
El Museo Nacional del Prado es uno de los lugares más populares y reconocidos en el mundo del arte, con 3 millones de visitantes anuales y una presencia online que supera los 10 millones.
Colaborar con nosotros significa contribuir a la consecución de nuestros objetivos: la conservación y difusión de una colección única en el mundo, el desarrollo de un modelo de museo en constante renovación y el compromiso en favor del enriquecimiento cultural de la sociedad.
The Bicentenary of the Museo del Prado

The Museo del Prado opened to the public on 19 November 1819 as a Royal Museum of Painting and Sculpture. In 2019, we celebrated our Bicentenary, a commemoration that will reveal the path covered since 1819 until today. On this special occasion, we wanted to reflect on the future and the forthcoming challenges for this and the other great Museums of ancient painting: the need to attract social groups that traditionally are not attracted by the collections, to encourage gender and minority research studies or the challenges caused by overcrowding. Furthermore, for the following years the finalization of the Prado Campus is expected, adding the last building, the Hall of Realms, the old Buen Retiro Palace, an incorporation that will imply a rethinking of the current display of the collections. The activity plan for the bicentenary reinforces the usual programme of the Museo del Prado, insisting on the above mentioned aspects.
History and Architecture

The building that today houses the Museo Nacional del Prado was designed by architect Juan de Villanueva in 1785. It was constructed to house the Natural History Cabinet, by orders of King Charles III. However, the building's final purpose - as the new Royal Museum of Paintings and Sculptures - was the decision of the monarch's grandson, King Ferdinand VII, encouraged by his wife Queen Maria Isabel de Braganza.The Royal Museum, soon quickly renamed the National Museum of Paintings and Sculptures and subsequently the Museo Nacional del Prado, opened to the public for the first time in November 1819.
Amigos Museo del Prado
Fundación Amigos Museo del Prado
The Friends Foundation supports the Museo del Prado by a wide range of means, promoting its collection and acting as a nexus between civil society and the Prado in order to achieve an active participation of the former in the museum’s life.
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Política de seguridad integral

En la política de Seguridad Integral se establecen y dan a conocer las líneas de actuación del Museo Nacional del Prado para la protección integral de todos sus activos, tanto los físicos, como la información y los servicios.