Awareness-raising Activities
The human rights awareness-raising activities are those aiming to disseminate and raise the concept of respect for human rights such as workshops, sharing information, and public relation activities, excluding human rights education.
The goal of such activities is that each individual recognizes correctly the importance of respect for human rights and individual should take actions with deep consideration for other persons’ rights (Articles 3 and 4 of the Act onthe Promotion of Human Rights Education and Human Rights Awareness-Raising).
Priority Goal of Awareness-raising Activities
The human rights bodies of the Ministry of Justice set a priority goal of awareness -raising activities each year, in consideration of social conditions and the trend of human rights violation cases, and have conducted human rights awareness-raising activities.
Priority Targets of Awareness-raising Activities
The human right bodies of the Ministry of Justice also set 17 priority targets of human rights awareness-raising activities.
Main Human Rights Awareness-raising Activities
Human Rights Workshops
Human rights workshop for national government officials
Human rights activities in cooperation with other organizations
Human Rights Promotional Materials
The human rights bodies of the Ministry of Justice have conducted human rights awareness-raising activities using a variety of promotional materials including posters, promotional brochures and videos.
White Paper on Human Rights Education and Awareness-Raising
Based on Article 8 of the Act on the Promotion of Human Rights Education and Awareness-raising, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology report human rights education and awareness-raising measures taken by all Ministries and Agencies to the Diet every year as “Measures for Human Rights Education and Awareness-raising.”
Message on issues concerning bullying
In 2013, the Act for the Promotion of Measures to Prevent Bullying came into force, which obliges the national government and schools to establish basic principles to prevent bullying. Schools have made efforts to recognize bullying promptly; however, bullying among students tends to be hidden, and thus it is difficult for teachers to recognize it. Bullying on the internet is even more difficult to discover. Tragic issues are still occurring.