


Michael Wessel

About Myself

Michael Wessel in 2017Computer scientist inthe Artificial intelligence Center of SRI International, Menlo Park, California.
Doctoral degree in informatics (computer science) from theHamburg University of Technology (TUHH)in 2007, supervised byProf. Ralf Möller,Institute for Software Systems.
Dissertation (PhD thesis) onsoftware architectures for ontology-based information systems.
Diploma from theUniversity of Hamburgin 1998, in Prof. Bernd Neumann'sCognitive Systems Group.
From 2004 to 2013, I was a co-founder,developer and consultant for Racer Systems GmbH & Co. KG, which wasthe company behind the commercial offspring of the Racer reasoner(RacerPro).
Since the termination of Racer Systems GmbH,Racerisopen source on Github.
I am the developer of Racer'squery language nRQL,and of theGUI / IDE RacerPorter.
I was involved in the EU-funded FP7 projectsTONES, BOEMIE, and CASAM.

Contact Information

Name:Dr. rer. nat. Michael Wessel
Residence:Palo Alto, CA 94306, California, USA
Phone:on request
Further Information:
LinkedIn Profile
Google Scholar
I have deleted my ResearchGate profile - I strongly dislike their terms of service and business model.

About These Pages

These pages were generated with a little "do ityourself" content management system in Common Lisp. The pages arehosted on aRaspberry Pi 3.The CMS features a proprietary non-XML markuplanguage. Documents are instances of (CLOS) document classes for which(CLOS) presentation methods can be specified (for example, blogentries are presented differently from galleries).

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