On paper, LA Noire sounds like an open-world sandbox fused with an interactive movie, but in truth, it's so much more. It's groundbreaking, effortlessly engaging and utterly sublime. To miss playing LA Noire would be a heinous crime. Simply put, it's a work of unbridled genius.
While the 360 version will not be remembered as a graphic masterpiece, the game should continue to be lauded for what it truly is - An innovative stepping stone into the next generation of strategic gaming.
L.A. Noire is a fascinating interactive thriller that will suck you in with its story. With its fresh gameplay, L.A. Noire stands out from many other games that lack this kind of innovation.
L.A. Noire is a superb adventure game soaked in the atmosphere of the post-WW II Los Angeles. The stocky storyline is held back only by minor gameplay issues, and Team Bondi created the first Rockstar game in which you don't mind whether you fire a gun or not. At all.
In closing, L.A. Noire's ambitions far outstrip its abilities, and it's a frustrating failure most of the running time. That being said, the shooting is exceptional, the occasional fistfighting is functional, and the foot chases are endearingly dynamic.
I only recently watched the movie Chinatown and can recommend that too if you like this game. That prompted me to write this review.One of the memorably best games I have played in many years. The storyline is very well crafted, with nods to many movies, eg LA Confidential and those closer to the era eg the opening screen of the shadowed man on the wall (a hat tip to The Third Man). There are also cases themed on actual crimes of the times. The music score is fantastic. The interviews shine. There is a faithfully recreated setting of LA but it remains an untapped sandbox unfortunately. What a waste. The PS4 version is better than the older PC and X360 iterations. Shooting scene mechanics and graphics were much better. I played this through several times. It’s likely better expressed as a 9-9.5 but will get a 10 here as a tilt, due to the uniqueness and well articulated nostalgia for the era. If only Rockstar would produce another one this good set in the 70s in say New York or San Francisco - you have a ready made fan club waiting to pay full price. Just look at all the people pining for it online!
A decent game that showed a lot of potential before launch. When it did launch things didn't quite go to plan though. The game can get real boring real fast but is still worth a play through.
First off, the design and graphics in this game are very impressive. Everything about it looks good. However, that is about all I can say positive for this title. Once you get past that there is very little holding this game up. The story and characters are incredibly boring. The mechanics are sloppy and slow. Tasks become very repetitive and unrewarding after just a few hours. One can quickly decipher the formula for the correct responses to character interactions.
This game was just boring as hell, AS HELL!! I was very disappointed as i was somewhat hyped about this ,but after a good hour worth of gameplay ,I just wanted to go back to my bed and take a nap. This game doesn't even get interesting until the last chapter, but by then you would have most likely given up playing this repetitve mess overall. And there is Absoulutely no build up too the ending, so if you don't pay close attention, you wont know what the hell is going on torwards the end. Rockstar has already proven that a Logo on a box is not a game make with that crappy State of emergency game, so idk why people blame it on Rockstar, Blame the developers. this game was just too overhyped and idk why anyone would even consider buying the DLC for this Just to play more generic, repetitve, boring point and click missions.
SummaryL.A. Noire is a next generation crime thriller developed by Team Bondi, a new Australian based studio founded by Brendan McNamara, of "The Getaway." L.A Noire is an interactive detective story set in the classic noir period of the late 1940's. It blends action, detection and complex storytelling and draws players into an open-ended chall...