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WHO Technical Consultation on Postpartum and Postnatal Care. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2010.
The objectives of the technical consultation were:
More specifically, the technical consultation was planned to address the following questions:
Participants in the consultation are listed in Annex 1. They included members of the panel of invited technical experts, representatives of UN agencies, observers and WHO secretariat. Participants in the Technical Consultation represented a wide range of clinical, programmatic and research expertise from the different WHO regions.
All presentations and most discussions were in plenary sessions (see Annex 2 for agenda). In addition to prior submission of the formal, signed declarations of interests, all participants were asked to declare any conflict of interest related to the issues to be discussed. None of the participants had any conflict of interest to declare. In addition to the background document provided in advance, participants received during the meeting copies of the two key WHO publications on postpartum and postnatal care (12,13).
The meeting participants discussed the information from the reviews. The task of this panel was not to provide final recommendations but rather to guide WHO secretariat's processes for completing the review. The panel made all decisions by consensus.
The four questions and their sub-questions on care pathways (seeSection 5.2.2) helped the panel to focus on identifying areas in current WHO guidelines that need revision. The panel agreed that the four questions have practical value to implementation: Answers to questions 1 and 3 are of key importance for policy decisions, particularly in relation to the timing of the provision of care. Answers to questions 2 and 4 will give programme managers sufficient technical details on the content of the care package.Section 6.4, below, summarize the discussions and recommendations and supporting evidence addressing the four questions The panel also agreed on the definitions to be used in the guidelines (seenext section).
The terms “postpartum period” and “postnatal period” are often used interchangeably but sometimes separately, when “postpartum” refers to issues pertaining to the mother and “postnatal” refers to those concerning the baby. The terms “antenatal”, “antepartum”, “intranatal” and “intrapartum” refer to issues pertaining to events before or during childbirth.
For care after childbirth, the panel agreed that adopting just a single term would aid clarity. Therefore, the panel agreed that the term“postnatal” should be used for all issues pertaining to the mother and the baby after birth. Thepostnatal period begins immediately after the birth of the baby and extends up to six weeks (42 days) after birth. For the purposes of describing care provision, the postnatal period consists of immediate, early and late periods (see following paragraphs). Management of the third stage of labour was considered part of care during labour and hence excluded from the discussions. Also, while physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth may take longer than six weeks to return to the non-pregnant state, the guidance documents will cover only the first six weeks (42 days) after birth. Usually, the end of this period is associated with the implementation of interventions such as promotion of contraception and infant immunization, although some contraceptive methods, such as the lactational amenorrhoea method, the IUD, vasectomy and female sterilization, should be discussed even before childbirth, and some immunizations, such as those against hepatitis B and tuberculosis (BCG), may be given at birth.
Theimmediate postnatal period refers to the time just after childbirth, during which the infant's physiology adapts and the risks to the mother of postpartum haemorrhage and other significant morbidity are highest. The immediate postnatal period covers the first 24 hours from birth. Close direct or indirect supervision by a skilled attendant is required in this period so that any problems can be identified promptly and appropriate intervention or referral can take place.
Some problems—for example, with infant feeding or infection—may first manifest themselves during the first week after birth (that is, after Day 1, the immediate postnatal period). In order to better organize care, the time frame for the period after the first 24 hours is described in terms of days. While there can be a 23-hour discrepancy in the description of “a day”, this framework appears to be generally used and understood. Therefore, the panel agreed to refer to the period from Days 2 through 7 as theearly postnatal period and the period from Days 8 through 42 as thelate postnatal period.
Definitions of other terms appear in theGlossary (see Annex 3).
Large numbers of women and newborn babies have no access to health care immediately following birth. Hence, their risks of ill health and death are high. Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted in 30 developing countries in five regions between 1999 and 2004 reported that a country average of nearly 40% of all women with a live birth in the five years before the survey did not receive any postpartum care check-ups (23). Among the women who gave birth outside facilities, on average just over 70% received no postpartum care. Among all women who did receive postnatal care, health professionals reportedly provided 57% of postnatal care. The remainder received postnatal care from traditional birth attendants (TBA) (36%) and others (7%).
Some 50% of maternal deaths and 40% of neonatal deaths occur within 24 hours after childbirth (4). The risks decrease after the first few hours but do not vanish entirely. Some problems may arise during the early postnatal period and, less often, in the late postnatal period. Recognizing the clustering of adverse events and risks (seeFigures 1–3) helps in selecting the optimal times to provide postnatal care.
Proportion of neonatal deaths by day. Source (Figure 3): BaquiAHRates, timing and causes of neonatal deaths in rural India: implications for neonatal health programmesBulletin of the World Health OrganizationSeptember200684970671317128340.
Figure 1 presents information on the frequency and severity of conditions for the mother and infant by day for the first week and then by week. Although data on the incidence and severity of these medical conditions in developing countries are scarce, the panel noted that the information provided in this figure was useful to the discussions on optimal timing of contacts and the contents of care. The panel recommended identifying mortality data from different settings to strengthen the information base relevant to the length of stay and timing of contacts.Figure 1 also shows the optimum period for delivering preventive measures.
Some 3% to 4% of women have lost their babies in the first days after delivery (4). It is important to increase awareness that these women need postnatal care as much as women with infants.
In light of the recommendation for skilled care for every birth and universal access to maternity services, the panel's discussions of the timing of postnatal care provision remained focused on settings where skilled attendants provide care. At the same time, the panel fully recognized that home deliveries without skilled attendants remain common in some settings and that guidance for those settings is very much needed.
There is only sparse and low-quality evidence on optimal length of stay under the direct or indirect care of skilled attendants, for the mother, the baby or the dyad. Where a healthy, term baby has been born in an uncomplicated delivery, most guidelines call for the dyad to stay under observation by a skilled attendant for 24 to 48 hours. If mother and baby are discharged from the facility sooner than 48 hours, a qualified professional or skilled attendant should assess them within 24 to 48 hours after discharge. The panel agreed, based on epidemiological data, that the first 24 to 48 hours are the most critical time for the woman and the baby, and thus it is a life-saving policy to provide individualized care during the immediate postnatal period under the direct or indirect supervision of a skilled attendant.
The panel acknowledged the difficulty of defining “healthy mother” and “healthy baby”. The panel agreed that, for the purpose of the guidelines, these terms should refer to women and babies without any problems. Practice guidelines should provide specific criteria, related to clinical observations, for deciding when a woman and infant are “healthy” and fit for discharge to home care.
Given the lack of evidence on the precise optimal timing of postnatal care, the panel advised broadening the criteria for the evidence and practice review. The panel also recommended that, before discharge, women (and their families) should receive clear and specific key information and instructions on home care for themselves and their babies, with special attention to breastfeeding and early identification of danger. The panel recognized the importance of community support for such key practices as breastfeeding, general hygiene and use of health services.
The panel also discussed who should provide early postnatal care. There are different types of providers and potential providers of early postnatal care in the community. Which model is best will depend on the structure of the health care system, the quality of care and information provided in the immediate postnatal period and the experiences and expectations of women.
The panel recommended review of evidence on the effectiveness of professional care and support in improving postnatal outcomes. Such evidence would inform more precise guidance and information on the timing of the care provider's contacts with the mother and infant in the first week after childbirth.
The panel agreed that women should have ready access to services any time that they have concerns about themselves or their babies. There is not enough evidence, however (and additional search probably will not yield more), to specify when exactly ascheduled contact would be most appropriate to improve outcomes. The consensus was that, towards the end of the late postnatal period, there is probably no need for a “postnatal contact” as such. Instead, this contact should be considered a time for closure of the perinatal period and smooth transition to other programmes such as women's health and family planning, child health and immunization. This late postnatal contact—the closure contact—should be organized to link with ongoing care as currently provided for all women and infants.
The panel agreed on the importance of defining the content of the package of care that should be provided in the postnatal period. Once this package is defined, the timing of delivery of the package could be better defined and guidance could be provided on the length of time that mothers and their newborn babies should be under the supervision of health care professionals.
Most postnatal care packages include:
Most guidelines reviewed include similar interventions. In the NICE guidelines these are categorized as those for maintaining women's health, those for maintaining infants' health, and those for infant feeding (10). Under each of the headings the NICE guidelines describe three types of interventions—core care, concerns and core information.Tables 1-3 list the NICE interventions. The panel agreed to use a framework similar to that of the NICE guidelines for its discussions. The panel decided, however, to list the new WHO recommendations under two headings—“mother” and “newborn infant”—thus merging the “infant feeding” and “maintaining infant health” columns.
The panel identified the recommendations for which supporting evidence must be reviewed, those for which no further evidence review is required, and those for which the evidence on wider applicability should be considered. The panel also agreed that, for settings with a high prevalence of malaria, HIV or adolescent pregnancies, routine care should include basic interventions related to prevention and management of those conditions. Approaches appropriate for adolescents will be necessary, as will additional contacts for specific problems, such as prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.Table 4 summarizes the panel's suggestions.
The panel concluded that the guidelines should consider the needs of the mother-infant dyad. Any recommendation should place the woman and her newborn at the center of health provision and allow women to make informed choices about their own care and their babies'. The panel agreed that the woman and her partner/family require more information than they usually receive on care of the baby and mother within the first week after childbirth.
As for the timing of contacts after discharge, support for exclusive breast feeding (EBF) at the end of the first week, when feeding difficulties most often occur, can prolong EBF. Hence, a visit at this time would be appropriate. Still, the experiences and expectations of women and their families should be considered when deciding the timing of postnatal visits. Barriers to the uptake of services and/or access to services also should be considered when deciding on schedules for postnatal care.
The availability of effective community support after discharge from a facility also is important. The competencies required in the community for postnatal support that improves outcomes should be studied. The formal health sector is responsible for continuing care in the postnatal period after discharge from facilities, but communities can help. Evidence should be evaluated on the effectiveness of current models of collaboration between health services and communities that appear to be transferable to low-resource settings.
The panel noted that additional information is required to make recommendations on the timing and frequency of postnatal visits. To obtain more information, the panel recommended identification and review of non-English language guidelines as well as review of information and evidence on the following: :
The panel expressed concerns about the limited amount of evidence and the impossibility of generalizing from it to the variety of settings in the world and in particular to settings with little or no access to skilled and/or facility-based care for childbirth. The panel agreed that a review of qualitative evidence should be considered.
Many interventions in postnatal care are applicable to most countries and settings. Some principles apply in all settings and for all time bands—e.g. standard precautions, maintenance of records, maintaining competencies, monitoring and evaluation. The panel asked the WHO secretariat to identify those common areas and include them in a preamble to the guidelines as “Principles of Good Care”. Health system requirements, however, may differ for different time bands and so will need more specific consideration. A tool for countries on how to select appropriate care pathways for specific settings, including health system requirements, would be useful.
The panel noted that some important situations were not addressed. While these situations are not the primary focus of the proposed guidelines, it is important to highlight special considerations in such situations. These include malnourished women (obese and undernourished mothers); domestic and gender-based violence; use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs; mothers who have lost their babies or have babies with disabilities; mothers with very limited education or with language difficulties; mothers with medical or mental health problems; the small baby; multiple births; sick or disabled infants or infants with congenital anomalies; infants of mothers with tuberculosis, malaria, HIV, or syphilis; and those born to sex workers. Such factors can lead to physical and mental ill health for both the mother and the baby, during the pregnancy and after, or may be linked to a negative nurturing environment with adverse long-term effects on infant health and development.
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