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  8. Initiatives to Promote the SDGs in the Ministry of Justice

Initiatives to Promote the SDGs in the Ministry of Justice

What are the SDGs?

 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) is a set of international development goals being pursued from 2016 to 2030. The 2030 Agenda was adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015, building on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The 2030 Agenda lists the “Sustainable Development Goals”, consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets in order to realize a sustainable world. The SDGs pledge to achieve a world in which “No one is left behind”.
 The year 2020 kicked off a reaffirmation of the global commitment towards achieving the 2030 agenda (the Decade of Action), and the Japanese Government is mobilizing for accelerated action with multiple stakeholders such as international organizations, local governments, the business sector, educational institutions, NGOs, youth and so on.

JAPAN SDGs Action Platform (What are the SDGs?) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs website)

Efforts of the Japanese Government

 The SDGs are universal goals applicable not only to developing countries but also to developed countries. Japan established the SDGs promotion headquarters in May 2016, which is headed by the Prime Minister, and decided on the “SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles” in December of the same year.
 At the 11th Meeting of the SDGs Promotion Headquarters held in December 2021, the “SDGs Action Plan 2022” was adopted, which details various efforts of the Japanese Government to achieve the SDGs.

JAPAN SDGs Action Platform (Efforts of Japanese Government) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs website)

Efforts of Ministry of Justice

 The Ministry of Justice is working on measures to prevent recidivism and various human rights issues with the aim of realizing a safe and secure society and a society that respects human rights without discrimination or abuse.
 The Ministry of Justice is working on the following measures that can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
Ministry of Justice's Commitment of the SDGs
 Ministry of Justice's Commitment to the SDGs (Japanese) (PDF)
   Ministry of Justice's Commitment to the SDGs (English) (PDF)

[International Cooperation on Rule of Law]

 The 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Kyoto Congress) was held! (Ministry of Justice website)

 Implementation of the Kyoto Declaration adopted at the Kyoto Congress (Ministry of Justice website)
   Criminal Justice Forum for Asia and the Pacific (Ministry of Justice website)
   Global Youth Forum for a Culture of Lawfulness (Ministry of Justice website)
   New UN Standards and Norms on Reducing Reoffending (Ministry of Justice website)

 Legal Technical Assistance (PDF)

 Promotion of the foreign language translation of Japanese laws
    Japanese Law Translation Database System (linked to an external website)
    Leaflet (PDF)

[Promoting Diversity and Barrier-Free Society]

 Promotiing the Concept of  “Barrier-Free Mind " (PDF)

 Establishing an Environment Aimed to Realize a Society of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign Nationals
       Comprehensive Measures for Acceptance of and Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign Nationals (Ministry of Justice website)
       Roadmap for the Realization of a Society of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign Nationals (Ministry of Justice website)

[Prevention of Recidivism and Fulfillment of Justice Affairs]

 Prevention of Adult and Juvenile Re-offending (Ministry of Justice website)

 Promotion of Preventive Advice Service(linked to an external website)

 Improving Comprehensive Legal Support
      The Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu)  (linked to an external website)

  Ensuring Public Security by Monitoring Aum Shinrikyo, Terrorism at Home and Abroad, and Other Threats (Ministry of Justice website)

 Tackling Issues of People without Family Registration
   For those without family registration (Ministry of Justice website)

[Capacity Building for Peace]

 Training and seminars for criminal justice practitioners in each country
    United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders pamphlet (Japanese) (PDF)
    United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders pamphlet (English) (PDF)
    International Training Programmes(linked to an external website)

[Safety and Security for Children]

 Tackling Children’s Human Rights Issues (Ministry of Justice website)    

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The Ministry of Justice

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