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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas • Page 16

Abilene, Texas
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PAGE EIGHT Tune in THE ABILENE REPORTER-NEWS Thursday Evening, October 25, 1945 Americas of '44 The Survivors ELLSWORTH BACK--Ralph Ellsworth, All-Southwest conference halfback in 1943. who resigned from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis to return to the University of Texas, is shown as he signed the UT roster in Austin. Ellsworth is working out with the i Lonshorns.

i Leaders Facing Bellinger and Winters, leaders in District 9A play, risk their perfect conference records sgamst; old traditions! rivals Friday Eight. Pooch Wright's Bearcats play ai, Brady in same which be watched with interest despite th? fact the Bulldog? have lost much of their former growl. i which defeated Brady in its only conference struggle to date, travel? ro Colemar. The i rarcis this time sre heavy favorite; but in years past the Bluecats hsve! always been a source of trouble. Lske View, the only other 9A member, idle again this week.

Greenland is a possession Denmark. i DIABETIC FOODS Delicious Ccr.cY end foods Tor soecioi end MORRIS-DANIELS HEALTH FOODS 1641 No. 17th cf Grap- By HAROLD CLAASSEX NEW YORK. Oct. of the football players who won first "places on the Associated Press Vi! America team a year sgo are making determined bids for a return ifsting in December, a survey showed today.

Hubert Sechtol. rangy Texas university er.c: Bob Femmore. Oklahoma A back: and Army pay-dirt twins. Glenn Davis ana Felix i Blsnchard. all sre back for another try in garnering the sport's highest honor.

Primarily because of their own exploits, all are playing on elevens undefeated this year. Of the seven other players honored at the close of the 1944 service, four sre in the service, two sre coschirs and one. Guard Bill Kscketi of "Ohio State, has been sidelined for the year bv injuries suffered in a traffic accident. Midshipman Don Vvhiimire of the Navy, and Caleb tt ar- rinston of Auburn, are the young coaches who sre representing the Middies and the Plainsmen in the present campaign. Whitniire was tackle and Warrington the center on the 1944 team.

End Phil Tinsley of Georgia Tech. Tsckie John Ferraro of Southern Guard Kailton Nichol? of Kice and Quarterback Horvath of Ohio State sre the athletes who exchanged sriniron uniforms for service regaiia. Much of Texas' success to far in 1945 has been the result ot Bechtol's play. Against Oklahoma on Oct. 13" caught seven passes for 107 yards.

One of the flips was a six-pointer. In the fray against Arkansas last Saturday he snag- sed but three aerials but two of them were for touchdowns. He had near misses on two others. Fenimore. at six foot two incnes the tallest man on the 1944 aggregation, has shepherded the Oklahoma Cowboys through triumphs over two Rocky Mountain teams and over a pair from the Southwest circuit this fall after putting on a good show at icxas Christians' expense in the Cotton Bowl at Dallas on Jan.

1. Davis and Bianchard. teammates on the country's No. 1 team, have helped power Army to 13 straight triumphs of which been registered this season, ihe two arc No -tone to sit and rest? Your pep Is setting low? Munch a luscious POWERHOUSE A rarin you will 30 TO I BUY A I or I A On or Before Prepoyment Privilege G. LOANS TO VETERANS We Also Moke Loans On AUTOMOBILES, I and OTHER COLLATERAL Abilene Saving Loan Assn.

Corner Cypress ond North 2nd Phone 4309 TIRES ARE STILL SCARCE! PROPER CARE IS STILL A NECESSITY CORRECT A A SAVES I A We hove recently i a a new A A I MAC I Come in and let us help moke your tires wear longer UNSEAT! AND UNTIED Qtfto Golden Cloves Set For February Dates LiftleGillory Scats Behind Big Forward HOUSTON, Oct. 25-- (UP) -With one of the littlest halfbacks playins behind one of the biggest lines the Southwest, the University of Texas has rolled through its opponents thus far and is more than ever the team to beat for the title. In fact, the Longhorns appear a good bet to crown Dana X. Bible's 34th year of coaching with an undefeated season and perhaps play in one of the big bowl games, although their toughest opposition still has to be hurdled. Without fanfare, the Longhorns have rolled up 138 points against 21 for the opposition.

Their winning combination is little Bryon Cillery, only 17 years old, and a mammoth but swift moving line. Gillory, out of Marshall, is hailed as a combination of Jack Grain and Pete Layden. all-time great Texas backs. Against Oklahoma, he completed nine out of 10 passes and last week he sparked the Longhorns to a decisive victory over Arkansas. He weighs only 140 pounds.

To bolster his team for the tough games ahead against Rice, Southern Methodist. Baylor. Texas Christian and Texas AM, Bible is counting on the return of speedster Ralph Ellsworth of the 1943 team who has been released from the U. S. Naval Academy.

Rice provides the next opposition for Texas this Saturday at Austin. To date. Rice has beaten only Tulane but the Owls have shown flashes of form and could well rise to the occasion against the Longhorns. Another feature game in this section Saturday will see Texas Christian, defeated only by Arkansas, take on the high-scoring Oklahoma Assies at Fort Worth. This may be the toughest tilt on the Texas Christian schedule and not everybody thinks the Texas team can win it.

Bavlor goes to College Station to play Texas AM in what looks like a toss-up conference game. Both have lost by one point to Texas Christian. Southern Methodist, victor over Rice last week by the margin of points after touchdown, goes to New Orleans to play Tulane. Arkansas plays Mississippi at Memphis. in another non-conference tilt.

It's Like This Mates at HSU Clash in 3AA Double-A Race Waxing Warmer For Third lime By HOWARD GREEN OR four years Gene McCollum and Jake Bentley played together at Hardin-Simmons. Gene was a back and Jake a Now, 12 years after they hung up their cleated shoes theyre meeting as head coaches in District 3A.A for the third time--Gene as leader of the Midland Bulldogs and Jake as chieftain of the Abilene Eagles. In the pattern of play this trip follows either 1943 or '44. the fans will see another rip-snorter. In Midland scored two touchdowns in the fourth quarter and won a spectacular," 26-21 duel.

Last year Abilene did the Bulldogs one better, making THREE touchdowns in the last period to wipe out a two-tally deficit and win. 25-19, The Eagles can't escape the favorite's nod this week despite a heavy quota of injuries but you can bet your last quarter Gene McCollum will have his boys ready. He doesn't relish the idea of losing to a guard. af: ifr rpHE cry. "Break up the Long- A horns." echoes across the Southwest conference.

Coach Dana X. Bible actually faces a manpower problem, but of a different' type. He has so many players he doesn't know what to do and neither do six other conference teams, who play Texas and pray for luck. Hitler and Hirohito broke up the New Yank Yankees but they made the Lonshorns stronger. The rules haven't been changed, points out Matty Bell of SMU.

and despite all the talent Bible acquires, he can't use more than 11 men at one time. Bell predicts that in 1946 and "4" Southwest conference football will be at its all-time peak. The Mustang mentor reports a classy arrav of talent returnins to the hill top. and intimates" that he won't auake in his boots when the Lons- horns and Aggies, with "their great personnel." come to town. By HAROLD V.

RATLIFF Associated Press Sports Editor Important games in six districts bring the Texas schoolboy football campaign into' the thick of the conference-campaign this week. There are 50 contests over the state, 32 of them counting in district races, with the top interdis- trict struggle pitting unbeaten, untied Highland Park (Dallas) and Wichita Falls at Wichita Falls. In District 1 Amarillo plays Borger in a battle between undefeated conference leaders. Sari Angelo clashes with Odessa in district 3 in a similar contest and -it's the same in district 5 where Paris plays Sherman, district 9 where Brownwood tangles with Mineral Wells, district 13 where San Jacinto (Houston) plays Milby (Houston) and district 14 where Port Arthur tackles Galveston. This week's schedule by districts: 1--Borger at Amarillo, (conference), Brownficld at Pampa Lubbock at Plainview (confcrencei.

'2--Friday: Vernon at Olney (conference). Graham at Electra Highland Park (Dallas) at Wichita Falls. 3--Friday: Abilene at Midland (con- ferencei, San Angelo at Odessa (conference). Lamesa at Sweetivater (conference 1 4--Friday: Globe. at Bowie (El Pasoi.

El Paso high at Phoenix, Ysleta at Las Cruces. Saturday: Rosu-ell. X. at Austin lEl 5--Friday: Greenville at Denison 'conference i. McKinney at Gainesville, Paris at Sherman iconferencei.

6--Friday: Denton at Arlington (conference i. 7--Thursday: Amqn Carter-Riverside iFort Worthi vs. Fort Worth Tech (conference': Friday: Paschal iFort Worth) vs. Poly iFort conference'; Saturday: Big Spring at North Side (Font Worths. 8--Friday: Crozier Tech (Dallas) vs.

Forest (Dallas' (conference): Saturday: Woodrow Wilson (Dallas' vs. Adamson (Dallas) Sunset (Dallas.) vs. Dallas iconferencei. 9--Thursday: Masonic Home i Worthi at Stephenville: Friday: Brownwood at Mineral Wells Ranger at Breckenridge iconferencei. Weatherford at Cisco (conference), 10--Friday: Cleburne at Snnis i conference 1 Arlington Heights (Fort Worthi at Bryan.

11--Thursday: Bonham at Texarkana: Friday: Sulphur Springs at Tyler. Wax- shachte at Longview-. Gladewater at Henderson (conference'. Nacogdoches at Kilgore. 12--Friday: Athens at Livingston Grapeland at Jacksonville.

13--Thursday: Lamar (Houston) vs. Sarn Houston 'Houston! Friday: San Jacinto 'Houston' vs. Ivlilby (Houston) iconferencei. Keagan (Hous- ton) at Lake Charles, Saturday: Jeff Davis vs. Austin (Houston) (conference i.

Port Arthur at Galveston (conference', Orange at Goose Creek 'conference). St. Anthony's iBeaumont'Jr vs. Beaumont. 15---Friday: San Antonio Tech at Austin Corpus Christ! at Kerrville (conference), Texas Military Institute Antonio) at Laredo.

BUGS BUNNY A a boxing on a civilian, scale returns 10 Abilene early in with the staging of the ninth annual Reporter-News district; Golden Gloves show. The dates. announced this morning, for the big three-day biff: carnival are Feb. f. 2 and 4 a 1 the site is again the Abilene high school gymnasium.

For the first time since 1941 the tournament officials will not! have to rely on air fields and army bases for the majority of their Discharged war veterans and schoolboys coming up will com-; prise most of the entry list. Pre-, liminary plans call for competi-j lion in two divisions, the open and high school, with an especial em-j phasis on the latter. i Winners in the open class, as i other years, will represent the district at the slate Golden Gloves tournament in Fcrt Worth. Special invitations will be extended the schoolboys of the area to participate in the high school' division, and the respective coach-; es urged to enter full teams. The high schoolers will compete only against high schoolers and will be closely matched in age.

weight and experienced. The Abilene high school team will be coached by Shorty Lawson. c. former state Golden Gloves champion in Tennessee. Lawson ex- tied for second in the eastern point-making with seven touchdowns each.

pects to issue the call for candidates shortly after the conclusion of the football season. Some of the local college fighters already have started preparation for fighting in the open division. KEEP OUT DIRT AND BURTON-LINGO Company 825 N. 2nd Tel. 8591 Rochester Still 'B' Spotlight It's a busy week for the Class powers.

I In District 2 Rochester which is out in front with three wins against no defeats is in the spotlight for the second Friday in succession. The Steers, who got over a big hump in squeezing by Lueders. i 6-0. plays an improved Woodson i club. Rule, whose record is marred only by a 13-13 tie with Asper- mont.

engages Lueders. The Pi-' rates will be the home club, and unless they win. their chances for the championship will fade. Trent Goes to Aspermont in the other league Over District 7 the Baird Bears take on dangerous Bangs, which edged past Rising Star. 14-13, in a thriller last week.

Bangs will have the home field advantage. Baird is the site of the Morani Rising Star practice game while Cross Plains will be the scene of the Buffaloes' conference contest with May, beaten 31-0 by Putnam last week. 1A Headlines League Games There's no mid-season lull in District 11A Friday night as every member goes into action. Three conference games, all involving the leaders, top the card. Anson.

which has three wins asainst no losses, goes to Albany Stamford, which boasts a similar record, is host to Munday. De- fending champion Seymour, unbeaten and untied in two league games goes to Hamlin. Stamford faces the toughest opposition. The Moguls have lost only once all season and then to the championship favorites. Anson.

Neither Albany nor Hamlin is ex- to offer serious competition. Haskell and Throckmorton are in non-conference fracases. The Indians, who've lost four in a row in 11A play, are hosts to Archer City while Throckmorton plays before home fans with New Castle as the opposition. Sets for'T DALLAS. Oct.

UP)--Head Coech Matty Bell and his staff turned their attention today to building a formidable defense for the Southern Methodist Mustangs Authorized Dealer Magnetos Carburetors Speedometers Fuel Pump Service Motor Sp-cialisfrs Weidenhoff Shop Equipment Guaranteed Workmanship. Wholesale Retail ELECTRIC SALES SERVICE COMPANY 1101 South 1st. Phone 4228 5th Pine L. B. A Owner Phone 5717 Large Shipments of LUMBER ARRIVING DAILY 90,000 Feet Kiln Dried Shiplap and to 3 Grades.

30,000 Feet of 105-8 inch C-Grade Siding 250 Squares 18 inch No. 1 Perfection Shingles 100,000 Feet Dimension Lumber New Shipment of Wallpaper, several new patterns. ABILENE LUMBER CO. Formerly H. H.

A I CO. 701 Pccon A S. LAWLER, Owner-Mgr. Phone 5238 Roscoe and Merkel In Light Warmups They're serving a light menu in District 8A Friday night. The two undefeated, untied pace-setters.

Roscoe and Merkel. play at home in the only games, both conference affairs. The Plowboys face Rotan and Merkel engages Roby. It's the last -warmups for the Badgers and Plowboys before they meet the next weekend in Merkel for the championship. Roscoe defeated Roby.

27-0. several weeks ago, and the Merkel- Roby game will offer a comparative score by which the Plowboys and Badgers" can be gauged. Colorado City. Hobbs, Loraine and Snyder are idle. Hawthorne Track To Revert to Owners CHICAGO, Oct.

-Control of the 54-year-old Hawthorne race track will pass out of the hands of the Chicago business men'3 racing association and revert to the owners of the 5350,000 property, it was disclosed today. The lease last was renewed in 1931 to expire Oct. 31. 1945, at a yearly rental of S62.000. i Hawthorne.

Chicago's oldest race i track built in 1891, closed its fall i meeting Oct. 13 after the most successful season in its against the formation offense they anticipate in Saturday's intersectional game with the Tulane Green at New Orleans. HpHE football experts are stick- 1 ing out their chests these i days. i As early the state high school coaching clinic here last August, they made Eck Curtis Highland Park Scotties the fa- vorites for the interscholastic league championship. The Scotties make them look better with the passing weeks.

Their season, to date, is unmarred i by defeat and undented by tie. and Highland Park is playing no panty waist schedule. No. 1 in all the ranking polls, the greater a i las high school may enable Curtis. after of hard-luck, to cash in with his first state championship.

Little Eck. over a period of years, is one of the most successful mentors in schoolboy football and is recognized as without a peer in the Southwest. At Breck; enridge he won seven district titles in ten years. The Scottics play Tugboat Jones' Wichita Falls Coyotes Friday night in the week's high school head- liner Both Curtis and Jones did their at Abilene Christian i college. Eck was a cagey quarter- back of the mid-twenties and Tug- boat a bruising fullback of the late thirties and first forty.

Jones is a comer in the coach-, ing game. He quit the Brooklyn professional Tigers' to begin instructing high school boys at Electra in 1943. After a successful season, he took over at Wichita Falls last fall, and responded with a district championship. He's odds- on favorite for a 1945 encore. LAST TIMES TODAY A It's the howl of Offlwfettt the year! MSICffi 1 aidiard ADDED: 'STRIFE OF THE PARTY" TODAY ONLY "Lady of Burlesque" a i a a a a and Micheal O'Shco.

Also selected short Subjects. LAST DAY! A WESTERN--THRILLS John WAYNE in West of the Divide" Leon Erro! Comedy Sportscope TODAY LI ONLY ON OUR STAGE TONIGHT AMATEUR I at 9 O'CLOCK--LOTS OF FUN FOR ALL A AT THE AMERICAN LEGION CLUB South Street EVERY THURSDAY and SATURDAY NITE 8:30 to 12:00 Music By The High Society Swinj: Band Admission 60c including tox Portable Electric Saws and Drills in Stock Now. MALCOM MFG. SUPPLY CO. 2601 Butternut Street Phone 4648 a for a "big day" day you start it with a Hosp i a a a a Concave-honing docs the trick makes every shave i wwnoun LAST DAY THE GRIPPING EXCITING STORY OF AMERICA'S FIRST ACE OF ACES Capt.

Eddie A Richard Crane, Plays the Part of-CAPT. BILL CHERRY Former HSU Student A I CHARIES BtCKFORO THOMAS MITCHEU Pete Smith News.

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