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  7. International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat

International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat

       The International Affairs Division of the Minister’s Secretariat was established on April 1, 2018. Its main focus is to develop and coordinate basic policies concerning international affairs in the justice field, to host international conferences related to the work of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), and to arrange visits of foreign officials, including courtesy calls on the Minister of Justice.
       The International Affairs Division receives inquiries on a daily basis from counterpart ministries and agencies abroad, international organizations, foreign embassies and other organizations in relation to the international work of the MOJ.
       The International Affairs Division also engages in holistic planning of international policies that require cross-sectional strategies within the MOJ for implementation.


"Justice Affairs Diplomacy" Ministerial Forum

Summary of the “Justice Affairs Diplomacy” Ministerial Forum (July 6-7, 2023)

ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers (AJSMJ) (July 6, 2023)
 The Ministry of Justice will hold the AJSMJ in Tokyo in July 2023, which marks the 50th year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation.

G7 Justice Ministers' Meeting (July 7, 2023)
 The Ministry of Justice, as the G7 Presidency, will hold the G7 Justice Ministers' Meeting at the same time as the AJSMJ.

ASEAN-G7 Next Leaders Forum
 The Ministry of Justice hosted the 1st ASEAN-G7 Next Leaders Forum based on the outcome of the ASEAN-G7 Justice Ministers’ Interface.

Initiatives to Promote the SDGs in the Ministry of Justice

 The Ministry of Justice is working on various measures to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Please see the following webpage for details.

 Initiatives to Promote the SDGs in the Ministry of Justice Webpage

Basic Policy Development and Overall Coordination

International Conferences

Related Links

 Now that internationalization is progressing and the exchange of people and goods is flourishing, it is necessary that overseas users should be informed of Japanese laws and regulations, and Japanese users should be informed of overseas laws and regulations. Furthermore, it is necessary to implement the rule of law and to instill it in all activities in the international arena.
 Here are some useful websites and webpages from the Ministry of Justice website.

Japanese Law Translation Database System (external site)

Legal technical assistance activities by the International Cooperation Department of the Research and Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice
  Vietnam   Cambodia   Laos   Indonesia
  Uzbekistan (on Central Asia webpage)  China  Timor-Leste  Central Asia
  Nepal  Myanmar

Research by the Judicial System Department, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Justice
  Legal materials

The Ministry of Justice

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JCN 1000012030001 (JCN:Japan Corporate Number)

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