt on, in 1m ft yr will to, ja w- vnric3i jj II HiTamemm-flamttlill im ill amliSmTi ITT I IU i Tin lid JllHTIlM arnWi II ri i flml ill II I GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THE VETERANS. muiy Tactics cf Ideas ffcata The Baffle WILD, enchanting born! Whose music up tho deep and dewy al? Swells to the clowa, and calls oh echo there, Till a new melody. Is bora- Wake, wake the aight 2T'j la beadtna throne Bes4s with stm stars -bunuaff on her crown. Intense and eloquently bright. i Night, at Its pulseless noon! When the far voice ot waters mourns In song.

And some tired watch-dog. lazily and hmg Barks at the melancholy moon. Hark! how It sweeps away. Soaring and dying on the silent sky. As If some splrte of sound went wandering by With lone halloo and roundelay! Swell, swell In glory out! Thy tones come pouring on my leaping heart.

And my stlrrd spirit hears thee with a start -As boyhood's eld remember'd shout. have ye heard that peaL From sleeping city's moon-bathed battle ments. Or from the guarded field and warrior tents. Like some beat breath around you steal or have ye In the roar Of sea, or storm, or battle, heard It rise, Shriller than eagle's clamour, to the skies. Where wings and tempests never soar? Go.

go no other sound. No music that of air or earth Is born. Can match the mighty music of that horn, Oa midnight's fathomless profound! A Veteraa's View cf a Fames Case. To the Editor: In your paper over the signature of Wilbur F. Crummer is am article heralded "A Travesty of Justice," to which I wish to call attention, not because there Is anything new or especially attractive in its reference to the Lovering court-martial and the circumstances that led to that trial.

Much of the same kind of stuff on that subject has been written before, and might be excused in those who write for sensation, who, like the Miss Nancys of war times, assume that all military orders should be submitted to and approved by a town meeting before action. Old soldiers know better, and as your correspondent claims to be an old soldier. I respectfully call his attention to the oath administered to every man on entering the service of the United States an obligation the most sacred, binding alike on officers and men. Under It all are required to yield prompt and strict compliance with the orders of their superiors. That Captain Lovering was officer of the day is not disputed.

Then for that day he was in command of the camp, subject only to the commander of the post, by whom he was ordered to bring Hammond (then under guard voluntarily for desertion) before a trial court. This he proceeded to do, sending this order first by the officer of the guard to Hammond and then by delivering it to him in prison. To both. orders Hammond made positive refusal. More than this, he made demand for conveyance, though it is not claimed that he was unable to walk or that he did not fully understand the order and all it implied.

Yet, with this knowledge, of which he seems proud, he elected to take the consequence. To complain now of results is childish and unjust He could have ended his suffering. It suffer he did, at any time by complying with an order which he had sworn to obey. Surely sympathy is wasted on such pretense. Army regulations are of necessity strict, arbitrary, but manly men are as promptly recognized and as universally respected In the army as anywhere else, if we can believe the evidence of those who ought to know.

If I have read the evidence right. Captain Lovering did his duty and deserves credit, not censure; and so does Colonel Hall for his manly assumption of responsibility. William M. Loughlln, late Captain First U. S.

V. V. Mintaiy Tactics, Maj. Arthur H. Wagner has made a report to the war department on.

the subject of European army maneuvers which Is full ot interest to all who concern themselves with military matters. From advance sheets the Army and Navy Journal makes the following excerpts: Under the heading of "Bicycles" Maj. Wagner says that "the role most frequently assigned to the bicycle company was that of a support to the cavalry. But its employment was by no means confined to this. For example, on one occasion successful ambuscade was laid for the advance guard of the hostile cavalry; at another time a battery surprised by a cavalry sweep was rescued, the salient feature of both of these operations being the ease and rapidity with which the wheelmen reached the desired points.

At night the wheelmen were found exceedingly useful in searching the ground, passing undiscovered within a few yams of hostile forces. It was for scouting at great distances from the main body, however, that they made themselves particularly valuable. "On the Irst day of the German manuevers the cavalry sought to establish contact with the enemy over the lateral roads -and through open melds, while the cyclists meld the principal roads. Tho latter had, of course, the advantage over their opponents, tor, covered by ditches, they were immediately ready for combat, and by their ire could prevent the cavalry from pushing ahead and getting accurate lnfermation of its adversary's position. It could not report that it mad been fired on by cyclists, for the wheels lay hidden In the grass of the.

ditches and hedges. It would thus be compelled to assume that it had keen by infantry are. and would imxorauuos M. to CAHJPFIEE SKETCHES, raJ m. rt ractf A Vctwaa Vtctra.

Mf EnmY! I '(IjreSQH hSZii: imuM ammTaSSml practiced by the comtldirs one of Imtmrss of, Hit of the ita-meed to lnemre the correct tamem' by" the troops' the -T mr rBTL rmwrm movel and merit General onteers wore, as a mark, a luminous paper around, their hats. Each brigade ine lighted signal lantern, which carried well back in the column never exposed. General offl- aad am orderly oflteer from each e. and each brigade an officer frfm each battalion, for the purpose of communication. Distances from front tojsarwere preserved by knotted intervals were Maintained by tp? extension ot men; markers were supplied wltt two luminous disks, which were simmg over the shoulder, to as to show UMsromC and 1m rear.

Staff officers; pro; luminous disks. Magnesium rockets' were used with some success by the pickets for the purpose ot discovering the advancing columns. A Brave Newspaper Maa. H. P.

Hubbard states that some time ago he was riding on the cars with Senator Hawley of Connecticut, and In the course of a general conversation the senator told a good war story in regard to John B. Bogart, the well-known newspaper man. This was the story. Bogart was, at the outbreak ot the civil war, a clerk in John H. Coley's dry goods store on Chapel street, New Haven, Conn.

The now Senator Hawley went out first as captain Of Hartford company of three months men, and when he eamfj back was commissioned as colonel of the Seventh Connecticut regiment. Companies were raised in all parts ot the State and; of course, rushed to the trohi. Bogart was a member of dhe of the" companies of the Seventh during the battle of Olustee, Gen. Hawlejr beiflg the brigadier general in command the whole line lying in front of the enemy got out of ammunition. Hawley called for volunteers to take ammunition along the line to the men, who would otherwise have been defenseless.

The only man who dared td dd this was Bogart; he was then a young soldier and A quartermaster sergeant, and Gen; Hawley says he drove the ammunition wagon nearly a half mile along the line within range1 of the enemy's line. The Seventh were lying behind improvised breastworks, and he left a package of cartridges every 20 or 30 feet and returned unharmed, although frequently fired at by the Confederates. Bogart's bravery and nerve at the time stands out very deafly in Ges Hawleys mind as one of the finest exhibitions that he saw during the entire war. Statae ta aa Irish Here. In the civil war CoL Thomas Cass was commander of the Ninth Massachusetts regiment, which was known as "The Fighting Ninth." His record, though very short, was most noble.

He fell in one ot the first hattlea-hli jaw being shot off. He was an Irish-math and his regiment wad composed of his countrymen. The question ot an appropriate de sign for the Cass monument has been a subject of debate since the death of the hero, nearly twenty-five years ago. The art commission in whose hands the matter has been resting for two of three years, has now unanimously accepted the sketch presented by Sculptor Richard E. Brooks about a year ago.

His sketch represents a statue of CoL Cass in fuU dress uniform, standing in a military attitude, with his arms fold- STATUE OF COL. CASS, ed. When complete the statue will measure eight feet In height and will stand on a low, simple pedestal of either Tennessee marble or Westerly granite. It is to be erected on the Boylston street side of the Boston public garden. This new monument will displace am Inartlstle affair erected to CoL Cass it 1889.

Prasreas la Rutin. Lecturing at a meeting of the Royal Statistical society Major Cralgie gave some Interesting details acquired at the statistical conference at St Petersburg, with regard to changes and developments in Russia. Since the emancipation of the serfs the patriarchal customs of rural life were disappearing, factories and mills were springing up, and the peasants were acquiring agricultural machinery. Changes were also occurring in the distribution of landed property. In the course of a single year 5,646,000 acres of land had been sold by tho nobles, and of this amount somethfna- Hko 2,700,000 acres passed into the hands of the peasants, co-operative societies, or purchasers of the merchant class.

The general Russian census of 1897 snowed the population of the empire to have risen to 129.0C0.000. With regard to the sexes, the mem were In am actual, although very slight, majority. It was remarkable that juries and magistrates were more imdnlgent im Russia than In Westerm Eurooe. and Jmriea were especially lenient to London Chronicle. Old Cairo changlsg visibly.

By Christmas the electric tramway to the Pyramids will be aa accomplished fact, and tJaa eight-mile trip, at prwtat eo 't, will be possible for a tew -r. )J' Jmff JojjajfatmnrcolamMM, IN THE TMtiMMltra H6lIDAV SPIRIT LIGHTENS QUARTERS Two gecsws fresa KeeJ ixim Metered fcy a Xewsaaaer faaa A Sad Cae Of Psssrtlsa Actaal eeaes rictawd la Oraad Street. ACOB A. RIIS, author of "How the Other Half Live." and of other studies of life in the tenenientsy con tribute am article to the Century on ''Merry Christmas in the Tenements." The paper is illus- fol lowing description of actaal scenes on Grand street: At the corner, where two opposing tides of travel form an eddy, the line of pushcarts debouches down the darker side-street In its gloom their torches burn with a fitful glare that wakes black shadows among tho trusses of the railroad structure overhead. A woman, with worn shawl drawn tightly about head and shoulders, bargains- with a peddler for a monkey on a stick and two cents' worth of flitter-gold.

Five ill-clad youngsters flatten their nose3 against the frozen pane of the toy-shop, in ecstasy at something there, which proved to be A ttilkmragon, with driver, horses, and cans that can be unloaded. It Is something their minds can grasp. 6ne comes forth with a penny goldfish of pasteboard clutched tightly in his hand, and casting cautious glances right and left, speeds across the way to the door of a tenement; where a little girl stands waiting. "It'a yef Chris'mas; Kate' he says, and thrusts It into her eager flat. The black doorway swallows theni up." Across tho narrow yard; In the, basement of the rear house, the lights cf a Christmas tree show against the jgrlmy window-pane.

The two children are busily engaged fixing the goldfish upon one of its branches. Three little candles that burn there shed light upon a scene of utmost desolation. The room Is black with smoke and dirt In the middle of the floor dozes nn oil-stove that serves at once to take the raw edge off the cold and cook the meals by. Half the wlndowpaacs broken, and the holes stuffed with rags. The sleeve of an old ccat hanga out of one, and beats drearily upon itne sash when the wind sweeps over jthe fence and rattles the rotten shutters.

Tho family wash, clammy and hangs on a clothesline stretched across the room. Under It, at A table set with cracked and empty plates, a 'discouraged woman sits eyeing the children's show gloomily. It i3- Evi dent that she has been drinking. The peaked Tace3 of the little ones wear a famished look. There are three the third and infant, put to bed In what was onco a baby-carriage.

The two from the street are pulling It around to get tho tree in range. The baby sees It, and crows with delight The boy shakes 4 branch, and the goldfish leaps and sparkles in the candlelight "See, sister!" he pipes; "see Santa Claus!" And they clap their hands in glee. The woman at the table wakes out of her stupor, gazes around her, and bursts Into a fit of maudlin weeping. The door faills to. Five flights up, another opens upon a bare attic room which a patient little woman Is setting to rights.

There are only three chairs, a box, and a bedstead in the room, but they take a deal of careful arranging. 'The bed hides the broken plaster In the wall through which the wind came in; each chair-leg stands over a rat-hole, at once to hide it and keep the rats out. One is left, the box is for that. The plaster of the ceiling is held up with pasteboard patches. I know the story of that attic.

It is one of cruel deseftldn. The woman'3 husband is even now living in plenty, with the creature for whom he forsook her, not a dozen blocks away, while she "keeps the home together for the children." She sought justice, but the lawyer demanded a retainer; so she gave It up and went. back to her little ones. For this room that barely keeps the winter wind out she pays four dollars a month, and is behind with the rent There Is scarce bread In the house, but the spirit ot Christmas has found her attic. Against a broken wall is tacked a hemlock branch, th2 leavings of the corner grocer's fitting-block; pink string from the packing-counter hangs on it in festoons.

A tallow dip on the box furnishes the illumination. The children sit up in bed, and watch it with Bhining "eyes. "We're having Christmas!" they say. Twala Was Afire A good story is being told about Mark Twain. Some time ago reports of his death in London were circulated in Hartford, his American home, and Mr.

Charles Dudley Warner cabled to a friend in London asking if the news was true. The friend handed the cablegram to Twain himself, who cabled back: "Reports of my death grossly exaggerated; Mark Twain." The BesMlesB Varls. Paris has, apart from two places where paupers can spend the night, 14 asylums for the homeless, which last year lodged 144,037 persons, of whom 15,557 were women and 2,606 children. Among the lodgers were 246 professors and teachers, 18 students, 5 authors, journalists, 120 actors and singers. 30 musicians and 16 music teachers.

Gave the faces a Fansel. The only gift the queen of England over accepted from a private subject was the cream colored parasol carried by her on diamond jubilee day. It was presented to her by the Right Honorable Charles Vllliers. still the father of the mouse of commons." Two mem were crashed to death while working on a trestle mear Wlm cheater, Ky. a freight train broke the tmtto 4twm, Oo ammmVamfrsmf ls si ELASTSD BY THE CLIMATE.

mtegnes -aHh cr lO tarfthet Xarth. The Paris corffispamdemt of the Lorn-don Times publishes a letter from am inonymoms expert which gives a vivid motion of the natural difficulties with which the Frenea'have to compete I Algeria. According to this authority the one imsmserable bar 1m commercial or agricultural success is the He argues that if the country were two degrees farther south or tern degrees farther COtta all would bo changed. Instead of a Jnurtard region, neither European nor colonhti it would he an industrial paradise. It irwd seat St Domingo, Ceylon and Indian, because, being at the very doors of France, It would be a suburb ot Europe, whither 15,000,0 or 20,000,900 emigrants would go to cultivate eolee.

Indigo, vanilla, sugar, cotton aad pep-lr ia a wort all colonial ptadaets. On the other hand, if it were sltmated ten degrees farther to the north, Algeria In its mineral wealth, atrpres-ent Incapable of exploitation, would rival Normandy, Auvergne, Beaune and Pieardy. But as it is everything is blasted by the Climate. The sugar eane has no sugar, it is Inferior bam-bod. The coffee berry is empty.

Tha cottdri if iM short for spinning. Tho cocoa-palm is incapable ot bearing; fruit The indigo plant comes to nothing. The pineapple does not ripen. A hothouse is necessary for thd vanilla. Of spices there is nothing to compare with the products of Brazil India.

Corn becomes hard in the third year; a mealy potato is unknown. Oxen in four generations dwindle from ZOO kilogrammes weight to 150. Fowls are poor; fruit is wormy, even the banana being pasty. There are a few good oranges; but the wine is harsh and rough, the sugar of the grape not being capable of being entirely converted into alcohol find carbonic acid. Even the human race is atibioct to a similar process of degeneration.

All tt 111 Be Cask. The preliminary fashionable fad of the season Is cooking. To be in the very height of the moment you must join a cooking class or form a cooking class, according to your success as popular favorite. The rooms devoted to cooknlg at the Armour institute are filled with the debutantes who are to bow their prettiest to society during tho coming month, and the debutantes who went through the ordeal last year. Yen begin at the beginning with washing dishes and you end the term a domestic jewel.

Nothing is too complicated for your capacity, from bread making to the Indigestible edibles -that simmer under the cover ot a chafing dish. When Owen Meredith wrote his verses in praise of cooks and dining, lis prophetic vision must have rested upon the picture-of the fashionable modern queen of the kitchen. 6reed fee Oflce A Bucks county man spent nineteen years of his life trying to get the appointment of postmaster. Finally he worked his strings properly and was appointed. When ha learned that he was counted only as a fourth-clas3 postmaster he immediately resigned.

He said he had worked long enough to be a first-class postmaster, and derned if he hedn't sense enough to know it Philadelphia Ledger. Adc Ice to ITcgrees. Mrs. Booker T. Washington, the wife of the negro educator, recently addressed the young people of her race In Milwaukee and warned them not to shirk ordinary manual labor In order to become teachers, as thcro are too many teachers now.

Saved by ladlaa. When Albert Misek was being shot at by three robbers at his Chicago placo of business he dodged behind an Indian standing on tha sidewalk. The bandits filled the Indian hill cf bullet3 and ran away. The Indian was wooden. Ex.

FAMOUS KISSES. The kiss, we are told, was a formula of good will among the ancient Rcman3 and was adopted by the early Christians, whose "holy kls3' and "kiss cf charity" carried the weight of apostolic sanction. It Is usual that the golden cross ot tho sandal on the pope's right foot should be kissed by newly created cardinals and by those to whom an audience is granted. Even royal persons paid thi3 act of homage to the Vicar of Christ, Charles being the last to do so. Kisses admit of great variety of character, and there are eight diversities mentioned in the scriptures.

It is as a sign of reverence and in order to set a sacred seal r.pon their vows that witnesses in a court of law, when they are called upon to speak "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth," are required to touch the bible with their lips, as also are soldiers when they enlist and make the oath of allegiance to Queen "Victoria. Men in uncivilized regions kiss the feet of a superior or the ground In front cf him, and in ancient times to press the lips to the knee or to the hem of 'a garment was to humbly -implore protection. The Maoris have adopted tho custom of kissing, but the negroes of West Africa' refuse to do so, and apparently that which' is a medium of so much pleasure to many nations fills them with dislike. The pleasant old Christmas custom of a kiss under the mistletoe Is a relic cf Norse mythology. Baldur, the beautiful god of light, was slain by a spear whose shaft was a mistletoe twig.

This 'was bewitched by Lokl, the malevolent god of fire; until it swelled to the requisite size and was given by him to blind Hodar, who threw it and unintentionally struck Baldur when the gods were at play. Friga had made everything in heaven and earth swear not to harm Baldur, but had left out the mistletoe as being too slight and weak to be of barm. Baldur, however, was restored to life, and Friga guarded the mistletoewhich the gods determined should not again have power to do any mischief unless it touched the earth. For this rea-soa it Is always hung from the ceiling and the vigilant goddess propltlat-ad by the kiss, of gOo.wJIL gffegasfee TMOURKUABU. ColumbusStateBank (OlsaiBakmitmSU.) ParsUendsstTsK Ite Ltti Ral Btifc SELLS STEAMSHIP TICKETS.

BUYS GOOD NOTES AndhelieimcmsteaMwwaeataeyassdaetp means asd waicTonsc LmAJfomm Qkxxaso, Prea't B. H. ncsmr. Vice Preal. M.

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snixnox. PreVt 1L P. 11. OEHLKlcn. Vice Pres.

DANIEL SCHKAM, Cashier. FRANK ROKER, Asst. Casha DIRECTORS: n. cnsuiu.i! v. i JOXAS WELCH, W.

A. MCAUOHM, Cabi. Rizkke. C. Ghat.

Fraxk Rohrkr. STOCKHOLDERS: Sahzvda Elms, J. Henrt WuRwunASb cxark llExnr Loseke. Daxiel Scoram. Ueo.

Gallkt. A. F. II. Okhlricw, J.

1'- Becker Estatb, Rebecca Becker, 11. M. Viixsvotr. Basket Deposit; Interest allowed en tltsa deposits; bay aad sell exeaaace or Calte States and Eareae. aad bay aad sell avail-ablobecurltles.

We shall be pleased to re celve your buslaess. We solicit your pat-roasge. Columbus Journal A weekly mewsaaper do voted tho beat iatereewof COLUMBUS THECflMTYOFKATTE, The State of Nebraska THE UNITED STATES AMD THE REST OF HARKIID The unit of i mo is $1.50 A YEAR, ST AID nv ABfi Bat er limit of Is mot srsssrlbeel hy dollars aad seats. Sample espies sent free to amy i HENRY GASS, UNDEBT A KEB CoIIbs sii Metallic Cases of utlkind0f UphoV steryOsoc. let coLTJinmirnaAsa-i.

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