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OpenJDK >Microsoft Build of OpenJDK

Microsoft Build of OpenJDK

Free. Open Source. Freshly Brewed!

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Available for macOS, Linux, and Windows.

Java at Microsoft

Java at Microsoft spans from Azure to Minecraft, across SQL Server to Visual Studio Code, LinkedIn and beyond! We use more Java than one can imagine.

The Microsoft Build of OpenJDK is a new no-cost long-term supported distribution and Microsoft's new way to collaborate and contribute to the Java ecosystem.


Microsoft is committed to working with industry partners onOpenJDK for the common good of the Java Ecosystem. Our default policy is to upstream all patches when they are accepted.

Microsoft is proud to have contributed the Windows on Arm port in 2020 as well as having made major contributions to the macOS M1 port.

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Eclipse Adoptium

Microsoft has a long history of supporting developer ecosystems and we are pleased to extend this support to the Java ecosystem by joining theEclipse Adoptium Working Group as a strategic member.

Microsoft believes that Eclipse Adoptium will provide a vendor-neutral home where business-ready, Java-compliant OpenJDK binaries are produced and tested by the AQAVit quality suite.

Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

