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The Mexia Daily News from Mexia, Texas • Page 3

Mexia, Texas
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Dallas Takes First Step In Becoming Airport of Entry DALLAS, Feb. 7 (UP) A U. S. Customs Office, handling immighation, agricultural and custums inspection for American Airlines' Mexico flights, was slated for this city today in the first step toward making Dallas an airport of entry. Director of Aviation James Wycoff said the new service would 'be in operation.

at Love Field about March 15. Operations Manager George Coker said that American Airlines' Mexico flights formerly cleared at San Antonio, but with the new Dallas office passengers will be checked here und further American inspection would not be necesary. President Sends Congratulations To Boy Scouts WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 (UP) President Truman today congratulated the 2,063,397 Boy Scouts of America work in helping "to relieve suffering -in war-torn countries." The President sent the Boy Scouts a personal message on the opening of Boy Scout Week (Feb. 7-13) marking the organization's 37th anniversary.

On Dec. 31, active Boy Scout membership passed 2,000,000 for the first time. $175,000 Blaze In Houston Probed HOUSTON, Feb. 7-(UP) Unusual circumstances surrounding a $175,000 fire in the business district of the Harrisburg section early today led Fire Chief George W. Richardson to call an immediate meeting of all district chiefs who were at the blaze.

Seven business establishments sustained slight damage in a fire which was extinguished at 4 a. m. today. However, a second fire which broke out two hours later gutted the block. Mrs.

Aliene McCally, who lives feet from the business block, reported the second fire. "I went to bed after the first fire," 'she said. "But I was unable to sleep. Shortly before 6 a. m.

I noticed the reflection of the fire on Iny window." Chief Richardson said the second fire had progressed so far when firemen arrived that it was impossible to determine where it started. Business tenants were indignant over the handling of the fire by firemen. Babe Ruth Spends 53rd Birthday in Hospital NEW YORK, Feb. 7 was no cake with 53 candles today for Babe Ruth. But his closest and most confidential friend told of a.

warm birthday glow created in his hospital room by the good wishes of the great and humble from near and afar. "The Babe is a very sick man; he has had a most serious illness," said the friend. "His birthday brightens up this old hospital because folks from everywhere are wishing him well and praying for his recovery." Three Teen-Age Youths Die In Automobile Blaze TULIA, Feb. 7 (UP)Three teen-age youths who died in the flaming of their borrowed automobile last night when it crashed head-on into a oil field supply truck four miles south of here were identified by their parents as Nita Merle Patterson, 16; Glenn Carmack, 17, and Kenneth Finley, 18, all of Floydada. Don't Forget SENIOR PLAY February 14 City Auditorium Ad Donated by Spark B.

Jenkins Florist Phone 161 IF-R-R-OZEN IS THE WORD FOR FRIGID Society Mexia Daily News. Mexia, Texas. Friday, February 7, 1947-3 12TH BIRTHDAY OF AND PW CLUB IS CELEBRATED FEB. 4 Corsicana, Teague Clubs Furnish Music The 12th birthday anniversary of the Business and Professional Women's Club was 'celebrated with a banquet Tuesday evening. February 4.

in the banquet hall of a local cafe. The Valentine motif was used throughout the decorations. The speaker's table was centered with white pom poms flanked by large red hearts edged in lace. Placed on either side were red runners decorated with red hearts coped 10. lace which 1'31 the length of the table.

A like runner the other tables. On a certiateri star.d in: front of the speaker's NO FASTER ASPIRIN TO HEADACHES and pain of neuralgia. save one- third on the 35c nits. monthly functions. You bore of St.Joseph 100.

Why pay ASPIRIN more? Only 10. PARKER "51" Magicwand DESK-SETS "New" See These Today Different in-STYLE -DESIGN and -PERFORMANCE Most Versatile Desk Set Ever Created J. M. ELLER THE JEWELER: GIFT. SHOP table was a huge red heart centered with white mimosa.

The convocation was given by Mrs. Myrtle Glazer of Teague. Mrs. Minnie Cooper, president of the Corsicana an Club, sung "The Candle and the Star," an original composition by French Hearn of Corsicana, and "Ole Ark A Moverin" by Guion. 'She was accopmanied by Mrs.

Sam B. Werner, also. of Corsicana. Ruth Lee and Ramah Jean Neale, both of Teague, sang two duets. "Cheri Beri Bien" and "In An Old Fashioned Garden," accompanied by Mrs.

Carl David of Teague. The group songs were led by Mrs. Louie D. 'Elliot of Corsicana. Mrs.

John L. Bates, speakof the evening, gave a most er interesting talk on the "History and Organization of the Mexia Chapter." The club was organized October 2. 1934, with 36 charter members, cight of whom are still in the club. They are Mrs. Lizzic Mae Freeman, Mrs.

Sparks Jenkins, Mrs. E. T. Lucus, Mrs. Rosa Daniel, Mrs.

John L. Bates, Mrs. Sam S. Cox, Mrs. John Holton, and Mrs.

Estelle Chandler. The club received its Charter February 12,. 1935. Mrs. Lizzie Mae Freeman was the Mexia chapter's first president.

Mrs. E. T. Lucas gave the Club Collect. Guests at the banquet were the Corsicana and and PW Clubs.

MISS WRIGHT NAMES BRIDAL ATTENDANTS Miss Audrey Jean Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, who will become the bride of Charles Youngblood Sunday, February 9, will have Miss Sallie Bell as her maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Miss Carolyn Ann Childs of Fairfield, Miss Betsy Richardson, Miss Betty Lou Ingram, and Mrs. James Ray Brady.

Ushers will be Jimmy Hudson ol Donie, James Wilson, Ben Burnett, and. James Ray Brady. Jimmy Gee and son, Jimmy, spent Friday in Brenham. Mrs. C.

E. Pimlott has returned to her home in Wichita Falls after visiting her mother, Mrs. J. M. Conrad.

BABY'S COLDS Relieve misery direct -without "dosing! RUB ON- Corday Perfumes Toujours Moi L'Ardente Nuit Jet Eau de Tzigane Frenzy COX-FORREST DRUG CO. Phone 231 BANK BORROWING IS BEST Do You Need Money Quick Easy Loans are made on your life insurance. Bring your policy by and let us discuss it. Courteous and Friendly Service First National Bank of Mexia Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation If you Want Some Very Rugged Photographic Problems Try Alaska's Minus-47 Temperature In SEE IT million dollar building of 900 columns and chimncy pots, American has been formulated for 70 years. Now George C.

foreign Marshall, policy secretary of state, is moving out--amid a howl of new protest from career men. Sentimental diplomats of the old school love this old state department building, a Victorian hodgepodge next door to the White House. The venerable home of the State Departrepresents a baroque compromise of French neoclassicist ideas, now. called "neo-gingerbread" by Washington cynics. Begun in 1875 and A.

D. Mullet, then architect of the treasury, the builddesigned by ing was referred to as "Mr. Mullet's architectural infant asylum" by historian Henry Adams. Told the Building was fireproof, Civil War William Sherman' replied, "what a pity." Returning from General General U. S.

Grant described it as a "climax of all a world tour, the curious construction" he has seen abroad. Apparently famous general feels the same way about it. Marshall is taking his department to a new massive limestone building' crected in 1941 under "modern functional designs" which housed the War Departbefore it moved into the Pentagon. Move has been threatened ment when an award was made for plans for a new State Desince 1911, partment building. (NEA Telephoto.) STATE DEPARTMENT TO GET NEW QUARTERS In this $10 MISS WRIGHT IS HONORED AT TEA ON FEBRUARY 5 Over 75 Guests Call Between the Hours of 4 and 6 Miss Audrey Jean Wright, bride-elect of Charles Youngblood, was complimented with a tea Wednesday afternoon, February 5, by Mrs.

Clifton Childs, and daughter, Miss Carolyn Ann Childs, of Fairfield, and Mrs. Billy Walker at the latter's home on 400 East Milam Street. Over 75 persons called between 4:00 and 6:00 o'clock. 'The guests were received by Mrs. Walker, Mrs.

James, Ray Brady, Mrs. Childs, Miss Wright, and Mrs. Fred Wright, mother of the bride-clect. In one corner of the living room was a table set with a wedding scene complete with the altar at which the bride, groom, and the preacher stood. Acacia in tiny vases were on either side of the altar, and ribbons, tied to the vases, stretched to the tall white tapers to form an nisle.

The piano was adorned with a rectangular bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums out of which towered red hearts. The table on which the guest book rested was centered with a fan-shape. arrangement of chrysanthemums shading from rose to a delicate pink. The tea table was centered with a beautiful arrangement of white stock and maiden hair fern, flanked by slim, white taper's in crystal holders. Silver and crystal appointments were used.

During the tea hour, Mrs. Wyatt Hayter and Mrs. John Munroc of Wortham played appropriate selections. Mrs. George Bell presided at the guest book, assisted by Mrs.

Jim Brady. Mrs. 'Charles Ingram and Mrs. W. W.

Richardson served, assisted by Miss Betsy Richardson at the appointment table. Also as- RECORDS "The' Best of Entertainment" These Late Capitol Records. Now Available At 60c Each POPULAR "He Likes -She Likes It" Denning Sisters "September Song" Jo Stafford "Huggin' and Chalkin' Johny Mercer HILLBILLY "So Round- So Firm, So Fully Packed" Merle Travis "Oakie Boogie" Jack Guthrie "No Children Allowed" Wesley Tuffle RACE "I'm the Drummer Man" Jess Price "Wrong Neighborhood" Cootie Williams "Gotta Gimmie, Whatcha Got" Julia Lee The; RECORD SHOP 110 North Sherman St. 'Music Is Essential' Far from Louisiana's balmy weather, Corp. Sam Musse runs into icing conditions on mustache and eyebrows as he operates the range finder on a 75-mm.

gun in Army's Alaskan maneuvers. By BERT BRANDT sisting in doing the many honors were Mrs. Murphy Walton and Mrs. C. W.

Mitchell. Sunday's Episcopal Service Postponed The Monthly Episcopal Services scheduled for Sunday, February 9th, will be postponed, to inclement weather conditions and illnesses. Announcement will be made later advising the date of the next services in Mexia. PERSONALS Guests in the home of Mrs. J.

E. Urschel are Mr. und Mrs. John Bill Jenkins and daughter, Carol Ann, of Waxahachic. Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Lubanks, spent Friday in Dallas. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank 'Vickers, Miss Eleanor Vickers, and Miss Louise Vickers were business visitors in Waco Friday. Mrs. Jewett White is visiting in Brownwood. Miss Ann O'Donnell has moved to Jackson, Mississippi, to make her home.

Department Store Sales Show 1947 Business Good DALLAS, Feb. 7 (UP) Business in Texas started 1947 with a bang, a Federal Reserve Bank analysis of department store sales disclosed today. The report said in major cities of Texas were 7 per cent higher during January, 1047 than during the first month of 1946. Department store sales. always regarded as an accurate business barometer, hit all-time highs in.

1946 and apparently the upward spiral continued into the new year; the report said. The greatest percentage increase was in Houston where salcs were up 26 per cent during the month. Dallas reported a gain of 16 per cent. Fort Worth per cent and San Antonio 12 per cent. IT PAYS TO READ CLASSIFIED ADS Galvanized Air Conditioning And Heating Systems Louvers Galvanized Cisterns Roof Work All Types.

TIN WORK B. M. Bumgardner TIN SHOP Wortham, Tex. Phone 207 NEA Staff Correspondent WITH TASK FORCE FRIGID in Alaska, Feb. 4 (NEA)-'The military experts can tell you what happens to guns, tanks and planes when it goes down to 47 below zero.

But if you're a camera addict and wunt to wrestle with some really rugged photographic problems, I can give you the word on that: come to Alaska. Technically, I have been winterized and so have my cameras. The Alaskan winter is laughing at the thought. Frozen, not frigid, is the word for it. The same minus-47 temperature that took the zing out of a 75-mm.

gun also took the zing out of my cameras. My Rollieflex froze up completely, The front shutter on my Speed Graphic froze. The wire on my synchronizer froze and snapped like an icicle. The light meter in my pocket Ice covered the lens, and had to be scraped off before every picture. The back shutter, set at of a second, sighed as it moved slowly across the film at speeds of its own choosing.

You just set the lens at f. 6.3 or 5.6 and cross your fingers. I sighed, too, as I moved slowly back to a warm tent after following troops as they traipsed around in the Arctic cold with their equipment. I would say I was just as frozen as my cameras, except the experts told me it was just my right hand, which Ralph Ellsworth Joins Texas U. AUSTIN, Feb.

7--(UP)Ralph Ellsworth, former San Antonio high school track star who became a famous half buck for the University of Texas and U. S. Naval. Academy teams, reported yesterday afternoon for the, University of Texas spring training. With Texas' adoption of formation the speedy Ellsworth was expected to be a key man in the backfield for new Head Coach Blair Cherry.

Bobby Layne, sensational passing star, was reported shaping up fast as the "up-under" man in the formation. 6 Brothers Join' Up WHITING, Ind. (UP)--Six brothers, all of this city, were initiated together in Whiting Post 80 of the American Legion. Andrew, John, Joseph, Milton, Stephen and Thomas Hruskocy were inducted with 170 other candidates. They served in the infantry, signal corps, air corps, field artillery and the Navy.

There's a Special Service to Fit Need! YOU CAN DEPEND ON SANITONE CLEANING The MADDOX CLEANERS Hatters Storage 500 E. Commerce PARKING IS EASY' LICENSED SANITONE) CLEANERS Stone cold film in the camera: NEA Staff Correspondent Bert Brandt stands waist-deop in snow 03 ho gets set for a shot in Alaska's sub-zero clime. Front shutter on this camera froze. back shutter moved like molasses. The trio in background is a light machine gun crow vrading through snow for a frigid exercise.

swelled up a bit. I'm not sure, Sam is as mixed up as I am. Last whether it got that way working summer, when I could have been the camera or brushing ice off hot almost anywhere, I went to my mustache. Puerto Rico to take pictures, and Maybe Corp. Sam Musse can I drew this trip in mid-winter.

give me the word on that. That's And. Sam comes from Gramercy Sam in the picture with the ice in the deep south of. Louisiana, on his mustache and on his eye- where nobody gets ice on his brows. I mustache unless he falls into the From a standpoint of climate, lice cream freezer.

GIRLS! WOMEN! TRY THIS IF YOU'RE NERVOUS, CRANKY, TIRED -OUT On 'CERTAIN DAYS' Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's famous for this purpose! of The Month! Taken regularly-Pinkham's Do female functional monthly dis- Compound helps build up resistturbances make you feel nervous. ance against. such distress. And fidgety, cranky, so tired and 'drag- that's the of product you ged out'-at such times? Then do should buy.

Thousands have retry Lydin E. Pinkham's Vegetable ported bebeur! Worth trying. Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND MODERN and MODERATE Why not let your home go modern with the aid of the finest furniture you've ever seen? Furniture that harmonizes brightly and beautifully in modern rooms furniture smartly designed in rich colors, gleaming woods, yet strikingly moderate in cost. See these streamlined beauties.

They merit your immediate inspection. LONGBOTHAM FURNITURE CO. T. ELMO LONGBOTHAM. Owner GROESBECK TEXAS AFTER ALL, GOLIATH OUTWEIGHED DAVID The Bible story of little David killing the giant Goliath with a slingshot is familiar 1 to all.

Size is not the only thing that counts. The fact that you are big and husky, or unusually strong; doesn't necessarily mean that you are immune to disease. Be prepared for any. emergency. Have in mind a graduate physician and a competent prescriptionist to whom you can, turn when necessity demands.

We can fill your "doctor's prescriptions with fresh, dependable: (drugs, at a moment's TUNE Gillespie I MEXIA: MA PHONE. A6.

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