What we’re about
This Meetup group is for all Indians in Melbourne and all others who are interested in Indian culture. We will be holding events like dinner night outs, bar hopping, poker nights, barbecue lunches, pot lucks, cycling events, movie nights, picnics, parties etc. Let's begin the fun!
Please have your real name and your latest display pic on your profile before joining. Users without a proper display picwill not be approved.
Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/IndInMelb/
(4000+ Members)
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/IndiansInMelbourne
(2200+ Likes)
Follow us on Twitter@IndInMelb
(70+ Followers)
RSVP policy: Please RSVPonly if you are sure that you will be attending the event. In case you change your plans, take a moment to change the RSVP status. Please refrain from changing your RSVP status on the last day of the event.
Members who change their RSVP after the deadline, without providing a proper reason or do not show up without informing the host will not be allowed for the next 3 meetups. Repeated behavior will result in membership being revoked.
Any no-shows or RSVP No without a proper reason for 2 consecutive events will be banned from attending future meetups for next 2 months.
By joining this group, RSVP'ing and attending events, members are giving the organiser irrevocable consent to use and post any photos, images, videos and the like taken at any group event
To view all our terms and conditions, please visit the link below:
Note: As the group keeps getting bigger, we encourage more and more members to come up with ideas and suggestions for our upcoming Meetups. Our Meetups are organized by members like you and if you are interested in organizing an event, we would love to hear from you. In one form or another, help is always needed from time to time and even if you would just like to give a hand with something, we would love to hear from you. It's the best way to give something back to our community. Contact us directly through Meetup or send us an email at IndiansInMelbourne@gmail.com.