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Photos of Corundum (3179)
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Named "corinvindum" in 1725 by John Woodward and derived from the Sanskrit, kuruvinda ("Ruby"). Richard Kirwan used the current spelling "corundum" in 1794. Known by many names in ancient times: adamant, sapphire, ruby, hyacinthos, asteria, etc.
Polymorph of:
The aluminum analogue ofEskolaite,Hematite, andKarelianite.
The red (Cr-bearing) gem variety is calledRuby.
The blue (Fe- and Ti-bearing) gem variety is calledSapphire.

Compare'silicon spinel', that might be similar to the gamma form of Al2O3.

Paglia (2004) reports the following calcination pathway: gibbsite → böhmite → γ-Al2O3 (Unnamed (gamma-alumina)) → δ-Al2O3 (synthetic equivalent ofdeltalumite) → θ-Al2O3 (synthetic equivalent ofUM1990-23-O:Al) → α-Al2O3 (corundum).

Unique Identifiers

Classification of Corundum
Dana 7th ed.:

3 : A2X3

7 : Oxides and Hydroxides
6 : Oxides of Al

Mineral SymbolsJolyon RalphUnited Kingdom

Physical Properties of Corundum
Transparent, Translucent, Opaque
Colourless, blue, red, pink, yellow, grey, golden-brown
Hardness Data:
Mohs hardness reference species
None Observed
Rhombohedral and basal parting {0001}, sometimes perfect but interrupted; also on {1011} due to exsolution (Boehmite), observed on large blocks (Georgia, USA).
Irregular/Uneven, Conchoidal
3.98 - 4.1 g/cm3 (Measured)    3.997 g/cm3 (Calculated)

Optical Data of Corundum
Surface Relief:
Colour in reflected light:
Not Visible
Weak in sapphire (e = blue-green to yellow-green, o = pale to deep blue), otherwise none visible.
Asterism often present due to oriented needle-like inclusions or to colloidal or other material deposited in oriented tubules.

Chemistry of Corundum
Common Impurities:

Crystallography of Corundum
Click on an icon to view
Corundum no.17 - Goldschmidt (1913-1926)
Corundum no.34 - Goldschmidt (1913-1926)
3d models and HTML5 code kindly provided

Edge Lines |Miller Indices |Axes

Opaque |Translucent |Transparent

Along a-axis |Along b-axis |Along c-axis |Start rotation |Stop rotation

Crystal Structure
Radiation - Copper Kα
Data Set:
Data courtesy of RRUFF project at University of Arizona, used with permission.
Powder Diffraction Data:
3.48 Å(70)
2.551 Å(97)
2.379 Å(42)
2.085 Å(100)
1.7398 Å(42)
1.6014 Å(82)
1.3738 Å(45)

Geological Environment1 : Stellar atmosphere condensatesStage 1: Primary nebular phases4.567-4.5613 : Solar nebular condensates (CAIs, AOAs, URIs)>4.565Stage 2: Planetesimal differentiation and alteration4.566-4.5505 : Primary asteroid phases4.566–4.5606 : Secondary asteroid phases4.566-4.560Stage 3a: Earth’s earliest Hadean crust>4.507 : Ultramafic igneous rocksNear-surface Processes23 : Subaerial aqueous alteration by non-redox-sensitive fluids (see also #47)26 : Hadean detrital mineralsHigh-𝑇 alteration and/or metamorphism31 : Thermally altered carbonate, phosphate, and iron formationsStage 4b: Highly evolved igneous rocks>3.035 : Ultra-alkali and agpaitic igneous rocks36 : Carbonatites, kimberlites, and related igneous rocksStage 5: Initiation of plate tectonics<3.5-2.538 : Ophiolites39 : High-𝑃 metamorphism (blueschist, eclogite, ultrahigh 𝑃 facies)40 : Regional metamorphism (greenschist, amphibolite, granulite facies)41 : Mantle metasomatismStage 10a: Neoproterozoic oxygenation/terrestrial biosphere<0.648 : Soil leaching zone minerals<0.650 : Coal and/or oil shale minerals<0.3651 : Pyrometamorphic minerals (see also #54 and #56)<0.36Stage 10b: Anthropogenic minerals<10 Ka54 : Coal and other mine fire minerals (see also #51 and #56)
Geological Setting:
Silica-poor rocks, such as Nepheline-Syenites, alkali igneous undersaturated rocks, contact aureoles in altered aluminous shales, aluminous xenoliths in high temperature plutonic and hypabyssal rocks, metamorphosed bauxite deposits, and as a detrital material in sediments.

Synonyms of Corundum

Other Language Names for Corundum

Varieties of CorundumAdamantine SparA silky brown variety of corundum.AlundumAn artificial Corundum used as an abrasive.Asteriated SapphireA variety of Sapphire exhibiting the property of asterism.BarklyiteA magenta-coloured variety of ruby (corundum).
Originally reported from Victoria, Australia.Blue AlexandriteA trade name for blue/violet sapphireCat SapphireOriental sapphires of some value but not of the characteristic colour.ChlorosaphirA deep green variety of Corundum from Drachenfels, Königswinter, Siebengebirge, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.Chromium-bearing CorundumAn unnecessary name for a Cr-bearing corundum. Note that much corundum contains traces of Cr. Red, Cr-bearing corundum isruby.Ledo frozen fireA Fe Ti rich blue gem variety of CorundumOriental AmethystA purple gem variety of Corundum.Oriental EmeraldA green gem variety of Corundum.Oriental TopazA yellow gem variety of Corundum.PadmaragayaA trade name for a yellow gem variety of Corundum.PadparadschaA salmon-pink coloured gem sapphire.

It is GIA's opinion that this color range should be limited to light to medium tones of pinkish orange to orange-pink hues. Lacking delicacy, the dark brownish orange or even medium brownish orange tones of corundum f...RubyA red, gem variety of corundum. The red colour is caused by minor amounts of trivalent Cr replacing Al in the crystal structure.

In traditional gemmological terms, ruby has to be blood-red and of clear, facetable quality to justify the name. However, in ...SapphireMost commonly refers to a bluegem variety ofcorundum, but other coloured varieties ofcorundum are also described as sapphire, except redcorundum, which is better known asruby.

The dehydration ofdiaspore incorundum occurs between 525 and 550 °C, ...Star CorundumA variety of corundum exhibiting a star pattern when viewed down the C axis. The chatoyance is due to oriented microscopic inclusions.Star RubyA variety of ruby exhibiting a star pattern when viewed down the c axis. The chatoyance is due to oriented microscopic inclusions (nanorods) ofdiaspore (Nadin, 2007).Star SapphireA variety of sapphire that exhibits a star pattern when viewed down the c axis. The chatoyance is due to oriented microscopic inclusions (nanorods) ofdiaspore (Nadin, 2007).

The Star of India is the largest star sapphire in the world (563 carats or 113 ...Titanium-bearing CorundumTrapiche rubyVariety showing six-spoked growth features.
Comparetrapiche emerald.

Relationship of Corundum to other Species
Other Members of Hematite Group:
EskolaiteCr2O3Trig.3m(32/m) :R3c
HematiteFe2O3Trig.3m(32/m) :R3c
KarelianiteV3+2O3Trig.3m(32/m) :R3c
TistariteTi3+2O3Trig.3m(32/m) :R3c

Common AssociatesTrig.3m(32/m) :R3m4.CB.OboniobiteMg4Nb2O9Trig.3m(32/m) :P3c14.CB.Ferrohögbomite-2N2S[(Fe2+,Mg,Zn,Al)3(Al,Ti,Fe3+)8O15(OH)]2Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.Zhenruite(MoO3)2 · H2OMon. 2/m :P21/m4.CB.FuyuaniteMg7Nb6O18(OH)8Trig.3 :P34.CB.VirgilluethiteMoO3 · H2OMon. 2/m :P21/b4.CB.Pengite(Pb8Sb3+3)Σ11Sb5+9O35Trig.3m(32/m) :R3m4.CB.05BrizziiteNaSb5+O3Trig.3 :R34.CB.05TistariteTi3+2O3Trig.3m(32/m) :R3c4.CB.05HematiteFe2O3Trig.3m(32/m) :R3c4.CB.05EcandrewsiteZnTiO3Trig.3 :R34.CB.05MelanostibiteMn2+2Fe3+Sb5+O6Trig. 3 :R34.CB.05UM1998-11-O-AuHSbAu+2Sb3+O2(OH)4.CB.05KarelianiteV3+2O3Trig.3m(32/m) :R3c4.CB.05EskolaiteCr2O3Trig.3m(32/m) :R3c4.CB.05GeikieliteMgTiO3Trig. 3 :R34.CB.05AkimotoiteMgSiO3Trig.3 :R34.CB.05Unnamed (Fe-Cr Oxide)FeCrO3Trig.3 :R34.CB.05AuroantimonateAuSbO34.CB.05Hemleyite(Fe2+0.48Mg0.37Ca0.04Na0.04Mn2+0.03Al0.03Cr3+0.01)sum=1.00Si1.00O3Trig.3 :R34.CB.05IlmeniteFe2+TiO3Trig.3 :R34.CB.05PyrophaniteMn2+TiO3Trig.3 :R34.CB.10Bixbyite-(Fe)(Fe,Mn)2O3Iso.4.CB.10Bixbyite-(Mn)Mn3+2O3Iso.m3(2/m3) :Ia34.CB.10AvicenniteTl2O3Iso.m3(2/m3) :Ia34.CB.15Armalcolite(Mg,Fe2+)Ti2O5Orth.mmm(2/m2/m2/m)4.CB.15FerropseudobrookiteFe2+Ti2O5Orth.mmm(2/m2/m2/m) :Cmcm4.CB.15GriffiniteAl2TiO5Orth.mmm(2/m2/m2/m) :Cmcm4.CB.15Pseudobrookite Group4.CB.15SassiteTi3+2Ti4+O5Orth.mmm(2/m2/m2/m) :Cmcm4.CB.15PseudobrookiteFe2TiO5Orth.mmm(2/m2/m2/m)4.CB.20Zincovelesite-6N6SZn3(Fe3+,Mn3+,Al,Ti)8O15(OH)Trig.3m(32/m) :P3m14.CB.20Magnesiohögbomite-2N4S(Mg8.43Fe2+1.57)sum=10Al22Ti4+2O46(OH)2Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.20Magnesiobeltrandoite-2N3S(Mg6Al2)(Al18Fe3+2)O38(OH)2Trig. 3m :P3m14.CB.20Zincohögbomite-2N6S[(Zn,Mg)7(Al,Fe3+,Ti)16O31(OH)]2Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.20Magnesiohögbomite-6N6S[(Mg,Fe2+)3(Al,Ti,Fe3+)8O15(OH)]6Trig.3m(32/m) :R3m4.CB.20Magnesiohögbomite-2N3S[(Mg,Fe2+,Zn)4(Al,Ti,Fe3+)10O19(OH)]2Trig.3m(32/m) :P31m4.CB.20Magnesiohögbomite-2N2S[(Mg,Fe2+)3[Al7(Ti,Fe3+)]O15(OH)]2Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.20Ferrohögbomite-6N12S[(Fe2+,Mg,Zn)5(Al,Ti,Fe3+)12O23(OH)]6Trig.3m(32/m) :R3m4.CB.20Zincohögbomite-2N2S[(Zn,Al,Fe2+)3(Al,Fe3+,Ti)8O15(OH)]2Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.25KleberiteFeTi6O11(OH)5Mon. 2/m :P21/b4.CB.25PseudorutileFe2Ti3O9Hex. 622 :P63224.CB.30OxyvaniteV3+2V4+O5Mon. 2/m :B2/b4.CB.30BerdesinskiiteV3+2TiO5Mon.4.CB.30KaitianiteTi3+2Ti4+O5Mon. 2/m :B2/b4.CB.35MachiiteAl2Ti3O9Mon. 2/m :B2/b4.CB.35Vestaite(Ti4+Fe2+)Ti4+3O9Mon. 2/m :B2/b4.CB.35Olkhonskite(Cr,V)2Ti3O9Mon.4.CB.35SchreyeriteV3+2Ti4+3O9Mon. 2/m :B2/b4.CB.40Zincorinmanite-(Zn)Zn2Sb2(Fe3+4Zn2)O14(OH)2Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.40MajindeiteMg2Mo3O8Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.40KamiokiteFe2Mo3O8Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.40NolaniteV3+8Fe3+2O14(OH)2Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.40IseiteMn2Mo3O8Hex. 6mm :P63mc4.CB.40RinmaniteZn2Sb2Mg2Fe4O14(OH)2Hex. 6 :P634.CB.45StibioclaudetiteAsSbO3Mon. 2/m :P21/m4.CB.45ClaudetiteAs2O3Mon. 2/m4.CB.50SenarmontiteSb2O3Iso.m3m(4/m32/m) :Fd3m4.CB.50ArsenoliteAs2O3Iso.m3m(4/m32/m) :Fd3m4.CB.55ValentiniteSb2O3Orth.mmm(2/m2/m2/m) :Pccn4.CB.60BismiteBi2O3Mon. 2/m :P21/b4.CB.65SphaerobismoiteBi2O3Tet.4.CB.70SilléniteBi12SiO20Iso. 23 :I234.CB.75KyzylkumiteV3+Ti2O5(OH)Mon. 2/m :P21/b4.CB.80TietaiyangiteFe3+4Fe2+TiO9Hex.4.CB.85LiuiteFeTiO3Orth.mmm(2/m2/m2/m) :Pnma4.CB.90LuogufengiteFe2O3Orth.mm2 :Pna214.CB.95WangdaodeiteFeTiO3Trig. 3m :R3c

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  • References for CorundumAb-i-PanjaOrris et al. (2002)Iftikhan of University of Peshewar geology department (dealer at Tucson, 2013)Deer (1978)Woodside et al. (2014)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)Orris et al. (2002)
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    Grant (2001)
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