Dinosaur 200th Anniversary Collection
2024 marks 200 years since William Buckland reported his research onMegalosaurus, later recognised as the first non-avian dinosaur genus to be formally named by science. To mark this anniversary, we present a curated collection from theNature journals spanning the breadth of dinosaur research published in the interim, focusing on the key questions of evolution, extinction, life history and behaviour, as well as historical gems from the archive.

The smallest known non-avian theropod dinosaur
- Xing Xu
- Zhonghe Zhou
- Xiaolin Wang
LetterNatureA new sauropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Tunisia with extreme avian-like pneumatization
The presence of an advance bird-like pulmonary system in sauropods has long remained a controversy. Here, the authors report a new sauropod species,Tataouinea hannibalis, which shows pervasive skeletal pneumatization, supporting an advanced bird-like pulmonary system.
- Federico Fanti
- Andrea Cau
- Michela Contessi
ArticleNature CommunicationsA troodontid dinosaur from the latest Cretaceous of India
Troodontid dinosaurs share a close ancestry with birds and were distributed widely across the northern hemisphere before the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs. Goswamiet al. report the discovery in South India of the first Gondwanan troodontid, extending their geographic range by nearly 10,000 km.
- A. Goswami
- G. V. R. Prasad
- R. B. J. Benson
ArticleNature CommunicationsA new clade of Asian Late Cretaceous long-snouted tyrannosaurids
Tyrannosaurids were top predators in Asia and North America during the latest Cretaceous and most species had deep skulls. Here, Lüet al. describe mature fossils ofQianzhousaurus sinensis, a new long-snouted tyrannosaurid species from southeastern China that groups with other long snout species from Asia.
- Junchang Lü
- Laiping Yi
- Liu Chen
ArticleNature CommunicationsThe phylogeny and evolutionary history of tyrannosauroid dinosaurs
- Stephen L. Brusatte
- Thomas D. Carr
New Egyptian sauropod reveals Late Cretaceous dinosaur dispersal between Europe and Africa
A new titanosaurian sauropod,Mansourasaurus, is the most complete terrestrial vertebrate from the post-Cenomanian Cretaceous of the African mainland. Phylogenetic analyses reveal the existence of a titanosaurian clade inhabiting both Africa and Europe at this time and a faunal connection between the two continents.
- Hesham M. Sallam
- Eric Gorscak
- Matthew C. Lamanna
ArticleNature Ecology & EvolutionAn early trend towards gigantism in Triassic sauropodomorph dinosaurs
A new sauropodomorph dinosaur taxon,Ingentia prima, and new lessemsaurid fossils from the Late Triassic of Argentina, reveal a distinctive and early pathway towards gigantism, 30 million years before the first eusauropods appeared.
- Cecilia Apaldetti
- Ricardo N. Martínez
- Oscar Alcober
ArticleNature Ecology & EvolutionA bony-crested Jurassic dinosaur with evidence of iridescent plumage highlights complexity in early paravian evolution
A number of paravian dinosaurs have been described from the Jurassic Yanliao biota, but these have tended to be morphologically similar toArchaeopteryx. Here, Hu. describe the new paravian dinosaur,Caihong juji gen. et sp. nov., which possesses a suite of unusual skeletal and feather characteristics.
- Dongyu Hu
- Julia A. Clarke
- Xing Xu
A new Middle Jurassic diplodocoid suggests an earlier dispersal and diversification of sauropod dinosaurs
Diplodocoid dinosaurs are generally thought to have been excluded from East Asia due to the fragmentation of Pangaea. Here, Xu et al. describe the new diplodocoidLingwulong shenqi from the Jurassic of East Asia, suggesting an earlier diversification and dispersal of diplodocoids and other sauropods.
- Xing Xu
- Paul Upchurch
- Hongan Liu
A mid-Cretaceous tyrannosauroid and the origin of North American end-Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages
Suskityrannus hazelae gen. et sp. nov. is a small-bodied tyrannosauroid that bridges the gap between earlier, smaller tyrannosauroids and the gigantic, last-surviving tyrannosaurids of the terminal Cretaceous.
- Sterling J. Nesbitt
- Robert K. Denton Jr
- Douglas G. Wolfe
ArticleNature Ecology & EvolutionA Triassic averostran-line theropod from Switzerland and the early evolution of dinosaurs
A well-preserved Late Triassic theropod skeleton from what is now Switzerland informs the evolution of coelophysids and dilophosaurids.
- Marion Zahner
- Winand Brinkmann
ArticleNature Ecology & EvolutionDiminutive fleet-footed tyrannosauroid narrows the 70-million-year gap in the North American fossil record
Lindsay Zanno et al. report the discovery of a new tyrannosaur that helps to fill in a 70 million year gap in the fossil record. This new species reveals that the earliest North American tyrannosaurs relied on speed and small body size to survive and that apex predator status and large body sizes were not reached until much later in their evolutionary history.
- Lindsay E. Zanno
- Ryan T. Tucker
- Peter J. Makovicky
A neoceratopsian dinosaur from the early Cretaceous of Mongolia and the early evolution of ceratopsia
Congyu Yu et al. present the partial skull of a new basal neoceratopsian dinosaur from Mongolia. They show that this group is a sister taxon to all other neoceratopsian dinosaurs, and that it occurs earlier in the Cretaceous than previously shown.
- Congyu Yu
- Albert Prieto-Marquez
- Mark Norell
Two Late Cretaceous sauropods reveal titanosaurian dispersal across South America
Hechenleitner et al. describe two new titanosaurians and the finding of numerous accumulations of titanosaurian eggs in La Rioja, Argentina. This study suggests nesting site philopatry among Titanosauria and that this clade was spread throughout southern South America at the end of the Late Cretaceous.
- E. Martín Hechenleitner
- Léa Leuzinger
- Leonardo Salgado
New Dromaeosaurid Dinosaur (Theropoda, Dromaeosauridae) from New Mexico and Biodiversity of Dromaeosaurids at the end of the Cretaceous
- Steven E. Jasinski
- Robert M. Sullivan
- Peter Dodson
Bizarre dermal armour suggests the first African ankylosaur
The authors report a fossilized vertebrate rib with spiked dermal armour fused to its dorsal surface from the mid-Jurassic of Morocco, which they interpret as the earliest known ankylosaur.
- Susannah C. R. Maidment
- Sarah J. Strachan
- Paul M. Barrett
ArticleNature Ecology & EvolutionNew spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the European origins of Spinosauridae
- Chris T. Barker
- David W. E. Hone
- Neil J. Gostling
A titanosaurian sauropod with Gondwanan affinities in the latest Cretaceous of Europe
The authors report a new genus and species of titanosaurian sauropod,Abditosaurus kuehnei, from the Late Cretaceous (ca. 70.5 Ma) of Spain.A. kuehnei groups phylogenetically with South American and African taxa, suggesting geographical connectivity between Africa and Europe at this time.
- Bernat Vila
- Albert Sellés
- Àngel Galobart
ArticleNature Ecology & EvolutionFossil biomolecules reveal an avian metabolism in the ancestral dinosaur
Molecular analyses of modern and fossil skeletal samples reveal that elevated metabolic rates consistent with endothermy evolved independently in mammals and plesiosaurs, and ornithodirans: Exceptional metabolic rates are ancestral to dinosaurs and pterosaurs and were acquired before energetically costly adaptations, such as flight.
- Jasmina Wiemann
- Iris Menéndez
- Derek E. G. Briggs
ArticleNatureAfrica’s oldest dinosaurs reveal early suppression of dinosaur distribution
A new Triassic dinosaur assemblage from Zimbabwe reveals that the earliest dinosaurs were confined to a temperate region in the far south of Pangaea.
- Christopher T. Griffin
- Brenen M. Wynd
- Hazel R. Taruvinga
ArticleNatureOsteohistology of a Triassic dinosaur population reveals highly variable growth trajectories typified early dinosaur ontogeny
- Daniel E. Barta
- Christopher T. Griffin
- Mark A. Norell
A new Cretaceous thyreophoran from Patagonia supports a South American lineage of armoured dinosaurs
- Facundo J. Riguetti
- Sebastián Apesteguía
- Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola
Life History & Behaviour
A nesting dinosaur
- Mark A. Norell
- James M. Clark
- Demberelyin Dashzeveg
LetterNatureA king-sized theropod coprolite
- Karen Chin
- Timothy T. Tokaryk
- Lewis C. Calk
LetterNatureA new troodontid dinosaur from China with avian-like sleeping posture
- Xing Xu
- Mark A. Norell
LetterNatureParental care in an ornithischian dinosaur
A dramatic fossil may shed light on how modern archosaurs became devoted parents.
- Qingjin Meng
- Jinyuan Liu
- Chunling Gao
Brief CommunicationNatureA new Argentinean nesting site showing neosauropod dinosaur reproduction in a Cretaceous hydrothermal environment
Dinosaur nesting sites have been found in many different places, but the factors that influenced the choice of location are unclear. Here, a sauropod nesting site is described in a geothermal setting in the Sanagasta Valley, suggesting that the dinosaurs used the warm environment to favour the incubation process.
- Gerald Grellet-Tinner
- Lucas E. Fiorelli
ArticleNature CommunicationsLowland–upland migration of sauropod dinosaurs during the Late Jurassic epoch
- Henry C. Fricke
- Justin Hencecroth
- Marie E. Hoerner
LetterNatureHistology and postural change during the growth of the ceratopsian dinosaurPsittacosaurus lujiatunensis
A few dinosaurs have been inferred to have shifted from quadrupedality to bipedality, or vice versa, during growth. Here Zhaoet al. use a combination of limb measurements and analysis of limb bone cross-sections to infer a shift towards bipedality in the primitive ceratopsianPsittacosaurus lujiatunensis.
- Qi Zhao
- Michael J. Benton
- Xing Xu
ArticleNature CommunicationsA new raptorial dinosaur with exceptionally long feathering provides insights into dromaeosaurid flight performance
Microraptorines are a group of dromaeosaurids known for having some degree of aerodynamic capacity. Here, the authors describe a new four-winged Early Cretaceous microraptorine from China, with a remarkably long-feathered tail, and show how the tail might have helped with landing.
- Gang Han
- Luis M. Chiappe
- Lizhuo Han
ArticleNature CommunicationsDecoupled form and function in disparate herbivorous dinosaur clades
- Stephan Lautenschlager
- Charlotte A. Brassey
- Paul M. Barrett
Perinate and eggs of a giant caenagnathid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of central China
The fossil dinosaur embryo ‘Baby Louie’ and associated clutch of eggs were first discovered in the early 1990s, but were not formally described. Here, the authors identify the specimen as an embryo and eggs of the new large caenagnathid oviraptorosaur,Beibeilong sinensis, from the Late Cretaceous of China.
- Hanyong Pu
- Darla K. Zelenitsky
- Caizhi Shen
The Smallest Diplodocid Skull Reveals Cranial Ontogeny and Growth-Related Dietary Changes in the Largest Dinosaurs
- D. Cary Woodruff
- Thomas D. Carr
- John P. Wilson
An Early Cretaceous enantiornithine (Aves) preserving an unlaid egg and probable medullary bone
The fossil record of the reproductive traits of early birds is limited. Here, Bailleul and colleagues describe the Cretaceous enantiornithine birdAvimaia schweitzerae, which preserves an unlaid egg in the abdominal cavity and putative medullary bone.
- Alida M. Bailleul
- Jingmai O’Connor
- Zhonghe Zhou
Ontogenetic changes in the body plan of the sauropodomorph dinosaurMussaurus patagonicus reveal shifts of locomotor stance during growth
- Alejandro Otero
- Andrew R. Cuff
- John R. Hutchinson
Functional space analyses reveal the function and evolution of the most bizarre theropod manual unguals
Biomechanical and shape analyses explore the function of forelimb claws, revealing adaptations for digging and display in maniraptoran theropods.
- Zichuan Qin
- Chun-Chi Liao
- Emily J. Rayfield
Exceptional dinosaur fossils reveal early origin of avian-style digestion
- Xiaoting Zheng
- Xiaoli Wang
- Xing Xu
Fast-running theropods tracks from the Early Cretaceous of La Rioja, Spain
- Pablo Navarro-Lorbés
- Javier Ruiz
- Angélica Torices
Earliest evidence of herd-living and age segregation amongst dinosaurs
- Diego Pol
- Adriana C. Mancuso
- Vincent Fernandez
Tail-propelled aquatic locomotion in a theropod dinosaur
Discovery that the giant theropod dinosaurSpinosaurus has a large flexible tail indicates that it was primarily aquatic and swam in a similar manner to extant tail-propelled aquatic vertebrates.
- Nizar Ibrahim
- Simone Maganuco
- Stephanie E. Pierce
ArticleNatureA non-avian dinosaur with a streamlined body exhibits potential adaptations for swimming
PresentingNatovenator polydontus, a non-avian dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia displaying morphology indicative of swimming behaviour.
- Sungjin Lee
- Yuong-Nam Lee
- Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
Exceptional preservation and foot structure reveal ecological transitions and lifestyles of early theropod flyers
The shape of bird toe pads and foot scales can be used to infer their behaviour. Here, the authors examine fossil evidence of toe pads and scales, in addition to claws and bones, from birds and close relatives, illustrating diverse lifestyles and ecological roles among early theropod flyers.
- Michael Pittman
- Phil R. Bell
- Thomas G. Kaye
The first occurrence of an avian-style respiratory infection in a non-avian dinosaur
- D. Cary Woodruff
- Ewan D. S. Wolff
- Lawrence M. Witmer
An ankylosaur larynx provides insights for bird-like vocalization in non-avian dinosaurs
The earliest larynx discovered in fossil dinosaurs indicates that non-avian dinosaurs may have had bird-like vocalization.
- Junki Yoshida
- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
- Mark A. Norell
Intra-gastric phytoliths provide evidence for folivory in basal avialans of the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota
Birds exhibit extensive close ecological interactions with flowering plants, but the evolutionary origins of those relationships remain unclear. Plant phytolith analysis of stomach contents of the Early Cretaceous long-tailed birdJeholornis reveals the earliest example of leaf eating by birds.
- Yan Wu
- Yong Ge
- Zhonghe Zhou
Extinction & Aftermath
Definitive fossil evidence for the extant avian radiation in the Cretaceous
- Julia A. Clarke
- Claudia P. Tambussi
- Richard A. Ketcham
LetterNatureDinosaur morphological diversity and the end-Cretaceous extinction
Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago due to volcanism and a bolide impact, but whether their numbers were already declining is still not clear. This study calculates the morphological disparity of seven dinosaur subgroups, showing that at least some groups were in a long-term decline before the extinction.
- Stephen L. Brusatte
- Richard J. Butler
- Mark A. Norell
ArticleNature CommunicationsGlobal climate change driven by soot at the K-Pg boundary as the cause of the mass extinction
- Kunio Kaiho
- Naga Oshima
- Ryosuke Saito
Temporal niche expansion in mammals from a nocturnal ancestor after dinosaur extinction
Phylogenetic analysis of behavioural data across all living mammalian orders suggests the earliest mammals were nocturnal, and other modes such as cathemerality and strict diurnality did not arise until the end of the Cretaceous and early Cenozoic.
- Roi Maor
- Tamar Dayan
- Kate E. Jones
ArticleNature Ecology & EvolutionDinosaurs reveal the geographical signature of an evolutionary radiation
Here, a biogeographical model reconstructs ancestral locations of dinosaurs, revealing the spatial mechanisms underpinning their lengthy radiation process over 170 million years: initially rapid, movement slowed towards the time of their extinction.
- Ciara O’Donovan
- Andrew Meade
- Chris Venditti
ArticleNature Ecology & EvolutionDinosaur diversification linked with the Carnian Pluvial Episode
Dinosaurs originated ~245 million years ago (mya) but did not diversify until some time in the Late Triassic. Here, Bernardi and colleagues synthesize palaeontological and dated stratigraphic evidence to show that dinosaur diversification followed the Carnian Pluvial Episode 234–232 mya.
- Massimo Bernardi
- Piero Gianolla
- Michael J. Benton
Rapid recovery of life at ground zero of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
Micro- and nannofossil, trace fossil and geochemical evidence from the Chicxulub impact crater demonstrates that proximity to the asteroid impact site did not determine rates of recovery of marine ecosystems after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction.
- Christopher M. Lowery
- Timothy J. Bralower
- William Zylberman
LetterNatureEcological niche modelling does not support climatically-driven dinosaur diversity decline before the Cretaceous/Paleogene mass extinction
The fossil record shows a decline in dinosaur diversity preceding their mass extinction. Here, the authors apply ecological niche modelling to show that suitable dinosaur habitat was declining in areas with present-day rock-outcrop, but not across North America as a whole, possibly generating sampling bias in the fossil record.
- Alfio Alessandro Chiarenza
- Philip D. Mannion
- Peter A. Allison
Dinosaur biodiversity declined well before the asteroid impact, influenced by ecological and environmental pressures
Dinosaurs are thought to have been driven extinct by an asteroid impact 66 million years ago. Here, Condamine et al. show that six major dinosaur families were already in decline in the preceding 10 million years, possibly due to global cooling and competition among herbivores.
- Fabien L. Condamine
- Guillaume Guinot
- Philip J. Currie
The Chicxulub impact and its environmental consequences
The Chicxulub impact 66 million years ago caused catastrophic environmental changes, leading to the extinction of three-quarters of plant and animal species, including the dinosaurs. This Review explores how the Chicxulub impact structure provides insight into cratering processes and events leading to the Cretaceous–Palaeogene extinction.
- Joanna V. Morgan
- Timothy J. Bralower
- Kai Wünnemann
Review ArticleNature Reviews Earth & EnvironmentThe Mesozoic terminated in boreal spring
Examination of fish that died on the day the Mesozoic ended reveal that the impact that caused the Cretaceous–Palaeogene mass extinction occurred during boreal spring.
- Melanie A. D. During
- Jan Smit
- Jeroen H. J. L. van der Lubbe
Chicxulub impact winter sustained by fine silicate dust
Fine silicate dust generated by the Chicxulub impact had a dominant role in the global cooling and disruption of photosynthesis that followed, according to palaeoclimate simulations constrained by grain-size analysis of Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary sediments.
- Cem Berk Senel
- Pim Kaskes
- Özgür Karatekin
ArticleNature Geoscience
Triassic Dinosauria
NewsNatureSocieties and Academies
NewsNatureTriassic Footprints
LetterNature- NewsNature
Supernovae and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs
LetterNatureAnatomical and Ecological Evidence of Endothermy in Dinosaurs
ArticleNatureThe Ancestry of Birds
LetterNatureDinosaur Monophyly and a New Class of Vertebrates
LetterNatureContemporaneity of late Cretaceous extinctions
Matters ArisingNatureGrowth rings in dinosaur teeth
LetterNatureNest of juveniles provides evidence of family structure among dinosaurs
- John R. Horner
- Robert Makela
LetterNatureAn extraterrestrial event at the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary
- J. Smit
- J. Hertogen
ArticleNatureThe gradual decline of the dinosaurs—fact or fallacy?
- Dale A. Russell
LetterNatureComet showers as a cause of mass extinctions
- Piet Hut
- Walter Alvarez
- Paul R. Weissman
Review ArticleNatureA new link between theropods and birds from the Cretaceous of Mongolia
- Andrzej Elzanowski
- Peter Wellnhofer
LetterNatureA meteorite from the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
- Frank T. Kyte
LetterNatureAn exceptionally well-preserved theropod dinosaur from the Yixian Formation of China
- Pei-ji Chen
- Zhi-ming Dong
- Shuo-nan Zhen
ArticleNatureTwo feathered dinosaurs from northeastern China
- Ji Qiang
- Philip J. Currie
- Ji Shu-An
ArticleNatureBranched integumental structures inSinornithosaurus and the origin of feathers
- Xing Xu
- Zhong-he Zhou
- Richard O. Prum
LetterNatureAn asteroid breakup 160 Myr ago as the probable source of the K/T impactor
The impact flux from kilometre-sized bodies has increased by at least a factor of two over the long-term average during the last ∼100 Myr. This surge probably was triggered by the catastrophic disruption of the parent body of the asteroid Baptistina, which broke up in the inner main asteroid belt. Fragments evolved to orbits where they could strike the terrestrial planets.
- William F. Bottke
- David Vokrouhlický
- David Nesvorný
ArticleNatureFossilized melanosomes and the colour of Cretaceous dinosaurs and birds
Here the presence of melanosomes — characteristic bodies that give feathers their colour — is demonstrated in feathers and feather-like structures of fossil early birds and dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Group of China. Not only is it shown that the feather–like structures of dinosaurs such asSinosauropteryx really are akin to feathers, it is also possible to speculate in an informed way about their colour.
- Fucheng Zhang
- Stuart L. Kearns
- Xiaolin Wang
LetterNatureA new hypothesis of dinosaur relationships and early dinosaur evolution
Analysis of a wide range of dinosaurs and dinosauromorphs recovers a sister-taxon relationship between Ornithischia and Theropoda, calling for the redefinition of all the major clades within Dinosauria and the revival of the clade Ornithoscelida.
- Matthew G. Baron
- David B. Norman
- Paul M. Barrett
ArticleNatureThe earliest bird-line archosaurs and the assembly of the dinosaur body plan
The archosaur speciesTeleocrater rhadinus, part of the new clade Aphanosauria, is an example of the earliest divergence of the avian stem lineage (Avemetatarsalia), the lineage that contains dinosaurs (including birds).
- Sterling J. Nesbitt
- Richard J. Butler
- Alan J. Charig