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Salwan Momika: A Global Symbol of Injustice

Salwan Momika: A Global Symbol of Injustice

Salwan Momika: A Global Symbol of Injustice. The shocking murder of the anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic provocateur shows how Quran burnings are part of a global theater of injustice.

Sturla Stålsett becomes the new rector at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society

Sturla Stålsett becomes the new rector at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society

After a thorough and extensive process involving several strong candidates, the board has unanimously appointed Sturla Stålsett (60) as the new rector of MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society.

Upcoming events

MF CASR Lunch with Gard Granerød

MF CASR Lunch with Gard Granerød

25. Mar. 2025 at 11:30
MF Library

MF CASR lunch with Odin Lysaker

MF CASR lunch with Odin Lysaker

1. Apr. 2025 at 11:30
MF library

Disputas: Lina Snoek Hauan

Disputas: Lina Snoek Hauan

9. Apr. 2025 at 10:15
Auditorium 1 and streaming

MF CASR Book talk with Tatjana Schnell

MF CASR Book talk with Tatjana Schnell

22. Apr. 2025 at 11:30
MF library

Did you know that MF is Norway's largest centre for the study of religion, theology and society?

Research at MF

The research done at MF is diverse and covers areas such as theology and interdisciplinary studies of religion and society. 

Research centres at MF:

Research news

MF Excavates the World's Oldest Monasteries
Luftfoto av utgravd kloster i Egypts ørken

MF Excavates the World's Oldest Monasteries

MF Professor Victor Ghica leads the prestigious DEChriM project. Through groundbreaking archaeological discoveries in the desert, researchers are delving deep into the Christianization of Egypt.

Ways of belonging

Ways of belonging

Explore how social belonging provides security and joy. Research from MF shows that belonging varies with individual needs and values.

