Credit goes to Richard Lester, who is much more than an action director and whose erratic brilliance occasionally transcends this material, and to Reeve, who has manfully refused to let on that he is tired of the part (as opposed to the Jedi principals, who phoned theirs in). [17 June 1983, p.D1]
Superman III is the kind of movie I feared the original "Superman" would be. It's a cinematic comic book, shallow, silly, filled with stunts and action, without much human interest.
Synthetic kryptonite laced with tobacco tar splits Superman in two: good Clark Kent and evil Man of Steel as he battles his own morals and save the world once again.
Very much a film of its day superman 3 feels like an easy cash grab for the producers back in the day with Richard Lester bringing his quirky 'humour' to the movie with many odd moments of physical comedy spread throughout. My love of this film comes mainly from the superb lead cast,interesting visual effects and story. The fabric the holds it all together feels extremely kitsch if only it weren't just the result of a terrible film making process. And yet the spirit of the character is there with the standout 'superman vs Clark kent' fight and the interesting sentient computer battle at the finale (which frankly gave me nightmares as a child!).
Considering the standards set by the first two Superman films, Superman III is a disappointment. The story's mythic qualities had worn thin by the time this film was made, so the makers had to rely on Richard Pryor as their audience grabber.
What's strange about the movie is that the best things in it aren't developed, and what Superman and the other characters do doesn't seem to have any weight. [11 July 1983, p.90]
There are two movies in Superman III, one a witless and obvious and often cruel comic strip, the other a blithe and subtle and often amusing exercise in middle-brow camp. Not only do the two halves never come together, they are in active opposition. [17 June 1983]
Every composite shot in Superman III appears to be a careless affront to the willing suspension of disbelief. The flying sequences are a letdown, the cataclysms are a cheat, and even the settings are often exposed as a chintzy hoot. [17 June 1983, p.C1]
I know, I know, I know, You watched Superman III and you think it's a pile of Kryptonite **** I actually like this. I have noticed though that this is a movie that mimics the villain Lex Luthor, instead, the actual villain is stupid, and the henchman is Smart, it's different and odd at times and None of the elements in this movie make practical sense.As If it was from a Superhero comic book.I think this film struggles with the idea of Ironing out elements of the film and interpreting them in a correct manner.You will see things that just do not make sense in any context, but it's interesting though because you probably never see anything like it in any film. You'll know them when you see them, they are literally in plain sight.Not only that, the film spends considerable time on them.So why do I rate this so highly, well out of the three films this is definitely the worst, but it's enjoyable. It definitely feels like a comic book that a 12-year-old came up with when he was in class not doing his work, and that's ok. Look I'm even surprised I'm saying this.The Idea of it all on paper sounds really great, however, the implementation, due to the year it was made just ended up producing something completely wrong, but it's weirdly interesting.7/10, It's an interesting film, not great by any standards but entertaining enough to be a Superman Film to finish a Trilogy.Quest for Peace is Next, oh boy.
PROS: The cinematography is beautiful, and the special effects are above average. The score is still rousing, and Christopher Reeve is likable enough as Superman. The film is decently paced and there are one or neat touches such as when Superman turns nasty.CONS: The storytelling is very clunky for me, while the script is awful. Margot Kidder apparently wanted little to do with this film and if true I'm afraid it does show, while Robert Vaughan is a pretty poor replacement for Gene Hackman and the less said about Pamela Stephenson the better. Also the direction is rather heartless and using Richard Pryor as the source of the laughs just didn't work.Overall, it is disappointing and lacklustre but it is watchable unlike the fourth. Anyway that is another story. 5/10 Bethany Cox
I just think Superman 3 just forgot what made superman appealing in the first place. Sure, it's a better made film than Superman 4, but I just can't handle it, it isn't that fun than Superman 4 is.
While I'm not a fan of Superman 1 and 2, at least they tried to be entertaining, this a lame sequel that has ever made. Is not the worst, is just lame.