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Dean L. Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2005.

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Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens [Internet].

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Chapter 9The Duffy blood group

The Duffy glycoprotein is a receptor for chemicals that are secreted by blood cellsduring inflammation. It also happens to be a receptor forPlasmodiumvivax, a parasite that invades red blood cells (RBCs) and causes malaria.RBCs that lack the Duffy antigens are relatively resistant to invasion byP.vivax. This has influenced the variation in Duffy blood types seen inpopulations where malaria is common.

Antibodies formed against the Duffy antigens are a cause of both transfusionreactions and hemolytic disease of the newborn.

At a glance

Antigens of the Duffy blood group

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Number of antigens6: Fya, Fyb, Fy3, Fy4, Fy5, Fy6
Antigen specificityProtein
Amino acid sequence determines thespecificity of Duffy antigens.
Antigen-carrying moleculesGlycoprotein that is a red cell receptor
TheDuffy glycoprotein is a receptor that binds cytokines releasedduring inflammation. It also binds the malaria parasitePlasmodium vivax, and RBCs that lack the DuffyFya and Fyb antigens are resistant toinvasion. Structurally, the Duffy protein is similar to the familyof G-protein coupled receptors, having 7 transmembrane domains.
Molecular basisThe FY gene encodes the Duffy antigens.
FY hastwo major codominant alleles, FYA and FYB, which result from a SNP(125G→A), and the corresponding Fya andFyb antigens differ by a single amino acid (G42D).Individuals who are homozygous for a -33T→C SNP in theerythroid promoter region of the FYB allele have the phenotypeFy(a-b-) and do not express Duffy antigens on their RBCs.
Frequency of Duffy antigensFya: 66%Caucasians, 10% Blacks, 99%Asians
Fyb: 83% Caucasians, 23%Blacks, 18.5% Asians
Fy3: 100% Caucasians, 32%Blacks, 99.9% Asians (1).
Frequency of Duffy phenotypesThe Duffy null phenotype, Fy(a-b-),is very rare in Caucasians but is found in 68% of Blacks(1).
Fy(a+b+): 49% Caucasians, 1% Blacks, 9% Chinese
Fy(a-b+): 34% Caucasians, 22% Blacks, <1%Chinese
Fy(a+b-): 17% Caucasians, 9% Blacks, 91% Chinese

Antibodies produced against Duffy antigens

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Antibody typeIgG
Mainly IgG, IgM is rare
Antibody reactivityDoes not bind complement
Transfusion reactionTypically a moderate, delayed transfusionreaction
Anti-Fya andanti-Fyb can cause transfusion reactions that range frommild to severe in nature and may occur immediately after thetransfusion (rarely) or more commonly, after a delay. Anti-Fy3 is acause of mild to moderate, delayed transfusion reactions.
Hemolytic disease of the newbornTypically mild disease
Anti-Fyacauses mild HDN (rarely, severe HDN can occur). Anti-Fyband anti-Fy3 are uncommon causes of mild HDN.

Background information


The Duffy blood group was discovered in 1950. It was named for a patient withhemophilia who had received multiple blood transfusions and was the first knownproducer of anti-Fya. A year later, anti-Fyb wasdiscovered in a woman who had had several children. The remaining Duffy antigens(FY3, FY4, FY5, and FY6) were discovered 20 years later, but from these, onlyFY3 appears to be clinically significant.

The frequency of the Duffy phenotypes varies in different populations. The Duffynull phenotype, Fy(a-b-), is rare among Caucasian and Asian populations, whereasit is the most common phenotype in Blacks, occurring in over two-thirds of theBlack population. The racial variation in the distribution of Duffy antigens isa result of a positive selection pressure—the absence of Duffyantigens on RBCs makes the RBCs more resistant to invasion by a malarialparasite.

Worldwide, of the fourPlasmodium species that routinely causemalaria in humans,P. falciparum is responsible for themajority of fatal cases (2).But in Asia and the Americas,P. vivax is a more common causeof malaria. To cause disease,P. vivax must first enter thehuman RBC, which it does by binding to the N-terminal extracellular domain ofthe Duffy glycoprotein through the cysteine-rich region of the Duffy bindingprotein (DBP) (3). Individualswith the Duffy null phenotype do not express the Duffy protein on their RBCs andtherefore are immune toP. vivax infection.

Interestingly, the Fy(a-b-) phenotype is most common in areas where there islittleP. vivax malaria (4). In areas of West Africa, there is a highfrequency of the Fy (a-b-) phenotype and a low incidence ofP.vivax malaria. This may be because the pre-existence of a highfrequency of the Fy(a-b-) phenotype preventedP. vivax malariafrom becoming endemic in West Africa (4, 5).


  • Number of Duffy antigens: 6
  • ISBT symbol: FY
  • ISBT number: 008
  • Gene symbol: FY
  • Gene name: Duffy blood group

Basic biochemistry

The Duffy glycoprotein is encoded by the FY gene, of which there are two mainalleles, FYA and FYB. They are codominant, meaning that is the FYA is inherited fromone parent and the FYB allele if inherited from the other, both gene products, DuffyFya and Fyb antigens, will be expressed on the RBCs.


There are four main Duffy phenotypes:

  • Fy(a+b-)
  • Fy(a+b+)
  • Fy(a-b+)
  • Fy(a-b-)

The Fya and Fyb antigens are found relatively frequently inCaucasians (Fya 66% and Fyb 83%) and Asians(Fya 99% and Fyb 18.5%) but are far less common in Blacks(Fya 10% and Fyb 23%). In fact, the Fy(a- b-)phenotype is present in two-thirds of African-American Blacks but is very rarein Caucasians (1).

An important minor Duffy phenotype is the Fyx [Fy(b+x)].The FYX allele encodes the Fyb antigen, but it is only weaklyexpressed because a reduced amount of Duffy protein, and it is not alwaysdetected by anti-Fyb.

Expression of Duffy antigens

Duffy antigens are expressed on many different types of cells. Even Fy(a-b-)individuals who do not produce Duffy antigens on their RBCs do express Duffyantigens elsewhere, including endothelial cells that line blood vessels,epithelial cells of kidney collecting ducts, lung alveoli, and Purkinje cells ofthe cerebellum. Duffy antigens are also expressed in the thyroid gland, thecolon, and the spleen.

Function of Duffy glycoprotein

The Duffy glycoprotein is also called the Duffy-Antigen Chemokine Receptor(DARC). As a chemokine receptor, it binds to the chemicals that are secreted bycells during inflammation and recruits other blood cells to the area of damage.These chemokines include C-X-R (acute inflammation chemokine) and C-C (chronicinflammation chemokine), IL-8 (interleukin 8), and RANTES (regulated onactivation, normal T-expressed and secreted) (6).

Animal studies suggest that the function of Duffy as a chemokine receptor is notphysiologically important because mice that lacked the mouse homolog of theDuffy gene (Dfy) were not more susceptible to infection than mice that expressedDfy (7). Indeed, individualswith the null Duffy phenotype appear to have normal RBCs and a normal immunesystem.

Clinical significance of Duffy antibodies

Transfusion reactions

Antibodies against the Duffy antigens Fya (8), Fyb (9, 10), Fy3 (1), and Fy5 (11,12) have all been implicated as the cause ofa transfusion reaction. Anti-Fya is more commonly found in patientswho are of African descent (in whom the Duffy null phenotype is more common) andhave sickle cell anemia (and therefore may require multiple blood transfusions).

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

Maternal-fetal incompatibilities within the Duffy blood group system is anuncommon cause of HDN. The disease tends to be mild in nature. The Duffyantigens known to have caused maternal immunization and subsequent hemolyticdisease are Fya (13-16), Fyb (17), and Fy3 (1).

Molecular information


The Duffy locus,FY, is located on chromosome 1 at position q22-q23. It consists oftwo exons that span over 1,500 bp of genomic DNA. The two main alleles, FYA andFYB, differ by a single nucleotide at position 125 (G and A, respectively) andthey likewise encode Fya and Fyb antigens that differ by asingle amino acid at residue 42 (glycine and aspartic acid, respectively).

View the sequences of FY alleles at the
dbRBC Sequence Alignment Viewer

There are two genetic backgrounds that give rise to the Duffy negative phenotypeFy(a-b-) (18). Most commonly,a mutation in the promoter region of the FYB allele abolishes the expression ofthe Duffy glycoprotein in RBCs, but the protein is still produced in other typesof cells. This erythroid-specific mutation is found in African Americans (70%)and West Africans (approaching 100%) (19). Perhaps because the Duffy antigens areexpressed in other tissues, these patients do not generally make anti-Fyb oranti-Fy3 (20).

Less commonly, the Fy(a-b-) phenotype is a result of point mutation thatintroduces a premature stop codon into the coding sequence. It is unlikely thatthe truncated Duffy protein is transported to the cell surface, and it is likelythat the Duffy protein would be absent from all tissues in individuals who carrythis type of mutation. There may be strong anti-Fy3 in these patients (20).

The molecular basis of the Fx [Fy(b+x)] phenotype is amutation in the coding sequence 265C→T (Arg897Cys), which always occurswith another mutation, 298G→A (Ala100Thr) (18).


The Duffy glycoprotein is a transmembrane protein that spans the RBC membraneseven times and has an extracellular N-terminal domain and a cytoplasmicC-terminal domain. It shares structural similarity with G-protein coupledreceptors but so far, it has not been shown to be a member of this family.

The binding site for chemokines, the binding site forP. vivax,and the major antigenic domains are all located in overlapping regions in theextracellular N-terminal domain.


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